Real Power versus Fake Power

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There is fake power and there is real power. It’s not the power bullies have. It’s the power they can make you think they have. Therefore, the power you think your bullies have is the power you give them. Everyone knows that, deep down, at their very core, bullies are nothing but incompetent sniveling cowards. Yet, they’re good at using force to get people to agree with them and submit to their whims.

Moreover, by using force, sometimes violence, bullies fool you into thinking you don’t have an ounce of power. But! When you allow people to hoodwink you into thinking that you are powerless, you give up your power.

Realize that the use of force is the only way bullies can have power. They draw their power by instilling terror in you. They cause you to fear their punishment. The greater the power you are conditioned to think these bullies have, the more dangerous their abuse will be.

Additionally, bullies use the fear of retaliation to silence you and prevent you from telling others of their abuse. I’ll say it again, bullies are notorious for using fear and brute force to control you. However, that’s not real power.

Now, I can hear you. You are probably asking, “Well, what is real power?

Real power is power that comes naturally and requires little effort. Here are the sources.

Sources of Real Power
  1. Talents
  2. Emotional Intelligence (how you react to adversity)
  3. The right education
  4. Knowing what others need and want
  5. Street smarts
  6. Physical attractiveness
  7. Natural Charm

One quick note! Bullies may also have any or all these sources of real power. However, they may use them for evil- to deceive and harm others. These bullies are the most dangerous.

Sources of Fake Power

  1. Deception (keeping up an image)
  2. Ultimatums
  3. Gaslighting
  4. Bluffing
  5. Blocking of vital resources (food, water, money, jobs, housing, access to information, silencing of communication, money, etc.)
  6. Control of your thinking, words, actions, movement, etc.
  7. Subjugation
  8. Entrapment
  9. Physical size and strength
  10. Superficial charm
  11. Position on a hierarchy (company boss, socialite, most popular kid in school, etc.)

the fruits of Fake power versus real power

Real power requires very little work. Whereas instilling fear and wielding force requires a lot of effort on the parts of the bullies.

Also, real power fosters trust. It makes people feel safe. While fake power violates trust and the safety and security of others. People feel threatened by fake power.

Real power is earned and acquired based on merit . Fake power is stolen and acquired by deception.

Real power comes from your innate gifts- things that can never be taken from you. Fake power comes from outer gifts, such as a high position in a company- things that can be taken from you anytime.

In short, the use of real power attracts people. The use of fake power only repels them.

Although others may seem to admire bullies, even worship them. However, they do so either because they’ve been deceived, to get something from them, or out of fear.  Fake power is superficial. And the flying monkeys and followers of a bully can evaporate so easily. I’ve seen the downfall of many a bully and the people who follow them immediately disappeared.

Therefore, you must see the bigger picture and ask yourself from what sources bullies draw their power and how they use it. You must ask yourself how much effort your bullies must expend to have the power they possess and what their motives and intentions are. Train yourself to see behind their curtain. Most importantly, you must find ways to empower yourself without taking personal power from others.

With knowledge comes empowerment!

4 thoughts on “Real Power versus Fake Power

  1. murisopsis says:

    Merry Christmas Cherie! A good description of the difference – and one that needs to be repeated over and over until the ones who need to hear it do and understand it!!

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