Trump Card- Peaceful Rampage

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This is an awesome post by Michael LeFevre, AKA 80smetalman. Here, he discusses how the rights of women and girls are being trumped by the transgender movement and also the Islamophobia and racism cards. It’s well worth the read if you’re concerned whether your daughters and granddaughters will get a fair shot in life in the sports and corporate divisions. Here’s what Michael has to say:

No, I’m not talking about Donald Trump, I’m talking more about trump cards in card games in relation to all the things I mentioned in my last post. That post and this one was inspired from a post from fellow blogger Chateau Cherie. I covered the first part of her post last week, when she talked about how she thought that allowing trans-gender athletes to compete as women will set women’s sports back one hundred years. However, at the end of Cherie’s post, she talks about how the Left supports countries who haven’t left the Middle Ages in regards to their treatment of women and that’s the subject of today’s post.

If you want to read Cherie’s article, click the link:

Both are fine on this beach, they’re fine with me

Let me get right to the point, I believe that feminists have allowed the ‘feminist card’ to be trumped by the ‘race’ and ‘Islamaphobic’ cards. I was hoping to feature a comic strip I saw on Facebook a few years back but unable to do so, I will explain it here:

First frame: A man is saying how all Homosexuals should be stoned and women should be subservient to men.

Second frame: A young woman says, “You’re views are disgusting, you must be a Republican.”

Third frame: The man replies, “I’m not a Republican, I’m a Muslim and those are my religious beliefs.”

Final frame: The woman apologizes, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to be Islamaphobic.”

This is the contradiction of the Left, though some could call it hypocrisy. Because the Left is so against Western governments’ war on radical Islam and according to the Left, everything their governments do is wrong, (the Right can be the same way), they immediately side with those the government is at war with. Therefore, they make excuses and even support Islamic countries who force young girls into marriage, treat them like second and third class citizens and practice Female Genital Mutilation. However, if you call them out on this, the Left will immediately call you “racist” or “Islamaphobic.”

My question to feminists is: Why have you allowed the feminist card to be trumped by the race and Islamaphobic cards? I won’t even speculate a guess here but if any are reading this, please answer the question.

Living and working as a teacher in the UK, I have had the pleasure to work along side of Muslim women who also work in the profession. To me, they dispel the Right’s belief that all Muslim men don’t want their women educated or working in a professional capacity. These are the one who the feminists on the Left should be championing. Doing so will bring forth further understanding between the two camps and feminists could be very instrumental in doing this. It’s a lot better than simply branding people who speak out against Islamic or any oppression of women ‘racist.’ But what do I know, I’m a white male!

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25 thoughts on “Trump Card- Peaceful Rampage

        • cheriewhite says:

          Awesome post, Michael! I totally agree with everything you say here. They’re trying to force us and it goes against freedom. God gave free will. Unfortunately, extremist groups, who are in a fringe minority, are trying to take it away. Even more sadly, people don’t have the balls to stand up against this. Thank you so much for posting. 

      • mosckerr says:

        What a person personally believes does not change or alter the facts on the ground.

        Torah Commandments as opposed by Torah Common Law.

        What fundamentally separates and distinguishes Torah commandments from Torah as law/halachot? A similar question separates קידושין from Civil marriages. A Torah commandment does not qualify as law. Law learns by way of bringing comparative precedents, משנה תורה. This comparison by way of similar precedents defines Torah Law: המשפט המקובל – otherwise known as Common law. המשפט המקובל stands separate and apart from simple Torah commandments.

        Torah law and Torah commandments, two completely distinct and separate types of mitzvot. The Torah, for example, commands the negative commandment not to do work on shabbot. Halachah defines this simple negative commandment through המשפט המקובל and learns the labors required to build the Mishkan as the avot work actions which define this simple negative commandment. The brush required to paint on canvass, human facial expressions — completely and totally different than the brush used to white-wash a picket fence. The prophet ישעיה cursed persons who called day night and night day.

        The term Kabbalah most essentially learns from common law. To study the Torah oblivious of common law precedent learning, most essentially separates the Torah from the fraudulent counterfeit books: new testament and koran. These latter tumah replacement theologies base themselves upon a sham supposition premise which announces the false claim, that they base themselves upon the T’NaCH prophets.

