No, we Can’t Just Forget the Past — Don’t Lose Hope

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“I did not ask for the things I’ve been through, and I certainly didn’t ask my mind to paint and repaint the memories in the form of flashbacks.” The majority of people who are living with trauma wish they could simply forget the past. But the fact is we can’t just wipe the slate clean, […]

No, we Can’t Just Forget the Past — Don’t Lose Hope

13 thoughts on “No, we Can’t Just Forget the Past — Don’t Lose Hope

  1. Bre says:

    Sometimes, the trauma that we experience is not meant to be forgotten, because when pain creates anger, anger lights our souls and pushes up to succeed-Because we HAVE to right? I couldn’t talk about my trauma for years, but I have learned through all the pain, and the storm that I am still fighting, that there has to be light at the end of the tunnel. There has to be a cliff with the most breath taking view that ones brain can only paint with imagination. Somehow, it will open up ones mind to what you can be- because of what you have been through or the storms that you have conquered. <3

    • cheriewhite says:

      “Sometimes, the trauma that we experience is not meant to be forgotten, because when pain creates anger, anger lights our souls and pushes up to succeed-Because we HAVE to right?” You’re so on point with this statement, Bre! That’s the attitude I have too! And like you, I couldn’t talk about my trauma for years! Thank goodness it’s given me a platform to help others with! And the things you’ve been through can be your launching pad! So, continue to reach for the stars, sweetie! ⭐️⭐️⭐️

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