Carrie 2: The Rage (1999)

This movie’s heroine is Rachel Lang, Carrie’s half-sister. Telekinesis runs in the family and she has it too. The character, Sue, the lone survivor of the Black Prom in the first Carrie movie, is now the high school counselor. Sue notices Rachel’s powers and she takes an interest in Rachel and, at the same time, is leery of the powers Rachel possesses.  Rachel is also bullied by her classmates and, like her half-sister, unleashes the full extent of her powers in the end, raining fiery justice on her school bullies.

Weakening of a Society

Changing words and definitions is the thing today

Mass mental illness and insanity on full display

The dumbing down of our society took a slow creep

Turning too many people into a docile herd of sheep

The wussification of America didn’t happen overnight

Immorality, hate, and treason slowly normalized and made “right”

Young brunette woman wearing white sweater gagged and tied with duct tape around wrists, facing camera, hostage concept.

Now, they’re trying to normalize pedophilia and pedophiles

I’ll bury them where they fall if they ever touch my child

They promote child porn and sex trafficking

They’re way past due for their day of reckoning

Soon we’re gonna light up the sky

When we make the pedophiles fry

The family unit being attacked and destroyed

It’s where they start to have a nation torn

Schools, colleges, and universities preaching hate and division

All to satisfy the CCP in the name of Communism

Through distraction, destruction, and projection

The Cloward-Piven Plan executed to perfection

Slowly, surely, incrementally, and barely noticeable over time

Was the evil and glee of the haters who aren’t worth a dime

Criminals, crazies, robbers, thieves, and murderers hailed as heroes

Servicepeople, veterans, Christians, and Patriots deemed as zeroes

But there are more of us than there will ever be of them

And we’ll work quietly behind the scenes to be free again

Using Your Traumatic Experiences for Good and to Fuel Success

Space Shuttle starts its mission and takes off into the sky. Rocket with clouds of smoke flying into space

Although traumatic experiences are never good nor fun, they can shape us into better people later and give us the drive and passion to want to help others who endure the same experiences, or, even better, to prevent others from enduring the same traumas. However, it depends on several factors- whether we’ve healed enough, our overall attitudes, and what we’ve learned from the terrible experiences.

Any traumatic experience a person endures can be used for good later and can be their launch pad to unimaginable heights and unlimited success.

Here are a few scenarios:

1.A 13-year-old girl is a victim of a natural disaster. A horrific tornado hits her neighborhood and kills her family, but she barely survives. She is left lying in the hospital for two months, fighting for her life. Because of this, she develops a strong passion for figuring out weather situations and patterns. She gets the education through training, either self-taught or classroom, then later helps to design a weather warning system that provides much longer warning times and, therefore, more time for people to get to safety. Even better, she thoroughly enjoys it and is excited about doing it!

2. A young, married father is involved in a horrible car accident caused by a drunk driver. The accident kills his wife and six-month-old baby daughter but leaves him in I.C.U. fighting for his life. He develops an interest in learning about intoxicated drivers and the effects of driving under the influence, then using it to warn others. Later, he helps many people and builds his success by speaking publicly about the dangers of driving drunk.

My point is that no matter what you go through in life, you have the delicious opportunity to use it for great results later, and to make a difference in the lives of others.

Sadly, past severe trauma can defeat most people, leaving them to live lives of severe depression and self-defeat. And it’s easy to do when you’ve experience trauma so deep it changed your life. Therefore, in no way would I ever judge the people this has happened to because I understand, and my heart goes out to them.

For quite a few years, my past traumas had me defeated. I battled severe depression and lived a miserable existence because I hadn’t yet discovered what I could do with my past trauma. I hadn’t yet discovered my purpose, my passion, and the thing I would enjoy most. I hadn’t yet found my life’s work and it was because I didn’t yet know how to turn what happened to me into something good. In fact, I didn’t even realize it was possible.

Depression Concept with Word Cloud and a Humanbeing with broken Brain and Heavy Rain

But I’m blessed! I found a way to turn everything bad that happened to me into something good- a way to turn my pain into power. And it made all the difference in my battle.

