Daily outburts.. — We Roar For KennyBug!

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This is a heartwrenching post written straight from the broken heart of a grieving mother of a precious son who passed away from bullycide. By Angela at “KennyStrong”

Any given day, you could see me break down, bawl, get angry and hear my pleas with God.. atleast once, but noone sees. I hide my tears, fears that the days ahead seem to hard to face, and contempt with the fact that my son is gone. I hide it all. Why? No one seems […]

via Daily outburts.. — We Roar For KennyBug!

7 thoughts on “Daily outburts.. — We Roar For KennyBug!

  1. rts - Facing the Challenges of Mental Health says:

    My mom once told me “no parent should have to outlive their children”.
    She said that after a cousin of mine was killed in a car accident.
    She was only seventeen. It tore her parents apart, it led to divorce.
    I remember the year because my daughter had just been born.
    I am like most, I feel awkward when it comes to knowing what to say during those extreme times.

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