Five Year Bloggiversary

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Group of happy friends cheering with wine and beers at boat party. Diverse men and women having drinks at sunset yacht party.

I can’t believe it’s been five years since the journey began. 5 years ago today, I didn’t know a thing about blogging but I wanted to try my hand at it. I’m so glad I did because since that day, I’ve met some truly awesome people in the blog world, gotten so much love and support, and I’ve learned so much from you all and continue to learn!

I thank you all, readers and fellow bloggers, from the bottom of my heart for your love and friendship. I honestly don’t know where I’d be if it weren’t for the WordPress community!

54 thoughts on “Five Year Bloggiversary

    • cheriewhite says:

      You’re so welcome, Valerie. I wish I’d known when I was bullied what I know now. It comes from trial and error, and a lot of later research amd study. I’m more than happy to help. Sending lots of love to you and yours.

  1. Wonani says:

    Congratulations! 5 years is a long time!
    You are doing amazing work with your blog. Looking forward to see the next 5 years or whatever comes next ❤

  2. DiosRaw says:

    Thank you for all your hard word, blood, sweat and tears and all. Keep going, lots of love warrior woman. You inspire me and have helped me tremendously grow as a person. 🌹😘

  3. katiemiafrederick says:

    Happy 5th Anniversary
    Of Blogging Cherie
    And Happy International
    Woman’s Day too

    8 Years Starting
    On Blogspot

    For me

    On March 10th
    i Still Copy My

    Word Press Stuff
    Hehe All 9 MiLLioN
    Words of Free Verse
    Poetry on 3 Blogs

    On That Free
    Google Platform

    The Social Interaction
    Is Almost Non-Existent
    Yet The Platform is
    Free And Almost

    Unlimited Born

    In ‘60 When

    Computers only
    A Dream it’s Truly
    Amazing i Can




    A 380,630 Word
    Free Verse Poem

    With Just one



    Of Free
    All By Myself

    HeHE ‘A Dark
    And Stormy



    Never Quits

    A Solo Dance And Song☺️

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