Here’s What Bullies Always Do Anytime They Fear that They’re About to Lose Their Power

…especially if they fear losing their power over their targets! What do they do?

Simple, they attack! Always!

When bullies get exposed and are in danger of losing face, and thus, losing their power over their targets, they know they have real problems on their hands.

They know that if they ever lose power over their targets, they lose power over everyone. Then, they become the hunted!

Understand that bullies always target whoever is perceived to be the weakest or has the least power because they’re the easiest prey. Without the target, they have power over no one. So, they launch a brutal and very public attack on the target to re-enforce their power and the unwritten rule that “no one messes with” them.

concept of a mob attacking a person that they think is different

And what better way to contain threats, solve their problems, and assuage their fears than to go on a full-blown, merciless attack? If you’re a target of bullying and your bullies are under the threat of losing their social status and capital, you will be the one they lash out at because bullies instinctively know that the best way to “stay in charge” is to attack someone.

Their followers love it, and they get entertainment out of seeing you get beaten down. At the same time, the bullies send the unspoken reminder to the rest of the people that it’s in their best interest not to defy them. Therefore, it makes perfect sense that bullies will attack rather than risk losing power.

With knowledge comes empowerment!

Prisoners of a Strange War

Eighteen months our hearts have been on lockdown,

It’s past time for a takedown,

Of the powers that be.


Eighteen months people have been self-loathing,

Induced by shepherds in sheep’s clothing,

Bringing in tyranny.


These so-called shepherds wanna empty our cup,

We can either put up or shut up,

Do we want to stay free?

We’re all prisoners of this strange war,

Declared by a cabal of control freaks and power whores,

They’re coming for our children,

Got vile plans for our brethren

They’re masters of destruction,

Partakers of corruption,

Sowers of misery, hatred, and evil,

Puffed up minions of the devil,

With God on our side and truth we can use,

This strange war is a war they’re gonna lose.

A computer whiz posing as a doctor,

In this worldwide test, he is the proctor,

How it ends we don’t know.


He’s only a snake oil salesman,

With billions as his talisman,

Tell him to let the people go.


A 91-year-old former Nazi sellout took

Wall-Street by hook and crook

Bribes elected officials to sow division

By past experience, he knows the playbook

And along with the CEO of Facebook

Against truth speakers, uses derision.


Demanding censorship and our silence

Their hearts craving violence

Against the successful, happy, and free.


If we all stick together, this could be our finest hour.

We can take back our collective power

And make a better world for you and me.

But with untouchable impunity

They seek to destroy our unity

And sow sorrow and strife.


Megalomaniacs drunk on their power

In their basements and bunkers they cower

Seeking to destroy our way of life


With the infamous backroom deal

Our collective voices they steal

They cut us with the invisible knife

Young brunette woman wearing white sweater gagged and tied with duct tape around wrists, facing camera, hostage concept.

We’re all prisoners of this strange war,

Declared by a cabal of control freaks and power whores,

They’re coming for our children,

Got vile plans for our brethren

They’re masters of destruction,

Partakers of corruption,

Sowers of misery, hatred, and evil,

Puffed up, arrogant minions of the devil,

With God on our side and truth we can use,

This strange war is a war they’re gonna lose.

Flying monkeys, lackeys, drones and sheep,

Patsies and useful idiots who are still asleep,

Sow division and hate.


To keep the master’s hands clean they do the dirty work,

They burn, loot, murder, causing a world of hurt,

While in a psychotic state.


The newsman’s message is clear- we must obey

Or there will be hell to pay

They demand our shunning

Drink the koolaid, do like Jonestown and die

We should never question the lie

Or try to avoid the all-seeing eye

It’s all so stunning


 “Follow the science,” they demand and shout,

Promoting strange weapons to take us all out,

They don’t need no gun nor bullet.


How much more will we take?

How much longer will the media fake?

How much longer will we be bullied?

We’re all prisoners of this strange war,

Declared by a cabal of control freaks and power whores,

They’re coming for our children,

Got vile plans for our brethren

They’re masters of destruction,

Partakers of corruption,

Sowers of misery, hatred, and evil,

Puffed up, arrogant minions of the devil,

With God on our side and truth we can use,

This strange war is a war they’re gonna lose.

How long before we say enough is enough?

We’ve had enough!

Put an end to this strange war

Or The People shall settle the score

Let us be

And set us free!

Why People Bully

Someone came to me with a burning question that I used to ask all the time. I am certain that millions of people worldwide have asked the same question, “Why do People Bully?”

There are many answers, and they all depend on the individual bully.

