To All My Friends and Readers in the Blogging World

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I hope this post finds you well and in good spirits. Due to an influx of readers and followers and my daily schedule, I try to schedule new posts a month ahead and to read 50 to 100 blogs, and interact with 50-100 bloggers per day.

During past week, I haven’t been very sociable this last week due to sickness. But know that you’re all on my mind.

Although I may pop in from time to time, I’ve been taking it easy. I plan to return full time the week of the 16th.  I love you all and feel so blessed to have your friendship.

I wish you all a wonderful week.

43 thoughts on “To All My Friends and Readers in the Blogging World

  1. Iqra Aqib says:

    I hope you get well soon! I can completely understand how difficult it can be to manage everything in your personal life and then online as well. Take all the time you need 😊

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