In fact, it changed my life!

And though I would never discredit therapy or medication in battling any mental illness or psychological injury, I can tell you that I was on anti-depressants and in therapy for a while. And yes, it did help, but only temporarily. For me, it was only a band-aid.

It cured the symptoms, but not the root cause.

Again, I’m in no way advocating against counseling and medications because there is a legitimate need for those therapies and many people would be in big trouble without them. And I’ll be the first to tell you that many benefits come with mental health care.

There are scores of mentally ill people who acquired those illnesses due to psychological injuries caused from adverse childhood and life-experiences. It changes the chemistry of the brain and in many cases, meds and counseling are required.

Before I go on, I’d like to provide a disclaimer here: I can’t speak for anyone else who has battled a mental illness. I can only speak for myself and from my own experiences and outcomes.

And I can tell you that, what helped me more than anything, was when I began using my past traumas for the good and betterment of others. I truly believe that turning any past adversity into good and finding your purpose in it is THE best way to dial down the psychological injuries which cause mental illness. It’s how you use it to live a purposeful life.

This has created many positive experiences. And creating positive experiences to balance out the negative is the best cure of all.

So, find a way to use your trauma for good. Develop an interest in and passion for learning about the very thing that traumatized you and tried to defeat you. Learn about it from all angles. Learn the roots of it, the causes or reasons behind it- everything!

Make it not only your purpose but also your joy to help people who either have been or are going through what you endured.

And that’s how you heal the psychological injuries that caused your mental illness and, ultimately, regain control of your life!

Know that you can use your scars to reach the stars!

Bullying Is a Form of Theft- Getting Back What They Stole From You

By nature, children are happy and carefree. Their only responsibilities are to obey their parents and guardians and to complete homework and a few chores. Outside of those responsibilities, they engage in play and pretend, or they’re supposed to.
Bullying has a way of stealing everything that matters from you.

Bullying steals your happiness and takes the joy out of life.

It strips you of your confidence and self-esteem, and with them your sense of safety, security, and peace of mind.

Bullying takes away your dignity and respect, and with it your pride.

Bullying gags you, silencing your voice and overall ability to communicate.
It robs you of self-expression.

Bullying snatches away love and belonging.

It steals your ability to think for yourself and forge your own path in society.

After a while, it tires you out, wears you down, and zaps you of energy.

Bullying steals your childhood and causes you to grow up way to fast. It takes away your innocence and faith in humanity. If you’re a bullied adult, it takes away dignity, respect, and good-standing in a community.

In a nutshell, it robs you of power, of autonomy, and of freedom!


As with anything that is stolen, you can always get it back! And how you get it all back is by keeping company with those who love and uplift you, indulging in your hobbies, displaying your talents, focusing on your goals and dreams, and reciting affirmations every day! You also get it back by working on yourself. You do it by changing your thinking!

Here’s a quick note: I’ve found that when I focus on my goals and where I want to go in life, I don’t have time to focus on any bullying or negativity! Try it! You’ll love it!

I won’t lie to you. It will be tough, and it will take a while. But nothing worth anything is easy or quick. Right?

You’ll never get back the years they bullied you. But if you put in the inner work needed, you’ll eventually get back your confidence, your dignity and everything else they took from you.

I promise you! It’s worth it in the end and you’ll be so glad you were patient and put in the work!

Schmooze it or Lose It: 8 Ways to Schmooze Successfully and Increase Your Likability

Most of us can make friends and be influential. However, when bullies target us, it’s easy to lose our confidence and self-esteem, and, therefore, lose our ability to schmooze, and to exude that je ne sais quoi that naturally attracts people and draws them to us.

So, what is that je ne sais quoi that people covet so much? What is that something that some were born with, yet most can’t seem to put their finger on? What is that mysterious allure these people have that is so captivating that it makes others want to because friends and business partners with them?

