Bullies, Psychopathy, Ego, and Moral Superiority

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Bullies have low self-esteem, and they love to project their self-esteem issues onto other people. Bullies also have unrealistic negative views of the morals of their targets and unrealistic opposite views of their own morals. Bullies will also end friendships with friends, even life-long friends, who dare to have positive associations with their targets.

Many bullies love to virtue signal and trumpet their own “moral superiority,’ especially over their targets. Many bullies become social justice warriors and moral crusaders, which is all for show.

They purposefully bring up offensive topics and attack others, especially their targets, over differences of values, convictions, and opinions. Realize that the feeling of moral superiority feels good- it feels empowering. Virtue signaling and moral crusading are all done out of low self-esteem and to prove something.

The unwritten message is, “Hey! Look at me! I’m fighting for justice, so, I’m not such a bad person after all!” Bullies will say that the world sucks and needs to be changed, to send the message that they’re better than everyone else. In feeling better than everyone else, bullies get to avoid feeling so crappy about themselves.

And they can violate rules and laws because they think they’re exempt from them, but if they ever see you do it, they’re quick to call you out and crucify you for it. Bullies feel that they can do any damn thing they want but nobody else should have that luxury. It’s an example of the self-entitlement and privilege these people think they have the right to bestow on themselves.

Bullies have highly needy egos, and the ego is the source of bullying, abuse, meanness, and hatred. Bullies hate and want to hurt their targets because, in most cases, their targets are antitheses of them. Bullies want to destroy their targets in the delusion that they would feel better afterwards. But we know that they would only feel better for a little while, then they would feel the need to search for another target.

Understand that bullies are psychopaths, and they love only themselves and have no regard for anyone else. Any morality and ethics they claim to have is only a mirage. They and hate any person who dares not to agree with their grandiose views of themselves.

Bullies are masters at faking the good guys. They lie without a conscience, saying anything they think will make them look good in the eyes of others.

They try to look intelligent, and it may work for a little while but eventually, they end up doing something or saying something to reveal their stupidity. Bullies will flip flop, saying one thing now, then saying the opposite later, thinking (or hoping like the devil) that you’ve forgotten what they said the first time.

And when you have the audacity to call them out on their BS, they will throw a real monster of a tantrum and attack you to try and shut you up. Bullies are in constant need of praise. They expect people to uplift their egos and put them on a pedestal.

Bullies are simply hate-filled individuals who put on a farce of being good, upstanding people to win admiration, and with it, raw power.

When targets learn the tactics of these ego-driven psychopaths, only then will they be able to take back their personal power and send these bullying creeps packing!

With knowledge comes empowerment!

16 thoughts on “Bullies, Psychopathy, Ego, and Moral Superiority

  1. Anonymous says:

    Oh my goodness … this really spoke to me … sounds like my ex and others in my life! It is so spot on … thank you for educating others as well as providing that “validation” for victims of bullies. (… that we do know what we see, feel, witness, and experience ~ as the bullies will and do twist reality.)

  2. 80smetalman says:

    I particularly noticed this with dissenting opinions. If a popular person has a dissenting opinion, then that person is praised for standing up for his beliefs. If a target has an even slightly dissenting opinion, the knives come out.

    • cheriewhite says:

      Bingo, Michael! It’s not the belief being held, the action being carried out, or the words spoken, it’s the person it all comes from that prompts others how to feel about it.

  3. Simone E says:

    What an enlightening, inspiring, and informative read.
    When a victim is able to understand the bully it becomes easier to face them. Since they appear to be powerful and mighty, yet deep within they are helpless and feel worthless.
    Thank you for a great post 😃

  4. Luke says:

    Hi Cherie, this article really made me contemplate a lot about intellectual ego (even including my own!), though don’t you think this article is slightly one sided? I agree with you that intolerance can be a form of bullying in itself (even if our opinions hold validity we can still communicate our point in an unthoughtful way). But it appears you have exclusively portrayed people who highlight the more popular unawareness of society (such as issues with the environment etc)……………as the sole perpetrators of narcissism and bullying? Narcissism comes in many forms……….and its surprising to see you have left out the main and arguably most popular form of it amongst society…………..self focus………(i.e. when we only do the things that appeal to our own wants/desires/impulses without addressing the consequence of what that means to someone or something else?).

    When you read up about narcissism some level of it is actually considered healthy and commonplace amongst psychologists (aiding in self maintenance, happiness etc) but when it is excessive it causes clear problems for the people around that person as well as the person who has those traits……….. though its also actually a very overused and misunderstood definition amongst circles on social media………..one thing we often do as humans (even as educated humans) is fall into the trap of our own emotional bias when defining what narcissism actually is………both self preservation and having a wider awareness of how our society behaves (including the damage that it can cause)………can be perfectly…………and are perfectly………healthy and valid human behaviour…………there is no ‘golden cause’ that holds importance over the other. Just think of the politically driven arguments you see some times on social media, between someone who identifies as left wing and someone who identifies as right wing……..left wingers are typically more culturally aware…………where as right wingers are more self driven……..and either of those subtypes can be obnoxious to each other.

    • cheriewhite says:

      Thank you, Luke. Bullies exist on both sides, I agree. And we all have a degree of narcissism in us- it’s human nature to want to be seen and heard. However, bullies take it to extremes, always wanting to hog the spotlight, talking over people. It’s one thing to want to be seen and heard. It’s another thing when a person is so self-absored that they refuse to have healthy debates and, at least, hear the other side before screaming over them and launching ad-hominem attacks.

      • Luke says:

        I completely agree 🙂 I think that’s one of life’s greatest challenges…………..getting the balance right………….I think if you feel passionate about something……….its easy to get hot headed (especially if it seems like so many people are just completely unaware of a certain aspect out of a lack of caring)………….as an environmentalist at heart that is what drives a lot of my lack of faith in people at times…..because it is like you are living in a world where the majority just do not care…..it just seems that for most of the public it all becomes about very little other than self preservation……..our culture seems to live in a state of a complete lack of balance…….so at times its like “well all the majority seem to care about is themselves…………..so why should I tiptoe around the issue?…………lets just tell it straight”………and I have also had experiences where I have stated factors completely diplomatically and been basically accused of bullying (as many have)………..so I think it can work both ways……….people can just shift blame when you make a valid judgement and they don’t like what you have to say, because it contradicts their chosen lifestyle……which is perceived as an exclusively personal aspect to them.

        • cheriewhite says:

          That’s right, Luke. The world is just so messed up right now that a lot of people are on edge and many of them are lashing out. Thank you so much for your thoughts. 😊

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