“Sticks and Stones may Break my Bones….But Words will Never Hurt Me” — A Cup Of Me

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I was 11 or 12 in high school and I remember the vice-head saying this aloud in assembly. “Sticks and stones may break my bones….but words will never hurt me.” This message stuck in my head because, a couple of days earlier I had received a scrunched up note from someone in my class, with […]

via “Sticks and Stones may Break my Bones….But Words will Never Hurt Me” — A Cup Of Me

2 thoughts on ““Sticks and Stones may Break my Bones….But Words will Never Hurt Me” — A Cup Of Me

  1. Aryan says:

    Bullying needs to stop asap. Many kids commit suicide due to bullying. I was on the verge of doing it to. But luckily I didn’t do it and I am very well alive today.

    • cheriewhite says:

      Aryan, I’m so glad you didn’t go through with it! Becasue you deserve to live just like everyone else! And you’re worth fighing for. So continue to fight for yourself! Continue to defend yourself. And love yourself even if it seems no one else does! Now, THAT’S what you call strength!

      And you’re right, kids do commit suicide and it’s all the more reason why bullying does need to stop. Thank you so much for commenting!

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