What if your greatest challenge, is actually your greatest gift? Would you really know your true strenght, if you didn’t have to use your muscles from time to time? What if this traumatic experience crossed paths with you, because your eternal soul knows you can handle it, and that you will grow as a person […]
What if? — What truly matters in life
Very deep question.
Ir sure is, Emmanuel. And the answer is different for each person.
Aum Shanti
Thank you so much, Shanti! 💖
Doesn’t feel like I can handle it. 2 months ago a collapsed lung. I just get over it 2 weeks ago I broke a vertebra in my back. My eternal soul might know I can handle it but my body is not a happy camper.
I’m so sorry. I can’t begin to imagine your pain. Know that you have my empathy and my support.