The Empowered Target

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You drummed your propaganda into my head

You attempted to fill me full of fear and dread

You thought you’d forever put me to sleep

By filling my ears with your words so cheap

But I eventually stirred, yawned, and awoke

Eventually released myself from your yoke

Got rid of your anchor and changed my berth

On that blessed day when I realized my worth

Into my life great blessings began to flow

Fresh blessings and opportunities knocked at my door

I transcended your pettiness

I scoffed at your wretchedness

Rose above your abuse

This battle I didn’t lose

Your pathetic attempts to project

No longer have their previous effect

I smirk at your buffoonery

I laugh at your douchebaggery

I scoff at your attempts to verbally batter

Because your views no longer matter

Do what you say you’ll do if you dare

What you’re going to do, I don’t care

24 thoughts on “The Empowered Target

  1. aparna12 says:

    Fantastic, brilliant poem, bravo, well done, Cherie! This poem conveys such a powerful message. ♥️♥️♥️♥️

  2. Ellie Thompson says:

    Great poem, Cherie. You have a natural talent as a poet. Thank you for your courage and encouragement to others who know how it feels to be bullied. I know it’s helped me in the time since I’ve known you here at WordPress. Xx 😊💐💖

    • cheriewhite says:

      Thank you so much, Ellie! 💖 💐🌹 It’s amazing people like you who encourage me to write and I’m so glad this had helped you! It’s always my pleasure! 😍🤗 Sending you lots of love and we’ll wishes!

  3. Kym Gordon Moore says:

    Whoa girlfriend, you slam-dunked this poem! 🤾🏼‍♀️🏀🏀🏀🤾🏼‍♂️ Don’t mess with Cherie! 😜😲😝🤣😁 I love your awesomeness! Mic drop!!! 🎤🎤🎤

        • cheriewhite says:

          Thank you so much, Kym! Right now, I’m also having problems with my blog. For whatever reason, wordpress isn’t letting me like posts today and for the last few weeks, it isn’t letting me follow new sites I like. I’m chatting with support now. Love you, girl. If you don’t see me for a while, you’ll know why. Thank you so much, sweetie! God bless you! 💖🌹🌺🌻💐

          • Kym Gordon Moore says:

            That is so weird Cherie, because I actually have to search for your posts and comments. And now that you mention it, it has been a few weeks since this has been going on. I sure do hope they can get you squared away. Take a deep breath because like everything else, this too shall pass. Just hang in there girlie! 🤗💖🥰🦋😘🎉😍💋🥳💞

          • cheriewhite says:

            Wow! I’m not showing up in Reader either? That is weird, girl! I’m so sorry you’ve had to search me out. Know that I’m doing everything I can to stay in touch with tech support and get this fixed.

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