It’s Okay To Be Picky

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Many times, in my adult life, I’ve been accused of being “picky”- too picky. And my response was always, “Damn right!”

Yes. I’m picky- picky about my food, my pay, my clothes, and, most of all, who I let into my circle of friends. I have my standards, and I don’t apologize for it.

Understand that being picky about certain things is a must. Otherwise, you sell yourself short.

Being picky is just a derogatory term for having standards. It’s setting boundaries. It’s letting others know what you will and will not accept. Most of all, it’s showing that you value yourself and that you know that you’re worthy of better things than the crap life loves to drop into your lap.

Being picky is something to be admired, not scorned.

I want you to know that when people put you down for being picky, it only means they aren’t benefiting from it, and the only way they would is if you were to drop your standards. So, understand that when others accuse you of being picky, they’re only saying it to make you feel guilty.

Allow no one to intimidate or guilt you into dropping your standards. Stay true to yourself!

With knowledge comes empowerment!

32 thoughts on “It’s Okay To Be Picky

  1. Stella Reddy says:

    Totally agree with you! I find I am becoming very picky too, over what I will and not allow, in my life. It’s the only way forward for me to feel comfortable and I won’t apologize for it anymore. Good thing I have a very understanding husband…

  2. Jim W. says:

    I’m the same…because I have taste!! My father hated my fussiness…he used to say I was as “fussy as woman.” He tried, and failed, to make a man out of me. He just made me a damaged man.

  3. Kym Gordon Moore says:

    Oh yes ma’am. There ain’t a darn thing wrong with being picky. 😉 As you so eloquently stated girlfriend, “Allow no one to intimidate or guilt you into dropping your standards. Stay true to yourself!” 🤗💖🥰 Now THAT is another one of your mic-dropping moments kiddo!!! 🎤🎤🎤

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