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Humiliation and exile. A crowd of people chase a sad person

Hellos and greetings go ignored

Your very existence abhorred

Your smiles met with gritted teeth

As they skillfully keep you underneath

Your humanity they deny

Your life they decry

Your success they envy

Their lives must be so empty

Caught up in wolf-pack mentality

And collective distortion of reality

You feel their derangement

It traps you in estrangement

Their hatred, apathy, and scorn

Pierces you like a thousand thorns

At the sight of you they bristle

Their vibes poke you like a thistle

They all want you dead

Their presence fills you with dread

They see you as a threat

But don’t you dare fret

For not much longer you will face

You will leave that dreadful place

You will go to a different place

Where you’ll preserve your face

In your new environment you’ll blend

And make many a true friend

Your planned escape will right this wrong

So, hold on, it won’t be too long

24 thoughts on “Ostracized

  1. mediarteducation says:

    Dr. Calixto, neuropsychiastrist: “The aggressive people dont connect due the lack of neurons links between the hypocampus and the frontal brain, so they’re primitive. While the creative ones, use all the brain, peacefully-“

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