Please Pray for All Who Were Harmed by the School Shooting in Texas

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Know that we care and that we’re praying for you, Texas! 💔🙏

18 thoughts on “Please Pray for All Who Were Harmed by the School Shooting in Texas

  1. aparna12 says:

    I was shocked and deeply pained to know about this tragic incident. My heart goes out to the family of the victims. My heartfelt condolences to them. Words can not describe the pain inflicted on those who lost their dear ones. May the souls of the deceased rest in peace. 🙏🙏🙏🙏😞😞.

  2. valy71 says:

    I pray for the people .
    People are very crazy, the boy was out of head.
    Spero davvero che le vittime possano riposare in pace, non oso pensare allo strazio dei familiari.
    Mi domando come si possa arrivare a tanto.
    Ieri sono rimasta devastata guardando il telegiornale.
    Perdonami, il mio Inglese è un po’ difettoso, non lo esercito da tempo.
    Ti abbraccio forte CherieWhite!

  3. Leigh Roberson says:

    Amen! Absolutely horrific. I will be attending my granddaughter’s 4K graduation today and my heart will be heavy for those families Texas whose similar joy turned to tragedy. Best Wishes! Leigh

    • cheriewhite says:

      Thank you so much, sweetie! We’re all so heartbroken for those babies in Texas! God bless them! Wishing your granddaughter a happy 4K graduation, Leigh! 💖💖💖

    • cheriewhite says:

      I totally agree with you and with your post. Being taught in secular school who’ve taken God out of their program is to blame because we live in a pretty Godless society now! And it’s a parenting problem too, which godless parents don’t discipline their children. Teach a child in the way they should go.

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