A Very Pleasant Surprise!

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My fellow bloggers,

I’m very excited to tell you that the Chateau Cherie Blog is featured in Feedspot as part of “The Top Bullying Websites, Blogs, & Influencers To Follow in 2021!” I got the notice via email last night and was very pleasantly surprised.

I’m both honored and humbled.

Although I know very little about Feedspot, it’s nice to get noticed and certainly a chance for more exposure, and more exposure equals more bullied people I can help bring hope to. And I can browse them for more articles to read and bloggers to read about.

But I didn’t do it on my own. I couldn’t have done it without all of you, my fellow bloggers, subscribers, and readers. I couldn’t be more grateful to all of you and I can never express the depth of my appreciation!

I especially want to thank my family: my husband, my children, my mom, brother, sister, and aunt! I love you all so very much! ❤

You can visit the page why clicking on the link below:


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