Interesting article: We think that it is very important that bullies understand that they are weak, not strong. Punishment does not really help (in our opinion) – some might even enjoy being suspended from school, or might enjoy all the attention, even if it is negative attention. What is really important is that they […]
The Psychology of Bullying — Autism Hall of Fame (Awetism Hall of Fame)’s Blog
My daddy, the Christian Marine farmer (built like a tank and literally stared down a bull to save his little sister’s life), always told me that all bullies are cowards. That always gave me courage and power as my sister was bullied a lot and I could defend her. Knowing this is powerful. Thank you for sharing to others.😃❤️
You’re very welcome! ❤️ I thank the writer for allowing me to post it several months back and I’d forgotten about it for several months.
Aum Shanti
Thank you so much, Shanti! 💖
Thanks for sharing this.
You’re very welcome, Michael! I thank the blogger for writing it! I learned a lot!
Thanks for the article and the link related to therapy as it is really the need of time. Dealing with anxiety we require a therapist to listen too.
We absolutely do. Thank you so much for this.
So true that punishment does not work.
I have had my reckoning with it this year through another wise blogger.
And I have learnt from Athena Walker that rewards are good things – or at least better.
When people have their needs met is important.
Tonya: so glad your sister was well-defended and still is.
Justblog07: good point about therapy+time.
😊🤗😊🤗 Hugs!