What’s the Difference between Bitterness and Acknowledgement of Past Victimization?

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Telling you to “get over it” is typical of bullies. The reason they tell you this is to shame and to silence you. In telling you to “let it go,” bullies make you out to be unstable or a drama-filled person who carries a grudge and can’t leave the past behind.

I don’t hate my classmates. I thank them. Because if it weren’t for my classmates, I might have never found my niche and the thing I enjoy doing the most. In their torment of me all those years ago, they inspired me to become a champion for the bullied, an author of 4 books, and a blogger whose niche is bullying. So, I thank them from the bottom of my heart. In truth, I can never thank them enough.

Here’s the thing. There’s a difference between holding a grudge and accepting that you suffered abuse. You can acknowledge what happened without holding onto bitterness and hate.

Grudges, bitterness, and hate – unhealthy

Grudges are unhealthy. A person who carries a grudge has anger, resentment, and hate boiling inside them and will often seek revenge. A grudge-holder handles any past victimhood he suffered in very destructive ways.

People who hold grudges only let the past hold them back from growing, from enjoying new friendships and relationships with others, and from success. Because a grudge holder carries so much anger and bitterness, they only repel people who would be potential friends and partners. They only attract more negativity and adversity into their lives.

Acknowledgment of Past Victimization – healthy

On the other hand, acknowledging or accepting prior victimization and how it hurt you is one of the healthiest things you can do. The person who does this doesn’t hold a grudge and doesn’t hate the people who abused her. She only feels sorry for them.

Survivors who accept the past realize that there can be valuable lessons learned from being a past target of bullying and abuse and often use it as their rocket fuel. Like I have done, they do years of research into bullying and into bullies’ mindsets and the victims they select. They consistently search for answers as to why bullies bully, what bullies look for in victims, and much, much more.

They then speak out about their experiences and the pain they suffered to bring awareness to the world- consciousness that, yes, such evil does exist. A former victim who accepts the past freely talks of and spreads awareness of bullying and abuse only grows and acquires wisdom. She then uses that wisdom to reach out to others who endure the same or prevent others from experiencing the same pain.

You would be surprised how rewarding this is to a survivor. Through using past pain for good, many survivors have achieved healing and gotten closure. Also, these people often make fulfilling and life-long friendships and connections through their work toward their cause.

Expect your old tormentors to come for you if you raise awareness.

Sadly though, it’s easy to get these two things confused. Former classmates from school have accused me of being bitter and full of hate. They have blasted me for having the gall to speak out and write about the brutality and the vile and downright devilish behavior they displayed years ago. Luckily, I see right through them.

‘You see? Even years after the fact, abusers despise it when you take the pain they caused you in the past and turn it into something that can help people. And when you take something that was meant to defeat you and turn it into something that helps others and only makes you stronger, oh man, do they hate that!

All that time, they tried to tear you down! All that combined effort! And still! You didn’t drown! You only took it and turned it into something positive, and all that work they put forth to bury you ended up wasted! Understand that bullies become furious when they realize they weren’t able to destroy you.

Anytime you speak out about any past abuse you suffered, it should be not only accepted but expected that your old tormentors will come for you, telling you to get over it. Not only are they angry at you because you didn’t crash and burn, but they’re also very much afraid that you’ll expose them somehow or that you’ll succeed. Don’t take it personally.

Instead, take it as confirmation of their guilt- as proof that they were and still are the ones who have the problem. When old bullies bash you for speaking out, they only out themselves. Don’t let them silence you, nor allow them to stop you from reaching out to those who need to hear your story because you might end up saving a life!

Turn your pain into power! Be a friend and advocate for the bullied!

With knowledge comes empowerment!

13 thoughts on “What’s the Difference between Bitterness and Acknowledgement of Past Victimization?

  1. Beth W. says:

    I needed to hesr this today. I have gotten a couple nasty messages on my site, the latest one yesterday, that said pretty much the exact thing you are talking about….”Get over it.”, along with some other not so nice things. I am pretty sure it is my narcissist ex or his new supply. I appreciate your messages of strength and empowerment. It helps me to keep on keeping on. Thanks again and have a wonderful day 😊

    • cheriewhite says:

      Thank you so much, Beth! I’m so sorry you’re being stalked and harassed online! It’s apparent that your narcissist and their flying monkey’s don’t have a life and they have serious issues! I’m so proud of you for handling it so well. Sending you lots of love! 💖🌺🌹

  2. Stella Reddy says:

    Great post Cherie, and I for one am glad you used your experience to help others, as I know you helped me quite a bit the past few years. Thank you!

  3. 80smetalman says:

    I concur with everything you have written here. In my case, I fear that if my former bullies deduce that I was talking about them, some of them would try to sue me.

    • cheriewhite says:

      I can relate, Michael. I’m sure that my classmates WANT to sue me but they haven’t yet. The book’s been out for five years so I think that if they were going to sue, they would’ve done it by now. 😁😁😁

  4. Frank Garry says:

    Am glad to get a response back from you, I was looking for an old friend of mine when i ran into your profile, I could not get my eyes of it that was how i sent you a friend request so we could share more about each other, if you don’t mind.Hope to read back from you soon.

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