Here’s your answer. That je ne sais quoi is called social intelligence. Some may call it charm or charisma. But whatever you call it, it’s something you need to overcome a bad reputation your bullies unjustly caused you to be labeled with.

Have you ever seen a girl or guy, who was, by society’s standards, “ugly as a dog,” yet they had a long line of suitors waiting anxiously to date them? Have you ever known a businessman, who was sneaky as a cat and slithery as a snake, yet could get all the customers and business associates? And did you ever look at these people with envy because you wanted to possess the magic that they did?

I can tell you that I did when I was young. But back then, when I asked my dad how I could go about getting some of that allure, he shot me off my saddle. I was about 14 at the time. This was before he stopped drinking and before we become close again and it seemed my innocent question was an affront to him.

He told me in a scolding tone, “Listen, darling girl, that stuff cannot be taught. It’s not something you can learn. You’ve either got it or you don’t. You’re either born with it, or you’re not. So, you need to accept it and make do with what little personality qualities God choose to bless you with. You’re going to have to cope with the fact that some things, you’re just stuck with.”

This broke my heart because I was already a target of bullying then and I was desperately searching for ways and habits I could form to make myself less a target. Even then, I knew that one had to have at least a degree of persuasive abilities to survive and get through this life. I also knew that bullying was something that held it’s targets back in so many ways.

I wasn’t only brokenhearted, I was crushed. So, I gave up on my quest for a long time and just resigned myself to the possibility that I would always be a target and began to feel hopeless.

Thank goodness that about four years later, I discovered that my dad was wrong and this je ne sais quoi I so strongly desired was, in fact, something people could learn and practice until it became like second nature. And so, I began a years-long quest of ordering and checking out books on irresistible charm and practicing what I learned. And it ended up paying huge dividends!

Before I give you the answers, I must note that, the tips I suggest will never work on your bullies or anyone else who knows you in the bullying environment. I say this because these people already have their minds made up about who you are. Their judgements of you only become iron clad and nothing will ever change their minds. But that’s okay, do you really want to change their minds. And, at this point, do you really care what they think?

Therefore, I’ve always suggested finding a way to leave the bullying environment and going somewhere where you can start fresh with a clean slate. And once you’re in a brand-new environment, you can then put what you’ve learned to good use.

So, what are ways a target of bullying can schmooze successfully and make friends, connections, and allies of the new people he/she meets? Look no further, because here they are:

1. Smile! And by smile, I mean do it authentically. A real, genuine smile is one complete with the crinkles around the outer corners of the eyes. If there are no crinkles around the eyes, the smile is fake.

2. When you’re talking to a person, say their name. According to Dale Carnegie’s book, entitled, “How to Make Friends and Influence People,” a person’s name is music to their ears. Saying their name when you speak to them just makes them feel that having a conversation with you is all the better.

3. Engage in small talk. Never talk about anything deep. Great small talk conversations discuss topics such as the weather, sports, movies, music, and current events (just don’t go to deep on the current events).

4. Become interested in other people and their lives. People always love someone who’s interested in them.

5. Make people feel good about themselves. If your next-door neighbor’s wife has a brand-new hairdo and you think it looks great, tell her that. If a couple in your church has just had a baby, congratulate them and compliment them on how adorable their baby is. Genuine, heart-felt compliments can make someone’s day. So, don’t be short on praises and compliments. 

6. Say, “Thank you.” If your nephew mowed your lawn for you and your yard looks great, thank him for it and tell him what a great job he has done.

7. Ask questions (without being nosy, of course). Ask innocent questions. For example, if your business partner has a son who’s in his first year of college, ask, “How’s your son doing in school?” or “How does your son like college life so far?” Your business partner will appreciate that you thought to ask and he’ll like you more for it.

8. Be kind. In the increasingly cruel world we live in, a kind word goes a long way. Especially for people who are bullied and abused because they’re the ones who need kindness the most. If someone is having a difficult time, give them encouragement. Finding the voids that people have and filling it for them is the best way to make their day and they’ll appreciate you for it. Remember that kindness costs nothing. So, spread it around!

