Change in Schedule

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I wanted to let everyone that I will be working a lot of hours for the next two weeks. So if I’m not interacting as much as before, it isn’t because I’ve stopped communicating. But here’s the good part!

I am in the process of fulfilling the obligations of my two-weeks notice. So, after the 3rd, I will be blogging full time and working on my next novel. I am confident in my decision to let the job go and I believe the best is yet to come! I’ve met awesome people in the blogosphere and made some great friends here! And I wish all of you many blessings!

8 thoughts on “Change in Schedule

  1. myplace3187 says:

    Good Morning Cherie I have nominated you for the Sunshine Blogger Award. This is on my page. I really hope you will take part in this Award process. This is on my page Cherie. Thanks xx

    • cheriewhite says:

      Thank you so much, James. I’ve been working so many hours lately. I’m at work now but just stole a.few minutes. Lol I’ll definitely do whatnI can with the free time I have. And to be honest, I’m so overwhelmed and am barely keeping up.

      On the upside is that around the 28th of May or 3rd of June (depending on if my employer approves the last of my vacation days), I’ll be quitting my job to blog full time. I’m in my two weeks notice period already and it can’t come soon enough!

      Thank you so, so much! And I look forward to being able to interact with all my blogger friends on a daily basis! ❤❤❤

      • myplace3187 says:

        I wish you all the best once you leave your job. It is not far away now is it ? You are welcome Cherie. I know one day you will post this sunshine Blogger Award. Till then relax and smile and be positive about not working soon.

        • cheriewhite says:

          I will, James. Please don’t think I’m being ungrateful or snubbing it. I just have a lot going on right now and most of the posts I’ve published for the past month were scheduled way ahead of time.

          I definitely look forward to blogging and networking with you and the rest of my circle of awesome bloggers! I can’t wait!

    • cheriewhite says:

      Thank you so much! It is scary! But I’ve heard the saying, “Do it scared” and if I don’t do it now, I might never know. Again, thank you so much! You and the rest of my blogger friends have inspired me so! <3

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