Bullying — Gaby Rendon

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Bullying is a type of school violence, the constant and persistent harassment towards an individual, it is intended behavior and never an isolated event. This type of violence could include verbal abuse, isolation, harassment, physical, psychological and cyber abuse. Bullying is the repetitive intentional behavior to hurt, harm, isolate and humiliate a person, this person in most […]

via Bullying — Gaby Rendon

4 thoughts on “Bullying — Gaby Rendon

  1. pascaleshealingjourney says:

    Luckily, bullying is not tolerated as much as it used to be. When I was at school we just described it as teasing. But, yes, there were days when I didn’t want to go to school because of the things other pupils said to me. However we were told to just grow a thick skin and get on with it. Thank god things are getting better even if there is still a long way to go.

  2. SLM1975 says:

    Whenever I would stand up to students that bullied me, they would use my own words against me. When I reported their behaviour to school staff, I’d get “you asked for it”.

    • cheriewhite says:

      I’m so sorry that happened to you and I feel your pain.

      And I’m not surprised! That happened to me and was the same response I got many times in school! Fortunately, now! They’ll never be able to twist my words without me calling them on it! I’ve also written and published a memoir about the bullying, which pissed so many of them off (Hahaha!).
      So I’ve had my say. 😁

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