The Heart of a Winner

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There are losers, average people, and then there are winners.

The winner is set apart from the rest because He/she sees the beauty in everything and everyone. The winner sees every opportunity and will not hesitate to seize it.

The winner remains optimistic even when the chips are down because he/she knows “this too shall pass”.

The winner wears a smile, but at the same time, is true to themselves when storms rage, and will admit when he’s just not feeling it. He knows that the storms won’t last.

Yes, winners have troubles too, only they don’t quit. They either find a detour, carry out a plan B, C, D, or beyond; or embrace it if they’ve done all they can to see change and it doesn’t come.

Winners are resourceful in ideas, resilient in adversity, and stubborn in discouragement from others.

No matter how rough the terrain, he soldiers on. No matter how steep the mountain, he keeps climbing

Though progress and eventual success may take time, the winner will always find a way around any obstacle.

And when he reaches his goal, he will be thankful for the grit it took to get here!

He will look back on all the obstacles he faced along the way. He’ll look back down at the valleys from the pinnacle on which he stands and say it was all worth it!

For it is the struggle that made the prize so much more valuable and meaningful!

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