        All Torah commandments stand upon a mussar יסוד. This יסוד defines all T’NaCH prophecy. Neither JeZeus or Mohammad understood — their followers how much more so — this most basic fundamental. The apostle Paul for example: proclaimed that Goyim have no obligation to obey the law. Common law or Roman Statute-law he failed to differentiate; a day and night distinction separates the two. Consequently this failure to discern the basic fundamentals of Torah faith, relegates all his letters to gross religious rants, nothing more than rhetoric propaganda.

        None of the new testament writers, nor the koran “dictation by an Angel”, teaches Torah faith – המשפט המקובל\משנה תורה. Consequently both this and that define the worship of avodah zarah, the belief in foreign alien Gods. Gods totally unknown by the Avot and Moshe.

        The Torah commands a negative commandment: do no recognize faces in judgment. Do not show pity to the poor or deference to the rich. The Roman statute law “assimilation” practiced by the Rambam’s code, by the Tur’s code, and by the Shulkan Aruch code places them all upon the bar of judgment. Did their actions ie writing these assimilated Roman law codes of law violate the negative commandment not to pursue the manners and customs practiced by foreign peoples who never accepted the revelation of the Torah @ Sinai @ Horev?

        Torah Law rejects cults of personality. Because these authorities the vast majority of Observant Jews learn and respect, like my mother used to say to me as a child … “If Joe jumps off the roof and breaks his leg, does that mean that you too should jump of the roof and break your leg?” The negative commandment not to pursue or follow the customs of people who reject the Torah revelation – this Case – has a rule: the 2nd Commandment of the Torah revelation @ Sinai. Torah common law/משנה תורה\המשפט המקובל — Torah law/RULE judges all the 613 commandments/CASES.

        Herein separates and distinguishes Torah commandments: CASES from Torah law: משנה תורה/המשפט המקובל – RULE. All Torah law bases itself upon a common law system of reaching a din/conclusion by means of similar precedents. Roman Statute Law, the law practiced by the 3 famous Codifications of Halachah questioned, these latter codes base their legal rulings NOT upon common law Jewish logic but rather Roman statute law Greek logic. Therefore these codes of Halachah exist, in my opinion, on the exact same plane of tumah as an idol that people bow down and worship as JeZeus. The latter foreign God, too worshiped as a Cult of Personality – a direct violation of Torah Law.

  1. Infidel753 says:

    There are increasing numbers of feminists who are not kowtowing to trans ideology. The problems go far beyond sports, after all; the ideology has also led to putting males sex criminals in women’s prisons (with predictable results), surgical and hormonal “transing” of minors which does irreversible damage, etc. Here is a feminist forum site which focuses on these questions.

    I can understand if you prefer to avoid politics, but trans ideology and its effects are really more of a social issue, and their preferred tactics against dissenters certainly fall under the heading of bullying.

    As to Islam and its hostility to women’s equality (and other reactionary social effects), LeFevre is right that the political left is pretty much useless. However, if you look more at specifically atheist blogs and sites, you’ll get a different picture; many are well aware of the dangerous character of Islam. In my experience, some of the toughest-minded and most courageous atheists are former Muslims who repudiated Islam. Atheist leaders like Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens have spoken out very forcefully on the subject.

    LeFevre mentions having met Muslims who are not notably misogynistic or otherwise reactionary. That just means that many Muslims don’t adhere very strictly to the real rules and taboos of Islam, just as there are many Christians who don’t adhere strictly to the prescriptions of Christianity. In any culture, there is a wide range of variation among individuals. In the Middle East, the percentage of people who describe themselves in surveys as “not religious” is similar to the percentage in the US (in Iran it’s higher), even if the nature of the regimes there makes it unwise to speak out as openly as atheists in the West do. The UK is far more secular than the US, and as the immigrant-descended Muslims there assimilate, many are becoming more modern in outlook and leaving the extremist and misogynistic aspects of Islam behind. Those aspects are still part of real Islam, though.

  2. LAMarcom says:

    Me Padre used to have His favorite saying:

    “A Gum-Chewing Girl, and a Cud-Chewing Cow:
    Yet Their Expressions are different somehow.

    Oh Yes! I see it now!


