You Aren’t the Only One

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Bullies who are seasoned and the best in the bullying business didn’t get so good at bullying you and getting away with it overnight.

No, they learned through trial and error. They’ve figured out what works and what doesn’t. And every time they screwed up and got caught, they never learned their lesson that it’s wrong to mistreat people. They only got sneakier and learned what not to do with their next victim.

Therefore, with each new target, they got a little sneakier, and a little better at covering their behinds until they finally became undetectable to anyone outside the bully/target dynamic. They finally became experts!

Understand that these bullies have left a long trail of ruined lives and either broken or angry people in their wake. Only they’d never tell you about that.

With that said, know that there were many before you and there will be many more after you. You aren’t alone and you’re not the only one they’ve bullied.

I’ve said it once and it bears repeating: If possible, you must find out who their past targets are, then befriend and align yourself with them. I guarantee that you will find out so many juicy tidbits about your bullies and what you discover about them can be used as a powerful weapon!

Always remember that!

4 thoughts on “You Aren’t the Only One

  1. jarilissima says:

    “you must find out who their past victims are, then befriend and align yourself with them”

    This actually happened to me in high school, although not on purpose. It’s a good idea, though, because someone can actually validate your feelings, instead of saying, “Oh, you must have misunderstood. She (bully) would NEVER bully anybody!”

    • cheriewhite says:

      Awesome! You go, girl! I’m so glad to hear of another target’s success with that. Through the years, I’ve spoken to a few former targets who used the “targets band together” strategy and they said the same thing- their feelings were validated. It made all the difference and their bullies backed off.

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