Prisoners of a Strange War

Eighteen months our hearts have been on lockdown,

It’s past time for a takedown,

Of the powers that be.


Eighteen months people have been self-loathing,

Induced by shepherds in sheep’s clothing,

Bringing in tyranny.


These so-called shepherds wanna empty our cup,

We can either put up or shut up,

Do we want to stay free?

We’re all prisoners of this strange war,

Declared by a cabal of control freaks and power whores,

They’re coming for our children,

Got vile plans for our brethren

They’re masters of destruction,

Partakers of corruption,

Sowers of misery, hatred, and evil,

Puffed up minions of the devil,

With God on our side and truth we can use,

This strange war is a war they’re gonna lose.

A computer whiz posing as a doctor,

In this worldwide test, he is the proctor,

How it ends we don’t know.


He’s only a snake oil salesman,

With billions as his talisman,

Tell him to let the people go.


A 91-year-old former Nazi sellout took

Wall-Street by hook and crook

Bribes elected officials to sow division

By past experience, he knows the playbook

And along with the CEO of Facebook

Against truth speakers, uses derision.


Demanding censorship and our silence

Their hearts craving violence

Against the successful, happy, and free.


If we all stick together, this could be our finest hour.

We can take back our collective power

And make a better world for you and me.

But with untouchable impunity

They seek to destroy our unity

And sow sorrow and strife.


Megalomaniacs drunk on their power

In their basements and bunkers they cower

Seeking to destroy our way of life


With the infamous backroom deal

Our collective voices they steal

They cut us with the invisible knife

Young brunette woman wearing white sweater gagged and tied with duct tape around wrists, facing camera, hostage concept.

We’re all prisoners of this strange war,

Declared by a cabal of control freaks and power whores,

They’re coming for our children,

Got vile plans for our brethren

They’re masters of destruction,

Partakers of corruption,

Sowers of misery, hatred, and evil,

Puffed up, arrogant minions of the devil,

With God on our side and truth we can use,

This strange war is a war they’re gonna lose.

Flying monkeys, lackeys, drones and sheep,

Patsies and useful idiots who are still asleep,

Sow division and hate.


To keep the master’s hands clean they do the dirty work,

They burn, loot, murder, causing a world of hurt,

While in a psychotic state.


The newsman’s message is clear- we must obey

Or there will be hell to pay

They demand our shunning

Drink the koolaid, do like Jonestown and die

We should never question the lie

Or try to avoid the all-seeing eye

It’s all so stunning


 “Follow the science,” they demand and shout,

Promoting strange weapons to take us all out,

They don’t need no gun nor bullet.


How much more will we take?

How much longer will the media fake?

How much longer will we be bullied?

We’re all prisoners of this strange war,

Declared by a cabal of control freaks and power whores,

They’re coming for our children,

Got vile plans for our brethren

They’re masters of destruction,

Partakers of corruption,

Sowers of misery, hatred, and evil,

Puffed up, arrogant minions of the devil,

With God on our side and truth we can use,

This strange war is a war they’re gonna lose.

How long before we say enough is enough?

We’ve had enough!

Put an end to this strange war

Or The People shall settle the score

Let us be

And set us free!

Ways Bullies Tell Off on Themselves Without Realizing It

And you usually hear it straight from the horse’s mouth.

You may witness these types of scenarios:

One of your classmates may yell “Don’t you touch me! I’m not (target’s name)!” a female classmate may yell when a boy in your class attemptsto shove her.


“You don’t talk down to me, I ain’t (target’s name)!”, Another classmate may yell when another calls her a horrible name.

If you’re the unlucky person who’s the target, you will hear your name in these sentences.

Each of these statements is a tell-all that is too blatant, and yiu must immediately read through the lines when you hear it.

Surprisingly, no one else picked up on it, not even any of the teachers present when it happened to me . If only I were as fearless back then as I am today, I would’ve called that out…fast! The consequences be damned.

They were unwittingly and unknowingly admitting that I was everyone’s target.

All through school, there were several times they gave themselves away, and it was so obvious it was almost sickening.

“I want some of your bubble gum.”
“No! Get some from Cherie if she’s got some!”
“Uh-oh! She’s going in there to jump Cherie! Get her, (insert name of bully here), get her!”

I want you to understand the brazenness of bullies is shocking. They are so bold; they will either unwittingly or admittedly tell on themselves because they know that chances are, no one will hold them responsible or stand up for you if you are a target.

You must pay attention and recognize when your bullies call themselves out and when they do, don’t be afraid to jump on it and tell them a thing or two. It could be as simple as saying, “So, you admit to being a jerk?”, “Ha! You just proved yourself a liar!” Or, “Wow! You just told off on yourself, buddy!”

When you do, let them know that you aren’t afraid or stupid, that you caught it, and you’re not too timid to hit them back with it.

You must hit your bullies with their own BS or with their own book of rules and standards because it’s by far the most effective, as I found out later.

Bullying Can Either Make You or Break You!

make or break

All too often, whether at school or work, it’s the best of the best who get bullied- children and teens with pure hearts of gold, empathetic coworkers, the very people who don’t deserve it, and who want to make the world a better place.

