A Heartfelt Message to My Fellow Bloggers and Followers

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It a huge juggle. Especially when you have a day job, a husband, family, grown children, aging parents and errands. Also, I prepare new posts ahead of time. Handwriting them, then writing them in a Word document to save in a folder before posting.

the thing I love most about blogging is the networking and the interactions with other bloggers and followers. I love getting to know them, reading their posts, commenting on them and reblogging them to give them some extra exposure. I feel like we bloggers are one big family and that’s the best feeling in the world.

As bloggers, we put our stories out there, sharing the most emotionally intimate parts of ourselves, parts that we wouldn’t share with just anyone in real life.

We open up to each other, share our pain, our feel-good moments, our good times and bad, our challenges, our tears and our joys! And it’s truly a blessing because for some, this is the only outlet they have.

I only wish I had the courage to open up and meet you all sooner.

For me, time management is a booger! But I’m glad to say that I’m finally learning more about the tools available in WordPress, learning more of the ropes, and new ways to make better use of my time and reach more of you.

And thank the Lord for the option and ability to schedule automatic posts!

With that said, I don’t always get to network with everyone nearly as much as I would like and that hurts me. And I want you all to know that I’m truly sorry if it has ever seemed like I’ve gone silent for a few days.

However, I want you all to know that each of you are a blessing to me and that I enjoy interacting with you. I enjoy reading your posts, commenting on them and talking back and forth with you. And I value you more than you know.

And I will always come back to see if you’ve posted something new for me to read. Thank you so much, my blogger friends and followers for everything you do! Thank you for being my friends, thank you for posting new material for me to like and comment on, and thank you for not being afraid to be your authentic human selves and being so open. You all inspire me in so many ways!


7 thoughts on “A Heartfelt Message to My Fellow Bloggers and Followers

  1. murisopsis says:

    I love the “future” post option – it allows me to schedule posts so that I’ve always got a new one ready in the wings. That way time is not a bully forcing me to post when I’ve got other pressing tasks. It also lets me write when my muse is ready and I have a buffer for when that muse goes silent…

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