9 Reasons I’m Thankful for My Bullies

I know you’re scratching your head on this one. “Why,” you ask. It’s because they taught me things I never would’ve learned otherwise. And they showed me things that, although weren’t pleasant, were things I would need to know later.

1. They showed me the kind of person I never want to be.

2. They showed me the ugliest side of human nature.

3. They showed me the level of evil humans are capable of.

4. They showed me the types of people I don’t need nor want in my life.

5. They showed me the types of people to always avoid.

6. They showed me what signs to watch out for.

7. They gave me the determination to love myself and to go after what I want in life.

8. They molded me into a good judge of character.

9. They taught me the value of true, genuine friendships and to take no one for granted.

Yes. Although they were brutal people, and none of the bullying they dished out was fun by any stretch of the imagination, my bullies in school taught me all these things. And I hold these takeaways close to my heart today.

It’s hard to look for the silver lining while people are bullying you. However, once you get away from your bullies and the torment is over, not only do you regain a renewed sense of hope, but you also see so much clearer the lessons in what you had to endure.

With knowledge comes empowerment!

A Wonderful Book On Bullies & Bullying! — StellaReddy.com

I read this book by Cherie White and it was the first book in many months I was able to focus on. It only took me 3 days to read this, it was that engrossing. The strength of character shown by such a young teenager, is humbling for me to read. I cried […]

A Wonderful Book On Bullies & Bullying! — StellaReddy.com
I’m excited to say that “From Victim to Victor (A Survivor’s True Story of Her Experiences with School Bullying)” was reviewed by Stella Reddy @StellaReddy.com. I can’t thank Stella enough for taking the time to read and review. My heart is truly grateful for all the love and support! 🤗💖

Reasons to be Grateful

Gratitude has a way of making life much better- it has a way of taking the sting out of any adversity you may face. It also helps you to put things in perspective. Gratitude isn’t about having delusions of grandeur. In fact, it’s far from it. It’s about realizing the blessings you have and counting them- making you realize that there is beauty in life if you look for it.

I will admit that sometimes, I forget to count my blessings and am not as thankful as I should be, we all get that way sometimes, especially when things don’t go as planned. However, as long as we realize it, we can quickly get back on the right track.

There are many things I am grateful for:

1. An awesome family who is close-knit and supportive of one another. I’m thankful for the love and togetherness we share and that we have healthy relationships with one another.

2. I’m thankful for my husband, Mike. Although we’ve had our ups and downs, we live each other very much. He is affectionate and open with me about everything. He works hard and takes care of me. Best of all, he supports me in my blogging and publishing of my books, which is something I thoroughly enjoy. I couldn’t ask for a better husband!

3. I’m grateful for my children. They have grown to be responsible adults who work hard, lead productive lives, and believe in God.

4. I’m grateful to have escaped bullying and eventually gotten to know my value and the good I bring to the table. I thank God everyday for opening my eyes and helping me to restore my confidence and peace of mind.

There are so many more things on my Gratitude List but if I wrote it all down, the list would be so long I’d use up all my storage space.

What are you grateful for today? Feel free to comment below.

Happy Sixth Bloggiversary to Moi! 😁

Greetings everyone! It just dawned on me that today is the Chateau’s sixth bloggiversary. So, here’s to a wonderful six years of writing for bulllied targets and survivors everywhere. I’ve met so many awesome people here- people I would never have met had I not started this blog on March 7, 2016. I feel so thankful that God has taken me this far and I pray for another six years of blogging and beyond.

Also, I want to thank each and every one of my readers, followers, and blogger friends. Without you, I never would’ve made it this far. So the glory and credit goes to God and to each of you as well!

I’m so grateful!

Counting My Blessings!

Do I have a perfect life? Of course not. But I know without a shadow of a doubt that I’ve been blessed in so many ways- more than I can count.

I have so much to be thankful for:

1.A wonderful family I cherish and a small circle of friends I adore.

2. A wonderful husband who loves, takes care of me, and who I love and take care of back.

3. I still have my health.

4. God allowed me to see another beautiful day.

5. We’ve been super-blessed during this pandemic.

6. My husband, children, and family are healthy.

7. I have a roof over my head, clothes on my back, and food to eat.

8. I’ve gotten to travel and see many awesome places.

9. I’ve gotten the chance to write and publish four books.

10. I’ve overcome bullying.

11. I have a sound mind.

12. I’ve lived to be 50 years old. Sadly, many people don’t make it this far.

There are so many more blessings I’m thankful for that I couldn’t possibly name them all. What are you thankful for today?

A Very Pleasant Surprise!

My fellow bloggers,

I’m very excited to tell you that the Chateau Cherie Blog is featured in Feedspot as part of “The Top Bullying Websites, Blogs, & Influencers To Follow in 2021!” I got the notice via email last night and was very pleasantly surprised.

I’m both honored and humbled.

Although I know very little about Feedspot, it’s nice to get noticed and certainly a chance for more exposure, and more exposure equals more bullied people I can help bring hope to. And I can browse them for more articles to read and bloggers to read about.

But I didn’t do it on my own. I couldn’t have done it without all of you, my fellow bloggers, subscribers, and readers. I couldn’t be more grateful to all of you and I can never express the depth of my appreciation!

I especially want to thank my family: my husband, my children, my mom, brother, sister, and aunt! I love you all so very much! ❤

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