These are some of the best ways to schmooze and increase your charisma and likability. However, if you’re a target of bullying, you might be too afraid to do these things. But you must take the first step, and do it scared, but once you do and the more you do it, the easier it will come to you until it becomes like second nature.

With knowledge comes empowerment!

Notice: I will delve deeper in my upcoming eBook, “Schmooze It or Lose It: Ways to Increase Charisma and Live Down a Bad Reputation”

The 7 Purposes of Ridicule and Why Bullies Use It


Ridicule is indeed one of the most powerful weapons against a target. No one wants to be ridiculed. Many people, in fact, consider death to be a better option. However, we must continue to remind ourselves that there are reasons bullies use it and the number one reason is to contain threats to their status and power.

In other words, anytime your bullies dial up the ridicule, it’s likely because they see you as threat. Maybe they’re on high alert because you somehow give them the impression that you see through their bullshit and that you just might expose them to the rest of the world and cause them to lose respect and topple them from their proverbial thrones.

And now, they must do some damage control. You made trouble for them and now they must jump through hoops to re-enforce their power and control of you. Because, if they can’t have power over you or anyone else, they deem inferior, then who can they have power over? Who else is there to dominate?

Understand that this is how bullies’ minds operate. So, without further ado, here are the 3 purposes of ridicule:

1.To silence you. As I’ve stressed many times before, anytime you report bullying or speak out against it, bullies will turn up the ridicule. They’ll laugh and call you “crazy,” “crybaby,” “whiner,” “wuss,” or other such names. Trust me. It’s all designed to shut you up and give the appearance that you’re weak and they’re still in control and unafraid.

 But they’re very afraid. So, they use something they know is likely to work- and stick.

2. To ruin you in the eyes of others. Ridicule has a powerful contagion effect and bystanders love to join in. And once you get ridiculed a few times, you become an outcast and at the bottom of the pecking order. Once you’ve lost respect, you’ve lost credibility as well.

3. To induce fear of social rejection. As mentioned earlier, many people fear death less than they do social rejection and alienation. Ridicule is the best way to mar a person in the eyes of others. Once a person is ridiculed, people shun them because they fear that if they associate with the target, they may be ridiculed and rejected too.

4. To keep you under their thumb. When people ridicule a target, they’re asserting power and dominance over that person. Ridicule is one of the best ways to strip someone of their personal power and lord dominance over them.

5. To punish you for stepping out of your place. Whether you speak out against abuse, you succeed at something, or outshine who perceive themselves to be the “ruling clique,” in the minds of bullies, you’re stepping out of your place, and you must be dealt with, not only as punishment, but to be made an example to others that this could happen to them to if they get out of line.

6. To keep you subdued. Fear keeps most people subdued and and the ruling clique in power. When you’re afraid, you’re more than likely to keep your head down and go along to get along.

7. To shame and humiliate you. Shame and humiliation are also powerful weapons, and they break your self-esteem very easily. Bullies use these to weaken you and take the fight out of you. And once your self-esteem is broken, you’re least likely to defend yourself.

In a nutshell, ridicule is designed to strip you of power. However, if you see the ridicule for what it is and know the reasons behind it, your self-esteem is less likely to take a big hit and you will better be able to stand against it and let the bullies know that you won’t be jerked around. Remember that this knowledge can be a power all its own.

With knowledge comes empowerment!

Never Ever Be Put in a Position Where You Need Someone Else More Than They Need You


Ever! Why? Because it’s a trap and you set yourself up to be that person’s prisoner and to be discarded once you’ve served your purpose to them. You will put yourself at the other’s mercy. Anytime you allow your world to revolve around someone because you’re afraid that you won’t find another partner, you’re afraid that you won’t find other friends, or you seek attention because you feel deprived of it, you make yourself a slave to others. As a result, you lose your value in the eyes of others. In short, you make yourself expendable and replaceable.