These are the people who are team players, who are cooperative, and who deeply care about others. They extend kindness to others and will give you the shirts off their backs if you needed it.

Understand that simply caring– about anyone or anything is going to be painful. It’s why so many who were once kind and caring people are now cold, hard, angry, and bitter. These people were relentlessly bullied and they allowed it to make them cold and mean. They are often those who adopt the “I’m going to get you before you get me” attitude.

narcissist bad attitude

For a long time, I was one of those people. After being bullied, I became no better than they were. I’m thankful that my eyes were opened and that I no longer have to resort to cruelty to protect myself. And I’m much happier and more confident in who I am!

Bullying has a way of taking it all out of you. It can take your self-esteem, your confidence, your happiness, your love and kindness for others, your energy, your health- even your will to live. But only if you let it!

Bullying will either make or break you.
It will either wise you up or dumb you down.

Either way, these results are up to you.

Bullying changes a person, no doubt about it. But don’t let it make you bitter. Let it make you better!

Why Do We Wish Life Away?

We hold on to tomorrow instead of living in today.

Instead of living in the present, we wish for the future, for a better day.

We want to hurry up and grow up.

Hurry up and graduate.

Always wishing for a later date.

Hurry up and find that soulmate.

Hurry, hurry, hurry!

We’re too busy pushing fast-forward when we should press play and enjoy the movie.

Time is a thief and life is too brief.

Before we know it, we’re forty, fifty, then seventy-five.

Gone is the time better spent enjoying being alive.

At the end of life, we dream about the past.

Now, we only wish we could rewind.

We held onto tomorrow, only to end up wishing for yesterday.

Bullying and Rising Rates of Antisemitism

The Jewish people and other minorities have been bullied worldwide, down through history, as have women. They’ve been intimidated by individuals, groups, corporations, schools, communities, and governments!

Recently, there has been an uptick of antisemitism from individuals, interest groups, certain celebrities, even government officials, such as Ilhan Omar and several others! They have also been attacked right here in America by Radical and Extremist Groups.

Understand that antisemitism, racism, and sexism are all forms of bullying because there is a clear-cut power imbalance. The evil committed against the Jewish people has been repetitious for so long!

People may disagree with me and may even get angry. But it is what it is, and I’m not going to hide it nor sugarcoat it.

Most bullies are bigots and racists because bullies are known to have hatred for anyone different from them in any way, although most of them would never admit it for fear of losing face. However, bullies must always have a target to degrade.

So, they prefer to bully someone safer to bully and not as legally protected, such as a person on the autism spectrum, who’s mentally ill, or an older person.

Understand that bullies despise differences from them in any way, and you can bet that most bullies are only closet racists and sexists. Still, because they choose to go the “lesser of two evils” route and be more politically correct to play it safe, they only bully those to whom they can do it and get away with it.

Understand that racism is wrong, no matter who it’s aimed at! Antisemitism is wrong! Hate is wrong!

Just because someone is different in race or skin color, in the religion they practice, or lives a different lifestyle, it gives no one the right to mistreat them!

Eliminate the hate!


Forgiveness doesn’t mean forgetting what happened.

I don’t forgive to let anyone off the hook.

I don’t forgive because what the person did was okay.

I don’t forgive to give the person a free pass.

I forgive them for my benefit.

I forgive to set myself free- free from anger and the need for revenge.

I forgive to give myself a gift.

Forgiving means that I can feel good about myself.

Forgiving means that I don’t have to think of the person anymore.

Forgiving means that I can walk away- make a clean break.

Forgiving means that I can sever ties with the pain and leave it behind.

Forgiving means I can move on.

Forgiving means that I choose to be happy.

A Chaotic Society: How Did We Get to This Evil Place?

People burning and stepping on Old Glory,

Dissing the soldiers that fought and bled,

Rewriting history and changing our story,

Hating the country that’s kept them well-fed,

As I see the cities burning, I scream at my TV,

“If you hate it that much, pack up and leave!”

How can it be- people have turn to sheep,

With eyes wide open, yet still asleep,

Believing everything, all of the media lies,

The spin, propaganda, and alibis,

Rich fat cats claiming to be oppressed,

Participation-trophy generation raised not to try their best,

Meritocracy replaced by hypocrisy,

And idiocracy,

Spoiled brats,

And fraidy-cats,

Freedom requires too much responsibility,

So, they’d rather have security,

They should get a one-way ticket to their chosen utopia

Maybe to China, or Cuba, Iran, or even Venezuela!

With fists raised high in the air,

They moan and cry “life’s not fair,”

Life losers with no communication skills,

Making their point with only violence that kills,

The only way they can get their point across,

Is by wearing victim-mentality and entitlement as their albatross,

Mad at the world, claiming they never got their share,

Jealousy and hate toward the successful hard-worker, and the heir,

Screaming, “Gimme, gimme, gimme! You owe me,

Everything should come to me for free,”

“Death to America” is their chant

They have a life-long attitude of “I can’t,”

Spoiled, rich, college kids thinking they’ve got it so bad,

All their whining makes a working-class girl so mad,

They call themselves warriors, they claim, “I’m a star,”

But they aren’t half the men our serviceman and veterans are,


(Which one would you call, “a warrior?”)

