Prisoners of a Strange War

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Eighteen months our hearts have been on lockdown,

It’s past time for a takedown,

Of the powers that be.


Eighteen months people have been self-loathing,

Induced by shepherds in sheep’s clothing,

Bringing in tyranny.


These so-called shepherds wanna empty our cup,

We can either put up or shut up,

Do we want to stay free?

We’re all prisoners of this strange war,

Declared by a cabal of control freaks and power whores,

They’re coming for our children,

Got vile plans for our brethren

They’re masters of destruction,

Partakers of corruption,

Sowers of misery, hatred, and evil,

Puffed up minions of the devil,

With God on our side and truth we can use,

This strange war is a war they’re gonna lose.

A computer whiz posing as a doctor,

In this worldwide test, he is the proctor,

How it ends we don’t know.


He’s only a snake oil salesman,

With billions as his talisman,

Tell him to let the people go.


A 91-year-old former Nazi sellout took

Wall-Street by hook and crook

Bribes elected officials to sow division

By past experience, he knows the playbook

And along with the CEO of Facebook

Against truth speakers, uses derision.


Demanding censorship and our silence

Their hearts craving violence

Against the successful, happy, and free.


If we all stick together, this could be our finest hour.

We can take back our collective power

And make a better world for you and me.

But with untouchable impunity

They seek to destroy our unity

And sow sorrow and strife.


Megalomaniacs drunk on their power

In their basements and bunkers they cower

Seeking to destroy our way of life


With the infamous backroom deal

Our collective voices they steal

They cut us with the invisible knife

Young brunette woman wearing white sweater gagged and tied with duct tape around wrists, facing camera, hostage concept.

We’re all prisoners of this strange war,

Declared by a cabal of control freaks and power whores,

They’re coming for our children,

Got vile plans for our brethren

They’re masters of destruction,

Partakers of corruption,

Sowers of misery, hatred, and evil,

Puffed up, arrogant minions of the devil,

With God on our side and truth we can use,

This strange war is a war they’re gonna lose.

Flying monkeys, lackeys, drones and sheep,

Patsies and useful idiots who are still asleep,

Sow division and hate.


To keep the master’s hands clean they do the dirty work,

They burn, loot, murder, causing a world of hurt,

While in a psychotic state.


The newsman’s message is clear- we must obey

Or there will be hell to pay

They demand our shunning

Drink the koolaid, do like Jonestown and die

We should never question the lie

Or try to avoid the all-seeing eye

It’s all so stunning


 “Follow the science,” they demand and shout,

Promoting strange weapons to take us all out,

They don’t need no gun nor bullet.


How much more will we take?

How much longer will the media fake?

How much longer will we be bullied?

We’re all prisoners of this strange war,

Declared by a cabal of control freaks and power whores,

They’re coming for our children,

Got vile plans for our brethren

They’re masters of destruction,

Partakers of corruption,

Sowers of misery, hatred, and evil,

Puffed up, arrogant minions of the devil,

With God on our side and truth we can use,

This strange war is a war they’re gonna lose.

How long before we say enough is enough?

We’ve had enough!

Put an end to this strange war

Or The People shall settle the score

Let us be

And set us free!

31 thoughts on “Prisoners of a Strange War

    • cheriewhite says:

      Thank you so much, Greg. I think the reason they are on their side is because they can’t get power any other way. Also because they’re jealous and have hatred for anyone who’s successful.

      • Greg Dennison says:

        Makes sense… everything is so us vs. them, and they cling desperately to the powers that be because they don’t want to be associated with the other side, for some reason completely unrelated to COVID restrictions.

        • cheriewhite says:

          They think anyone who doesn’t agree with them are a bunch of “richies” and “trust fund babies.” It’s sad because a lot of people worked their ass off for what they got. And I read that 92% of Radical Ledtist activists still live with their parents and only 2% of them have a job. That says a lot. I understand that people fall on hard times and sometimes they have to move in with parents after things happen that are no fault of their own. Life sucks! I get it. But q whopping 92%? You have to wonder if most of them just don’t want to work.

          • Greg Dennison says:

            Exactly. To be fair, though, out here most of them can’t afford to move out on their own. But that just pours fuel on their hatred of the rich. Of course, if they would stop voting for a government that wants to restrict the supply of housing and put all these restrictions on new development, things might be different. You can’t have it both ways.

            And I suspect that for some people, if they really wanted to move out, they could make arrangements involving roommates and having fewer expensive things. In this kind of situation, no one ever talks about how part of the reason living is so much more expensive today is that we have so many more luxuries with attached ongoing costs, like cell phones and streaming services, that are practically considered necessities these days, at least compared to a generation ago.

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