Discover the strength of your Twitter account while facing an enraged cyberstalker. — Stop-Cyberstalkers, child-abusers and hate-speech

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As you know, October is National Bullying Awareness Month in the USA.

This reblogged post from Bernard Grua is genius as it compares Twitter accounts of both cyber-stalker and victim. You should check this out. This post gives hope, and perhaps the last laugh, to cyber-stalking victims everywhere! Bless you, Bernard, for posting such valuable and needed information!

The unstoppable enormous amount of defamation, calumnious denunciations, call for violences, etc. a psychopathic rabid cyberstalker is able to produce on social media creates numerous damages in the life of any targeted regular citizen. However, volume, repeated propaganda and perversion are not the only keys of success on Twitter. Don’t give up. If you focus on quality and relevance, you may have some fundamental strengths which could make your position more comfortable than you believe.

via Discover the strength of your Twitter account while facing an enraged cyberstalker. — Stop-Cyberstalkers, child-abusers and hate-speech

11 thoughts on “Discover the strength of your Twitter account while facing an enraged cyberstalker. — Stop-Cyberstalkers, child-abusers and hate-speech

  1. coatofmanycolors22 says:

    This is really good. A lot of the press and people like to criticize Facebook but Facebook is 10 times easier than Twitter to avoid bullying. One it is more localized and you can friend people you know or friends of friends, unfollow, and there are privacy settings. Twitter is very limited on that and because it goes out there millions of people can see it most, if not all you don’t even know or if you tweet say on a celebrity’s page, they can see it. It makes it tough plus tweets have to be short and there can be a problem. It is like a text. Sometimes you never know the context in which someone is saying something so sometimes it is bullying, sometimes it is not but it is so short you can’t explain yourself. Twitter is good for news and celebrity. And I do like the fact that while on Facebook depending on what area you live, you tend to find people of the same political,religious, social standing etc that you friend with, there are people from all walks of life. And speaking personally as someone who is appalled by the behavior of the current bully in chief in the White House, it is nice to see people have had enough of his behavior which is refreshing to me as someone who is against others being bullied.

    • cheriewhite says:

      Thank you so much, Valerie. This article was written by a guy from France and I asked him permission to reblog because I was amazed by it myself and I knew it would provide a whole new perspective to anyone who has ever suffered cyberbullying and trolling. It was definitely an eye-opener! 🙂

  2. Dr. Thomas Maples says:

    This is a beautiful reminder to stand steadfast in the gale-force winds that social and traditional media create. Through vision, good always triumphs over evil. The problem is, much of what these outlets focus on have negative energy to them, most likely for the purposes of selling through shock factor. But they are illusions in essence. They are mirrors of the person represented. Most will only show what is needed to get attention from the group they seek inclusion from, even if that group is in essence good or bad.

    Thank you for sharing this. I look forward to reading more of your posts. This is such an important topic to bridge, as this type of dire behavior seems rampant these days.

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