Not Even a Pandemic Stops Bullying — Sommer Season all year

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I love this post. And it stress exactly what I believe. We need to see this crisis as a wake-up call! This virus should remind everyone to take nothing for granted and that we need to be kinder to each other.

As citizens of the world isolate themselves, and most of the world has come to a halt because of COVID-19 or Coronavirus, I had some hope for the future. Why, you ask? Because if ever there was a time, since World War II, that the world must come together to stop a threat, it is […]

via Not Even a Pandemic Stops Bullying — Sommer Season all year

2 thoughts on “Not Even a Pandemic Stops Bullying — Sommer Season all year

  1. bigskybuckeye says:

    The world has not experienced such a disruption to the routine of life since World War II, I pray we emerge from this pandemic with a new purpose while continuing to care for others through our actions.

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