4 thoughts on “Bullying Targets

  1. LAMarcom says:

    My Cherie-Amour,

    I am forced to admit,
    Never did I think of this
    This topic
    Because I am a narcissist
    You have opened my eyes
    And, much more importantly…
    My mind
    I was a bully
    In the Navy
    In Afghanistan
    In Sinai

    —All over the world

    I was ‘in charge’ of men and women.
    I chastised and I criticized.

    The ‘Mission’ was all that mattered
    To me

    I was wrong.
    What mattered
    Truly mattered
    Was the people
    Screw the mission.
    I finally came to understand that
    But it took some time
    And some soul searching

    (I NEVER NEVER used my authority to abuse a woman—and no!–Not Protesting to much–I abused equally–male, female, other)

    Now I am dying.
    But I will die at least believing I was, after all, a good and decent man

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