Break the Rules When Necessary — From Behind the Pen

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I want to introduce you to Kym Gordon Moore at “From Behind the Pen” ( She is such an awesome writer and makes such great points in so few words. Now that’s talent!
In her post, she talks about having the courage to be yourself- to live, to laugh, to love, and do it often. Let’s face it, life’s too short to be anything other than authentic.
There will be people who won’t like you and who will not want you to relax and just be your awesome self. There’ll be people who will resent your happiness, and your loving ways. Why? Because they don’t have what you have.
Understand that you can’t please everyone, so, do you really want to live for them or do you want to live for yourself? I would hope that you would choose the latter because when you do, you’ll experience freedom you’ve never known.
Many times, people will put unnecessary and unspoken social rules on you, but know that those rules are made to be broken, so, “break the rules when necessary.” And be the beautiful person God meant for you to be!

Don’t shortchange yourself today. Embrace life through the breeze of discovery.

Break the Rules When Necessary — From Behind the Pen

14 thoughts on “Break the Rules When Necessary — From Behind the Pen

  1. LAMarcom says:

    “Understand that you can’t please everyone, so, do you really want to live for them or do you want to live for yourself? I would hope that you would choose the latter”


  2. Kym Gordon Moore says:

    My dawwwwwling, you are so divine. Thanks so much for sharing my dear! I love the dialogue, but I credit you for sharing the message. It has reached further than what I did. You are AMAZING and truly kindhearted!!! 🤗💖🙏🏼🌟😘

    • cheriewhite says:

      My pleasure, Kym.💖💐🌹 I don’t reblog often but when I do, it’s because the post really spoke to me and strongly relates to bullying and peer pressure. Your post was outstanding and very well written. 👏👏👏 Keep up the great work, honey! 💫

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