Side Chick Bullies- What They Don’t Realize

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Through the years, I’ve witnessed the suffering of many wives whose husbands left them for a “side chick.” I’ve also overheard these mistresses brag about wrecking marriages and breaking up a family.

Many of these lowlife women will add insult to injury by harassing the wife and attacking her ability to keep her husband satisfied. They’ll unashamedly and loudly boast that men cheat on their wives and girlfriends with girls like them. Yes, many of these women will continue to be catty and bully the wife. But! There’s a lot that these home-wrecking little she-bullies don’t think about.

And if you’re one of these bullied wives or girlfriends, here are a few things I want you to realize. And you just might feel some justice:

1.With these evil women, it’s not about love, it’s really about power.

Many of these women will get their thrills simply from the fact they destroyed someone else’s happy home. Understand that it isn’t about any love they have for the man, it’s about the power rush they get from taking him. Realize that this is, more than likely, the only power they have.

2. If he’ll cheat on his wife, he’ll cheat on the mistress eventually.

Yep! My grandmother told me when I was a teen, when a neighbor down the street cheated on his wife and it was discovered. She said, “If a man will cheat on his wife or girlfriend, he’ll cheat on you too later on.” I never forgot that little nugget of truth. Sadly, the girls who brag about wrecking other people’s marriages never think about this.

3. They will never be able to trust the man.

Even if they succeed in getting the man to marry them, these women will never be able to trust them. This goes back to number two. He cheated on his wife. So, who’s to say he won’t cheat on her too?

In the back of her mind, the mistress and now, new wife, already knows this. This is why she’ll always be suspicious of other women. She’ll be constantly checking his phone, his social media. She’ll forever be feeling paranoid that another woman just might do the same to her that she did to the first wife.

And, you know what? It’s exactly what happens. He usually does end up cheating on her too!

4. By dating a married man, they end up playing second fiddle.

Ouch! ‘Doesn’t feel too good, does it? But that’s the reality. When a woman dates someone else’s husband, she picks up his wife’s sloppy seconds. In that, she sets herself up to be last choice in a man’s life. She settles from the crumbs under the table rather than the full meal at the table. Pathetic, isn’t it?

5. The cheating husband won’t leave his wife.

The mistress ends up wasting many years courting a man who doesn’t value her. Instead of finding a man of her own, who would love her, she settles for a man who uses her like a rag. In many cases, the cheating husbands often discard the mistresses to go back to their wives. And the mistress ends up not only devastated, but also looking and feeling like a total fool, which is exactly what she deserves.

6. When a woman dates someone else’s husband, it really means that she doesn’t think she can ever find one of her own.

It means that she’s jealous of the marriage and of the wife. In that, she makes herself inferior to the wife regardless of whether she succeeded in destroying the marriage. Here’s what you should ask yourself. Are these women even on the wife’s level? Trust me when I say that the wife is on a much higher level than the mistress even will be.

But wait! Here’s the real kicker: Most females wouldn’t even think about wearing under woman’s underwear but if a girl sleeps with another woman’s husband or boyfriend, she might as well be. Ewww!

There’s no dignity in being a side chick. If you’re a wife who’s been left and is now being bullied by your husband’s side-chick or new girlfriend, realize that the other woman may think she’s won, but she’s only reduced herself to the lowest common denominator. She has cheapened herself. She’s eating your leftovers. And she’s either settling for last place, or for a man she can never trust. It sure sucks to be her, doesn’t it?

With knowledge comes power.

16 thoughts on “Side Chick Bullies- What They Don’t Realize

  1. Simone E says:

    Well written post, which is sadly very true in our society. I liked how you pointed out that the husband will never be trusted again since this behavior will certainly continue and he will cheat on his new mistress too..
    This is a concept which is imperative that many know- and that the wives should feel that they aren’t the problem, but the mistress is the one who’s the bully..
    I enjoyed reading! Btw I love the visuals you insert, adds life to your words 😊

    • cheriewhite says:

      Oh, I’m so sorry your mother went through such heartache! And I know you wanted to go tell that bag of rubbish that did that to your mom a thing or two! I look at it like this, if the woman got him, she should be happy and leave the first wife the hell alone. I think I’d want to fight that woman! But that’s just me. It’s said that few men are worth fighting over and the ones who are, you don’t have to. However, if she kept bullying me and didn’t leave me alone, then I’d fight because I’d be fighting over myself, not over him.

      Give your mom big hugs from yours truly! 💖💐🌹🦋

  2. 80smetalman says:

    It doesn’t just happen to women. While the man my first wife thought was “Mr. Wonderful” compared to me never acted like any of the women in your post, it still didn’t feel good and I got the last laugh. He left her for somebody else after a year and a half by that time, I was in a happy relationship.

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