Toxic Teachers Need to Go — Indy K12

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Great post from Indy K12 about toxic teachers and toxic workplaces!

There is not enough self-care in the world that can shield a person from a toxic work environment. I had a few jobs before I became a K-12 educator. I worked in my dorm’s cafeteria, at Villa Pizza in the student union at Purdue, and at a church daycare. The work environment was nice. People…

via Toxic Teachers Need to Go — Indy K12

3 thoughts on “Toxic Teachers Need to Go — Indy K12

  1. annemariedemyen says:

    I totally agree but it goes for all work places. For whatever reason, bosses always cater to asshats! They are not even good employees. They are not productive or particularly proficient at their jobs but bosses will cater to them, look the other way and stand up for them no matter what.

  2. ourlittleredhouseblog says:

    My daughter is getting a degree in teaching. Sometimes she will come home from the university and talk about how all of her non-teaching classes the students are really friendly and fun to be around yet the classes she takes for her teaching degree the girls are a bit snobby and cold towards others, party girls is what most people call them. When she had to sit in for a public school classroom, during breaks she would over hear the cruelest things about the kids ,when the other teachers would laugh and tease about how dirty one kid was, how gross that was. When my daughter volunteered at a Christian school she said the teacher she shadowed was so nice and very kind and helpful. There are good and bad in all professions but it does seem that there are a lot of bully type personalities that are drawn to the most vulnerable and young. Also, I have noticed that public schools are not the best places to leave our children to be taught. I rather home school then public school now days.

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