1. Spoiled, Coddled, Narcissistic bullies.

These kinds of bullies bully because they are arrogant and overconfident. They truly believe that they are superior to and better than anyone else and will stop at nothing to let you know who’s boss. They are self-entitled, self-serving, and have no empathy.

With people such as these, the ends always justify the means. They do everything possible to keep the spotlight on themselves and hog all the attention. They consider themselves highly privileged.

These people are also jealous of anyone who outshines or outdoes them in any way because they believe that any happiness, successes, accolades, and victories should be reserved for only them.

If you have a talent that brings you recognition, look out! Because these bullies will punish you for it, and they will pull out all the stops to crush your self-esteem and kill your confidence.

You will often find these people in the popular and preppy crowd at school or in the “Good Ole Boy” clique at work. These folks will often be jocks, cheerleaders, and sorority/fraternity nuts at school, or in management or one of their suck-ups at work.

2. Hurting and Victimized Bullies (Bully-Victims)

These bullies bully because they are being bullied themselves either in the home, at school/workplace, or both. These folks feel powerless. So, to reclaim some of the power that has been stripped away from them, they search for someone they perceive to be even weaker than they are and bully them.

These people have a strong need to feel like they have control over something in their lives.

Here’s an example:

A child is yelled at by his parents, then he gets mad and kicks the dog. This is why I call this “Kicking the Dog.”

Also, no one wants to be at the bottom of the pecking order. As the age-old saying goes, “Sh** rolls downhill and lands at the bottom.” So, to stay off the bottom, these types will often find someone else to bully, so they don’t feel like they’re the ones stuck in the basement.

3. Bullies who Are Followers, Drones, and Wannabes

These bullies are to be pitied because they are quite pathetic when you really think of it. They will suck up to the in-crowd (the narcissistic bullies), and all too often, they do this by either bullying those lower on the social totem pole or participating in the bullying somehow.

Many of these people will say, ‘How High?’ when a person from the in-crowd tells them to jump. They often do the dirty work of the narcissistic bullies, join in with them in bullying others, or agree with them.

But understand that these people are only kiss-butts, yes-men, and brown-noses; and are only bullying you or your child for a ticket into the popular crowd or because they’re afraid of becoming the next target.

Different people bully for different reasons. When we can distinguish the reasons each bully bullies we can better prepare and protect ourselves.

It’s Too Easy to Become a Bully When You’re a Target of Bullying

bullied singled out surrounded

It’s too easy! Because after others bully you for so long, you search for ways to take the edge off the pain, you search for a band-aid, any band-aid, as long as it takes away some of the pain, even temporarily!

Many targets become bullies themselves because they’re just plain tired of feeling powerless. They desire to have control over something- or someone! We all want to be in control of something because to have power over nothing is the very definition of hell!

And nothing renders you as powerless as being bullied by everyone. Once you become completely helpless, you’ll start looking for instant gratification and do anything to achieve some sense of power.

You’ll search for someone even weaker and dumber than you to bully and degrade because, in their cruel treatment of you, your bullies have taught you that bullying another person is what it takes and is, perhaps, the only way to achieve that feel-good sense of control and to climb the social ladder. Finding a victim of your own gives you the sense that you’re not on the bottom of the pecking order anymore. No one wants to be on the bottom.

And you think, “Why not? It’s working for them (the bullies), so it should work for you too.”

The problem with this is that bullies are weak, cowardly, and pathetic, and if you bully someone else, it shows that you’re no better than they are!


In fact, it proves that you’re worse because you know firsthand how it feels and should know better. You must realize that no one else would feel any different than you do if it were happening to them. In fact, they may not be as resilient as you are and end up taking their own lives. Their blood would be on your hands!

I’m ashamed and sorry to have to tell you, but I did the same thing during school. Because I felt utterly powerless, I began to bully people I thought were weaker than me. I own that, and I have remorse for it now.

Take it from someone who’s tried it. If you become a bully and attack others, you may get a rush of power, but it will last only a short time. It wears off quickly. Then, you’ll be back to square one and looking for the next rush, and you’ll only seek your victim out again and again because you’ll always feel you must have more! It’s no different than being a drug addict!

And if bullying doesn’t come naturally to you, it will only eat away at your conscience!

I implore you! Instead of bullying people who look like prey, align with them. Become their friend and their protector. I guarantee you! You’ll feel much better about yourself. More importantly, you’ll make a positive difference in their lives, and there’s no better feeling than that!

Knowing that you’ve helped someone and make life better for them is more rewarding than you realize! Knowing that you were possibly the difference that kept that person from ending their own life is a feeling so wonderful, words can’t describe it! I promise you!