78 thoughts on “Peace and Quiet

  1. Jim Wingrove says:

    That is the goal. I like parks…always fewer bullies where there is peace and quiet 👍👍😎😎🙏🙏❤️❤️🤗🤗

  2. aparna12 says:

    Wow. What a gorgeous place! I wish I could be there reading a book under the shade of the tree. Superb, Cherie.

  3. anonimix says:

    Clouds got tired of soaring and fell into the pond, little boat for the ones that can’t swim. Awesome photo. It is like an angry woman, silent but says a lot.

  4. Stella Reddy says:

    I live on a Island, a big one, but still surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean. I am content, I can walk a few minutes from my home, and sit by the water.

    • euroktoo says:

      I am from an island too- the smallest one😉in Canada but I work out west and my happy place is near, on, or in salty water! I dream and meditate about it too, Stella- the ocean is in my soul and I swear its waters flows through my veins- you are blessed to get to be so close! i cannot wait to be seaside again!

      • Stella Reddy says:

        Yes, I feel that way too! I can actually feel the ebb and flow of the waves in my blood. I lived in Ontario for over 20 yrs and I missed the Ocean, felt at times like it was calling me. We came home as often as we could. I am glad I got to retire here now and it is working out so well. I’ve spent time on the West Coast, have family on the Island there. I loved it there too!

          • cheriewhite says:

            I’ve got to look these places upon the map. I was telling Stella that I’d like to visit Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island. I’ll add Nova Scotia on that list!

  5. Stella Reddy says:

    Yes, Newfoundland is very beautiful. Rugged and very scenic. Very quiet here too. A fantastic place to retire and recover!

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