The thoughts and opinions of bullies are worthless to you, or they should be. This may sound strange to many targets, especially those whom bullies have brainwashed for so long. And that’s a terrible thing. Therefore, if you’re a target who has been conditioned, I’d like for you to ask yourself these questions:
Has it benefited me in any way to measure my value as a person by the opinions of bullies?
Would my bullies be able to hold up as well as I do if they themselves had to endure bullying?
Even on the off-chance that they could, does that give them license to judge me, a person who is enduring something that would break many others?
If we all worried about the opinions of our bullies and haters, the world wouldn’t have even a tenth of it’s population. Moreover, we wouldn’t have doctors, lawyers, writers, comedians, singers, actors, and other such great people.
They all would have collapsed under the crushing weight of anticipated judgements and personal attacks. Therefore, they never would have reached the heights of success that they have.
It’s Not What They Call You, It’s What You Answer to.
The truth is that your favorite rock star receives hate and vitriolic comments over a few lyrics in one of his songs. Even back in the pre-internet days, famous actors and musicians got bags of hate mail along with the fan mail.
Many targets of bullying have an intense fear of being judged and it’s exactly what holds them back in life. Why? Because it can cause you to hold back your feelings. Furthermore, you will allow this fear to stifle your talents and creativity.
Realize that a bully’s judgement is only a reflection of their own fears and insecurities.
This is why you must never allow bullies or anyone else to make you believe that how they feel about you is more important than how you feel about yourself. Never take your bullies’ word over your own. Never allow their opinions to trump yours.
And once you realize how cheap your bullies’ thoughts and opinions of you really are, they will have less effect on you.
With knowledge comes empowerment.
Beautiful blog
Thank you so much, Rajani! This means a lot! 🤗
Aum Shanti
Thank you, Shanti! ❤️ This means a lot.