9 Reasons I’m Thankful for My Bullies

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I know you’re scratching your head on this one. “Why,” you ask. It’s because they taught me things I never would’ve learned otherwise. And they showed me things that, although weren’t pleasant, were things I would need to know later.

1. They showed me the kind of person I never want to be.

2. They showed me the ugliest side of human nature.

3. They showed me the level of evil humans are capable of.

4. They showed me the types of people I don’t need nor want in my life.

5. They showed me the types of people to always avoid.

6. They showed me what signs to watch out for.

7. They gave me the determination to love myself and to go after what I want in life.

8. They molded me into a good judge of character.

9. They taught me the value of true, genuine friendships and to take no one for granted.

Yes. Although they were brutal people, and none of the bullying they dished out was fun by any stretch of the imagination, my bullies in school taught me all these things. And I hold these takeaways close to my heart today.

It’s hard to look for the silver lining while people are bullying you. However, once you get away from your bullies and the torment is over, not only do you regain a renewed sense of hope, but you also see so much clearer the lessons in what you had to endure.

With knowledge comes empowerment!

46 thoughts on “9 Reasons I’m Thankful for My Bullies

  1. Anonymous says:

    OMG. You nailed it again. You are so right on every account. Instead of asking “why me/” Ask “why not me?” Little do bullies know that they are giving a priceless gift. Thank You!!!!!

  2. Arun Singha says:

    I am thankful for what ever has happened, for whatever be the great Bully is doing, but I am a free man. My mind is still
    I am powerful.
    She is wicked and fool.
    My eyes are opened now.

  3. Kym Gordon Moore says:

    Cherie, I too thank all of those folks who mistreated me, abused me. and who ultimately showed me the type of human being I would never ever want to be! Thanks so much for nailing this piece sweetie pie!!! 🥧 Booyah girlfriend!!! 🤜🏼🤛🏼

  4. saymber says:

    Great post! I shared it on my Facebook. Each thing we go through in life be it good or bad has the potential to teach us and help us grow. Your post really illustrates the truth of things. One of my young Twitch viewers shared her bullying experience today. I passed this post on to her too. I’m hoping it helps her inside. Being pushed in front of a bus….I want her to see she’s not powerless in what she’s dealing with. Thank you Cherie.

    • cheriewhite says:

      You’re most welcome, Saymber. And my heart breaks for your viewer. Being pushed in front of a bus is not only bullying, it’s attempted murder- God bless and protect her! Thank you so much for sharing this post with her. I commend you for reaching out to her! 💖💐🌺🌻

  5. Kitty says:

    How wonderful that you chose to turn these negative experiences into something so glorious. Very inspiring! Happy your positive energy is in the world, Cherie!

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