Social justice warriors aren’t warriors at all,

Only those who served, fought, and died- all who answered the call,

God bless America and let Freedom ring

Your whiney, crybaby opinions don’t mean a thing

My country ‘tis of thee, sweet land of liberty

Life is what you make it, not what you think it should be

If you want to see social change, then start with yourself,

And put your hate, bitterness, jealousy, and class-envy all on the shelf,

Replace your baditude with gratitude,

And get over yourselves.

Bullies Always…ALWAYS, Get Their Power from an Entourage.

A crowd of people surrounded the red man. Accusation of crime, mob law over a person, lynch court. The leader in the center of the crowd, the leader, an example for diving. Angry crowd

You will never see a bully alone. Why? Because they could never handle being by themselves. Peer-abusers are cowards! Wimps! Wusses! They always attack in groups because they need their wingmen as a source from which to draw and re-enforce power.

Without their backup, bullies are just as powerless as you are. A bully is too afraid to attack you one on one because they fear that you would bury them where they fall.

Yet, victims are (mistakenly) branded as cowards, although they are the ones who come to school or work and face bullies…alone, no matter how viciously they get brutalized. Through all the name-calling, the taunts, the brutal beatings, the threats to their lives, targets manage to reach within themselves and push through another day.

To endure that every single day for several years and still find the resolve to soldier on? Now that takes courage! These people are the real warriors!

It takes bravery to be a target of relentless bullying and remain standing tall. To be a victim of daily and constant abuse and make it to the finish line of high school graduation or the end-of-week paycheck?

To stay in the race, while most bullies drop out of school or quit their jobs when the going gets tough? That’s not only brave, but it’s also heroic! To be your own hero? That takes bravery bullies will never have!

Now, will the real wimps in the workplace or classroom please stand?
I rest my case.

If you are a target, know that your bullies could never be half the man/woman you are! You have more heart, more soul, and more strength than they ever will!

A Short List of Crappy Advice Given to Targets of Bullying

If you have ever been a target of bullying, how many of these pieces of really bad advice did you hear from others, teachers, supervisors,  even your well-meaning family members and friends when you were trying to deal with the onslaught of bullies?

  1. Keep a low profile
  2. Keep your nose clean
  3. Tread lightly
  4. Don’t rock the boat
  5. Don’t make waves
  6. Tone it down a little
  7. Don’t draw attention to yourself
  8. Stay out of the way
  9. Keep your head down
  10. Don’t poke the bear
  11. Make yourself scarce
  12. Be nonchalant
  13. Stay out of trouble
  14. Go the extra mile
  15. Try to blend in

If you were ever told one (or more) of these 15 things, feel free to comment!

4 Changes Bullying Can Cause in Targets- Beware!

Once a person suffers bullying for so long, changes in the brain occur- changes that aren’t good. Here are these changes:

1. The target becomes exhausted and loses the will to fight back. Being bullied is extremely tiring. Bullies know this and deliberately wear their victims down to take the fight out of them and wrest control over their lives.

Although at first, the target may defend themselves and fiercely assert their rights to human dignity and respect, most bullies don’t recognize any human rights but only see self-defense and protection as an affront to their power. They then only double down- intensify the hatred until they mentally and physically exhaust their target.

The target finally loses their will to fight back and acquiesces because he’s just worn slap out and no longer has the strength to fight anymore.

2. He loses the ability to recognize mistreatment. When we’re used to being treated well, we can more clearly see poor treatment and know the difference when it happens. But after so long of enduring bullying, the lines get blurred, and our eyes lose the ability to see aggression so clearly- especially if the hostility we face is subtle. We finally reach a point where we don’t recognize the bullying at all!

3. The target becomes conditioned to accept bad behavior from others. After so long, you come to believe what bullies tell you- that you’re a terrible person and that you somehow deserve to be treated shabbily.

These damaging self-beliefs happen after the bullies, their followers, and bystanders have repeatedly prevented you from defending and taking care of yourself. They have, for so long, drummed into your head that you are worthless, useless, evil, mentally unstable- take your pick. They repeat the same lies over and over until they force you to believe it too.

4. The target begins to punish himself. The victim does this by engaging in risky or self-destructive behaviors. He may hang with the wrong people and befriend those who only tolerate them. Targeted girls may participate in risky sexual behavior or having relationships with abusive partners.

Understand that we must be vigilant to take care of our mental health and self-esteem if we want to avoid these results in the future. Make sure you have friends outside of the bullying environment that you can talk to and that your family is supportive. Do things you enjoy and keep company with positive and uplifting people any time you’re away from the bullies.

Your goal is to balance the bullying you suffer by adding healthy and positive relationships and experiences outside the bullying environment. This balance will soften the blows to your self-esteem and provide a buffer to your bullies’ attacks.

With knowledge comes empowerment!