Visualizing What We Want Rather Than What We Don’t Want — Ideas and Advice for How To Live a Joyful and Empowered Life.

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Great post from Monica at “Bubble Bath Self-Empowerment”. We absolutely must focus on what we want instead of what we don’t want, on the positive rather than negativen, on life’s yeses instead of it’s no’s.

Thank you, Monica, for posting this!

Most of us are living life on auto-pilot. Going to work, coming home, eating, watching some TV, chores, sleeping and repeating. Just getting by. Surviving. Much of the time our thoughts are on our problems. Our debt, health issues, relationship issues, etc. This can cause anxiety and depression. What if we spent our time thinking […]

via Visualizing What We Want Rather Than What We Don’t Want — Ideas and Advice for How To Live a Joyful and Empowered Life.

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