Discrimination or just plain old bullying? — Equality, Diversity and Inclusion?

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Is discrimination a form of bullying? I think so because the root cause of both is a real or perceived difference, whether it be race, sex, orientation, disability, or whether it be weight, the size of your nose or ears, or the condition of your teeth. I’d love to hear your thoughts.

I don’t care if I’m classified as disabled, or who knows about it – it’s not going to change anything about my illness or how I cope with it day to day. It has some advantages – like a third off rail fares… OK, one advantage – but it is a catch-22 when work are […]

via Discrimination or just plain old bullying? — Equality, Diversity and Inclusion?

6 thoughts on “Discrimination or just plain old bullying? — Equality, Diversity and Inclusion?

  1. wastemytimeagain says:

    It is definitely bullying in disguise . In the workplace everyone is held to a standard to maintain their professionalism which usually does not apply to those at the top as they will bully individuals with certain protected characteristics and without any consequences . Finally some things are being done about this such as equal pay reporting and employment tribunals but not at a rapid level for the majority.

    • cheriewhite says:

      Thank you, Barry! I just read your article and I couldn’t agree more! I appreciate your addressing the issue of exclusion of people with unseen disabilities! I was a victim of this growing up and I know first hand how it feels!

      I couldn’t find a like or comment option on this post. (I’m using a mobile device) Otherwise I would’ve liked and commented. I’ll see if it shows up on my PC when I get home!

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