Care home ‘bullied worker with coronavirus to return to work at home where five patients died’ — Metro

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This is inexcuseable! A home health worker infected with Coronavirus is bullied into returning to work where others died! Who does this???

Tatianna Dancy says she was pressured into returning to work despite testing positive for Covid-19, which has killed five residents of her care home

via Care home ‘bullied worker with coronavirus to return to work at home where five patients died’ — Metro

6 thoughts on “Care home ‘bullied worker with coronavirus to return to work at home where five patients died’ — Metro

  1. rts - Facing the Challenges of Mental Health says:

    I totally agree with you Cherie.
    The nursing home should be looked at with a fine tooth comb.
    I am sick every time I hear another horror story in a nursing home.
    In Ontario and Quebec nursing homes in those two provinces are in a total state of disrepair. Troops were called in to help take care of the citizens.
    It is just horrendous what is happening to our elderly here in North America!

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