Reasons to be Grateful

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Gratitude has a way of making life much better- it has a way of taking the sting out of any adversity you may face. It also helps you to put things in perspective. Gratitude isn’t about having delusions of grandeur. In fact, it’s far from it. It’s about realizing the blessings you have and counting them- making you realize that there is beauty in life if you look for it.

I will admit that sometimes, I forget to count my blessings and am not as thankful as I should be, we all get that way sometimes, especially when things don’t go as planned. However, as long as we realize it, we can quickly get back on the right track.

There are many things I am grateful for:

1. An awesome family who is close-knit and supportive of one another. I’m thankful for the love and togetherness we share and that we have healthy relationships with one another.

2. I’m thankful for my husband, Mike. Although we’ve had our ups and downs, we live each other very much. He is affectionate and open with me about everything. He works hard and takes care of me. Best of all, he supports me in my blogging and publishing of my books, which is something I thoroughly enjoy. I couldn’t ask for a better husband!

3. I’m grateful for my children. They have grown to be responsible adults who work hard, lead productive lives, and believe in God.

4. I’m grateful to have escaped bullying and eventually gotten to know my value and the good I bring to the table. I thank God everyday for opening my eyes and helping me to restore my confidence and peace of mind.

There are so many more things on my Gratitude List but if I wrote it all down, the list would be so long I’d use up all my storage space.

What are you grateful for today? Feel free to comment below.

91 thoughts on “Reasons to be Grateful

  1. euroktoo says:

    wow! how heartbreaking to witness, cherie!!! 💗💗💗💗💗 when it was first suggested, i asked my freds and only one had heard about emdr when a her son witnessed his granfather collapsing. apparently they say that isolated incidents or one offs can be easier/ quicker to work through- Cptsd is more entailed as it takes place from numerous incidents all jumbled and more time needed to unburden… but I totally see its merits and am so glad it helped you!

    thank you for your well wishes. sometimes i asked myself why i had even asked to even be born to her or why she hadn’t just left me at the orphanage- but then again i would not have turned out as i have. so obviously this is also part of my life’s work- education, trauma, bullying and healing.

    • cheriewhite says:

      You’re absolutely right! 💯 Maybe there was a reason God allowed you to go through what you went through just like He allowed me to go through bullying at school. He knew it would one day set us on the paths that we were meant to be on and that, through our experiences, we would help others. Keep writing, keep blogging, keep telling your story because it will be a guidebook to people who really need it! Today is your day and I wish you all the peace and happiness your heart can hold! 💖🌺💐🕊

      • euroktoo says:

        you truly have a beautiful way with the pen- easy to see it is your pal! actually am not a blogger, just responding to you like we were penpals, sweet lady! you inspire me in so many ways! thank you again! happy weekend!

        • cheriewhite says:

          This means a lot, Kim. 💖🌺💐 And my apologies. I guess most people I talk to on here are bloggers and it’s easy to assume everyone is so I apologize for that. Know that you’re always welcome here and I’m so glad you found this blog- that is a blessing in and of itself. 💜💙💚❤

          • euroktoo says:

            no worries at all- complimentary if you must know! as i have shared before my pen is stronger than my spoken word- but my voice has come a long way and soon it will soar and sing in helping others.

          • cheriewhite says:

            I totally agree, sweetie! You’re a voice of hope to so many who are bullied and many more who suffer the after-effects of it! Your pen is powerful, Kim! And you’d make a good blogger and author!

  2. CareTrain says:

    Great thoughts! I think one thing we all need to do is a better job of reaching out to those who have positively influenced us, those that we far too often let fly under the radar. We often tell our significant others what they mean to us, our kids, but there are so many other people that have made big differences and encouraged us that we never acknowledge or not nearly enough. We all need to go out and tell those people thank you. As a matter of fact it would be very cool through texts or maybe even better on our Social Media pages list, tag, etc people who have impacted us in positive ways just to let them know we are thinking about them.

    • cheriewhite says:

      I couldn’t agree more! We should give recognition to everyone who made a positive difference in our lives and let them know how much we appreciate them. 💖💖💖

  3. Leigh Roberson says:

    Love this post! Like you, I have so much to be grateful for. My family, faith in God, health and personal freedom top my list today! I completely agree that an attitude of gratitude can change the worst day into a great day! Thanks for the reminder! Best Wishes and have a great weekend! Leigh

    • cheriewhite says:

      You have a great weekend too, Leigh! Thank you so much for sharing your gratitude list with us! 💖💐🌺🦋🕊 I’m so happy for you and wish you many more blessings! 💕

  4. Infinite Living says:

    I love and appreciate your post. Gratitude is literally my savior and drug of choice – I feel – I love the feeling of it when I am able to immerse in it. Everything and everyone becomes a blessing.

  5. Kym Gordon Moore says:

    Girlfriend, I so agree with you that gratitude is about realizing the blessings you have and counting them- making you realize that there is beauty in life if you look for it. That is right on time. We need to focus on the highlights of our gratitude every single day to remain humble and aware. 🙏🏽🤗💖👍🏼💋🥰🎵 Great reflections my dear! 😘

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