Understand that people have a tendency not to place much value, if any at all, on someone who’s always readily available, who’s always around, and (gasp!) who’s always chasing after approval and human connection. On the other hand, a person who’s rare, scarce, mysterious, and allusive is usually the one who’s sought after.

Hey! I get it, I understand the overwhelming feeling of loneliness and despair when you’re being bullied and being thrown under the bus by others who’ve turned on you. And my heart goes out to you. However, the last thing you want is to give away what dignity you have left and to give these people the satisfaction of seeing your desperation. They may disparage you; they may judge you, they may gossip about you, but let them misunderstand you and let them look down their nose at you. Just don’t let them know that their bullying is ruining your life.

Nine time out of ten, the people who do these things to you want to know how it hurts you. They want to see your wounds. They want to see you beg and plead. They want to see you hurt- and hurt badly, because people who want to hurt you want confirmation that their abuse is working and that they have power over you. They want proof that they can determine how you feel about yourself. Most of all, they want you dependent on their say so.

Don’t give them the satisfaction!

I’ve known women with abusive husbands, who let their abusers talk them into quitting their jobs or dropping out of college. And, in doing that, she gave up her independence and became totally dependent on him. After that, he had free reign to do with her whatever he wanted.

My very narcissistic grandfather did the same to my grandmother when she worked for a T.V. manufacturing plant during the mid-sixties. She allowed him to sweet talk her into quitting her job, promising her that he would provide for all her needs and that he’d be a good husband to her if she’d only quit her job. And less than a month after she quit, he sold her candy apple red, ’66 Ford Mustang she had just paid off- behind her back! Right out from under her!

Young brunette woman wearing white sweater gagged and tied with duct tape around wrists, facing camera, hostage concept.

He wanted her to need him more than he needed her. Thankfully, my grandmother eventually ended the marriage.

My grandfather was the same to his oldest daughter, my aunt. He tried to keep her from marrying the love of her life when she was eighteen years old because he wanted to keep her under his roof and therefore, under his thumb. And when she married him, with my grandmother’s permission, but behind my grandfather’s back, he showed up at her new house and physically attacked her.

Why am I telling you this story? Because there’s a point to it and the point is that bullies, whether at home, in the workplace, in any form of government, or at school, want the same thing- they want their targets to need them more than the bullies need their targets.

Bullies in the home want their targets totally dependent on their approval to live in peace.

Bullies in the workplace want their targets to need their approval to keep and enjoy their jobs and to provide for themselves and their families.

Bullies in government, better known as tyrants, want their constituents to think they need permission from them for freedom and to enjoy human rights.

Bullies at school want their targets to depend on their say so not only to enjoy having friends and a good social life, but also for psychological and physical safety.

So, how do we ensure that we never become dependent on another person?

1. If you’re an abused wife, you keep your job, no matter how he may sweet talk you into quitting, no matter how he promises you that he’ll fulfill all your financial needs, and no matter how tough he makes life for you at home, or, if he wants you to drop out of college, don’t.

2. You quietly keep a private stash of money hidden away and keep saving until you can afford to bail out of the abusive marriage.

3. If you’re under the rule of a bully official, realize that the people outnumber this tyrant by the thousands and there is strength in numbers. Find a way to use that against them.

4. If you’re a target of bullying in the workplace, quietly update your resume and begin looking for another job. And whatever you do, find a way not to put the bully down as a reference. And when you find another job, quit!

5. You make friends outside the bullying workplace or school. Just because your bullies and others at work don’t value you doesn’t mean that people outside of the toxic workplace won’t.

6. You may want to take a self-defense class to keep physically violent bullies at bay.

7. You keep your sense of self- continue to value and love yourself no matter how your bullies may mistreat you and degrade you.

Although you can never control how others see you or how they behave toward you, you can control how you see and treat yourself and you do have a choice of whether to keep them in your life or kick them out of it. Remember that your thoughts are free, and you choose the way you think of yourself. You control how you see yourself.

No one deserves to live, work, or learn in an unsafe environment. You’re well within your rights to walk away and never look back, or to at least, make changes that benefit you until you can walk away.