    The intelligent expression on the face of the cow.”’
    “Instant Chili!”

    Just tryin’ To Make yu Laugh! Dear Friend, Cherie


    I probably have failed!

    *Heavy sigh*

  3. Dawn Pisturino says:

    I worked with trans people (patients) as both a medical nurse and a psychiatric nurse. The common denominator was a deep self-loathing which led people to want to radically change their identities. Some of them who changed their genders still could not like or accept themselves, so they were still miserable. People who cannot accept themselves or the realities of life will always be unhappy and miserable, no matter what drug they use, activities they engage in, or identities they adopt. But society is wrong to allow a tiny minority of people to control the narrative and bully the rest of us. These people are being exploited for political ends.

    • cheriewhite says:

      You’re absolutely right about everything you mentioned here, Dawn. It all comes down to self-loathing and the trying to control things they can do nothing about, which is the sources of their anger and rage. And if they can’t get happiness from the inside, they’ll never be happy because happiness never comes from the outside. And drugs aren’t a magic cure. They help in cases of chemical imbalances but that’s it. Sometimes it’s all about mind over matter and it’s a shame I didn’t learn that until my mid to late thirties.

      And you really hit a big truth when you said that, “society is wrong to allow a tiny minority of people to control the narrative and bully the rest of us. These people are being exploited for political ends.” Because this so dead on. These people are being used and the sad thing is that they’re too gullible to realize it! Thank you so much for your comment! I’m so proud of you for saying what needs to be said! 💖🌺🌹

  4. Green Eagle says:

    I would like to give a different interpretation of what you are seeing here. In the United States, and increasingly in Europe, we see right wing positions being massively funded by sociopathic billionaires. These billionaires, and the politicians they own, obviously do not give a damn about abortion, homosexuality or anything else besides their ability to consume ever more of the world’s wealth. These right wing cultural positions are nothing but a way to manipulate their base into going along with this theft. The same thing is happening in the Arab world, with extreme Islamic positions being supported by cynical oil billionaires who really do not care a bit about supposed Islamic values, but only about maintaining their wealth and control. They use their money, as do the rich on the right, to force the people of the world to accept whatever suits their interests, and hundreds of millions, on the right and on the supposed left, fall for the propaganda.

    • alphaandomega21 says:

      Quite so. It is all about the money ultimately, money and power. Distract the masses, pinch their health, wealth and anything elth!!!

      But they are all left and right wing, Nazi and Marxist. Both groups arose from Germany. Look at the names of those billionaires and the Germanic links. Germany has serious problems and wants to rule the world.

      • cheriewhite says:

        I agree! It’s on both sides! Remember that the left and right winds belong to the same bird! It’s not a party problem, it’s a psycopathy problem! And you could say the same about Russia and China. It’s all a hunger for power and dominance.

  5. Bahadursingha says:

    Conversations with the Heart
    your heart talks.Let me use the pronoun ‘he’ for the heart.Do you talk to him ? Your heart understands your language. Do you understand his language ?Your heart is always ready to have harmonious conversations with you. Are you ? Your heart feels your feelings.Do you feel the feelings of the heart.? Your heart gives you the vital force to your life. Your heart gives you the power of thinking , the power of memory and the power of imagination. You are whatsoever you are is because of the heart. Your heart is the god of your existence.You live as long as your heart supports you.Do you know these things ?Inspite of knowing all these things ,if you don’t pay attention to your heart,what kind of man should you be called? You are so busy in your marketplaces that you don’t find time to think about your heart . You have become so learned that you think yourself all in all .You have become so wealthy and prosperous that you think you can purchase anything from the market. Such thoughts are the ephemeral outcomes of the mind .Such thoughts cause suferings ,pains ,diseases and hell .Such things occure because you don’t understand the language of the heart. The heart sends indications ,signs ,intuitions ,information and warnings ,sometimes silently and sometimes roaringly ,to you ,but ,you don’t understand anything and fall prey to the heart attack and all kinds of sufferings . Educate your heart .Know your heart .Learn the art of understanding your heart .Learn the art of giving respect to your heart .Learn the art of worshipping your heart. Since your heart is the god of your life, he will undoubtedly rain blessings of health ,harmony and happiness . Mangod Power is all about fulfilling the same purpose.

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