Small Joys Tag

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I would like to thank Iqra Aqib for nominating me for this tag. I am both honored and humbled to have been nominated by someone with such an amazing blog.

Iqra is an amazing writer who posts a variety of stories to blog posts about tech and lifestyle in general. His posts give out such positivity and showcase his bright and positive personality. You need to check out his blog, as it’s simply amazing

Once again Iqra, thank you so much for nominating me for a tag where I can describe things that make me happy.

Do tell me in the comments if any of you relate to the things that bring me joy!

Numbers 6, 8, 10, and 14 are both mine and Iqra’s joys!

Rules and Regulations of this Tag

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you.
  2. List fifteen of your small joys.
  3. Nominate five other blogger friends who bring you joy.

15 small things that bring me joy:

1) Walking the walking trail at my local park on a beautiful Fall day. I love Fall and the beautiful weather and colors it brings. And I love to walk and feel the fresh air and cool breeze on my face. It just uplifts me.


2) Watching reruns of old tv shows. Whether the show is “In the Heat of the Night,” “Matlock,” “Dallas,” or “Dukes of Hazzard,” they really take me back to a time that was much simpler and more carefree!

3) Writing books. I’ve enjoyed writing stories since I was 10 years old and I never got tired of it. There’s just something therapeutic and cathartic about writing a story.

4) Blogging. Blogging helps me to get my thoughts down and is also therapeutic. It brings me healing and makes me feel great.

5) Porch sitting. Again, I love the outdoors, and like walking, porch sitting gives me that.

6) Reading.

7) When someone likes a show I am also watching and I can talk to them about it.

8) Sleeping in: I love to sleep in sometimes. Nothing feels better than a good night’s sleep and waking up when you want to. Sleeping until 7:00am to 8am is LATE for me. I’m usually up at 5 or 6!

9) Ice Cream: Do I have to tell you why?

10) Babies: I am obsessed with babies and toddlers and children in general. They are so pure and are little balls of sunshine. I love to hold them and watch them sleep in my arms. And they get excited when you join them in their playtime. Nothing is more precious under God than a baby!

11) Hiking. What I wouldn’t give to go on a hike. I love a good nature hike and to explore woods, mountains, and other terrains on foot.

12) Camping. A tent, a lantern, a cooler, and a good campfire next to a lake bring me lots of joy! I just love nature and the outdoors. What else can I say? 🙂

13) Swimming. I’ve always loved the water and I love being in it!

14) Dogs: Again, much like children, I love dogs, particularly puppies. How can you not adore them? They are loyal and amazing. I have two dogs and I enjoy playing with them and having their companionship.

15) Skydiving. I’ve skydived one time and found another thing that brought me joy. It’s not something I’ve gotten the opportunity to do again but the next time I do, I plan to jump on it! There’s nothing like the rush you get when you first go out the door and during the freefall! The excitement is unlike any other!

My Nominations:

And BTW, Yayyyyy! I now have a mouse with a right-click button that works and I can now copy award photos from the blogs of anyone who nominates me and post them, so I can officially accept awards without the embarrassment of being unable to post the award photos! LOL

Thank you for taking the time to read this post! Do tell me in the comments if you relate to any of the things that I mentioned in my list!

15 thoughts on “Small Joys Tag

  1. Gauri says:

    I love all these things except dogs because I’m a cat lover and babies….. I can’t put up with babies and they can’t put up with me!! 😂

    • cheriewhite says:

      😂😂😂 Thanks! For a long time I had trouble with it but was too cheap to invest in a new mouse. Tried fixing it but that didn’t work, so I finally broke down and bought a new one. Mouses are relatively cheap so maybe I was just too lazy too! 😁

  2. Gauri says:

    Yeah everyone’s lazy nowadays… I’m lazy to even get up everyday.. It’s like, ‘hell I don’t have anything to do I better sleep!!’😂

  3. Iqra Aqib says:

    Cherie, I was on a little break from blogging and didn’t even see that this got posted! Thank you! Also, just wanted to clarify that I am a girl haha. You mentioned his post so I just wanted to clarify that. Also, I see you also have a love for sleeping in, babies and dogs!

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