When the World Wants to Dumb You Down

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Remember that bullies hate people who are smart. And the current corrupt government and extremist groups are certainly no exceptions.

We live in an age during which most people want to discourage you from being your best. Most of the “participation trophy” generation are now young adults and if they see someone who’s a winner making achievement after achievement and success after success, they get angry and want to tear the person down.

Never mind if it’s a person they can learn form and look up to as a role model. If the person is “too good” or “wins too much,” they get furious and scream, “it’s not fair!” They then go after the person.

During the past twenty to thirty years, we’ve witnessed the wussification of the West, where, if one person wines and gets an award, everyone else has to have an award too to keep their feelings from being hurt and their egos from being shattered. Otherwise, “it just isn’t fair.”

Well, who ever said that life was “fair?”

Here’s what the use of participation trophies does:

It cheapens the prize for the winner.

It also discourages participants from even trying- it sends the message that no one really has to make an effort because, if they’re going to get a prize anyway, there’s no incentive to do your best.

Also, we’re being fed utter nonsense by the media, which is, of course, designed to dumb us all down. But isn’t it true that bullies desire to dumb down their targets? Of course, it is, because a smart person is least likely to fall for the bullies’ BS. Governments and extremist groups do the same thing to their populations.

One such example is that our media claims that there are 50, maybe 80 something different genders, and sadly, the sheeple lap that up like thirsty dogs.

As the people on the Left always say, “follow the science.” But science says that there are only two genders- male and female, and this is determined by our chromosomes- XY (male) and XX (female).

For there to be 50 to 80 different genders, there would have to be 50 to 80 different pairs of chromosomes– hmmm. I bet nobody on the Left has thought about that one.

But hey! I’m just following the science. Sadly, no one wants to have that conversation because they’re either dumbed down or scared of being cancelled.

This is a perfect example of the dumbing down of the masses. Many people may get angry over this post, but I don’t care. I prefer common sense over following along with the prevailing narrative. And if it sounds stupid, sorry, I won’t go along with it.

I prefer to stand out from the crowd, not to get lost in it. If that means I get bullied for it, so be it. I overcame many bouts of bullying. I’ll overcome the next.

13 thoughts on “When the World Wants to Dumb You Down

  1. 80smetalman says:

    My suggestion is, okay give every participant a prize but give the winners a bigger and better prize. This way,no one goes home disappointed and those who excel get what they deserve.

    • cheriewhite says:

      Right. But the thing is that kids need to learn to deal with disappointments because life is full of them. If people teach them early instead of shielding them, it won’t be such a shock and devastation when they grown and on their own and they begin to experience them.

      • Pajama Party 39 says:

        Yes! I will use sports as an example. I don’t necessarily have a problem with giving every kid something if they are 5 years old playing T-Ball but a few years later you need to stop because sports are a metaphor for life. You learn many things and one hard lesson is not everyone is a great athlete. Yes have fun but there are 9 positions on a baseball or softball field and some sit on the bench. Most teams have only a couple of star players per team. I remember reading once only about 0.5 percent of athletes make it to the professional level.

  2. Weird and Wonderful says:

    I just read chromosome like 50 pairs of but then becomes 80 if they are miss matched 😀 😂😆. I mean, you could say this to a bunch of kids and they would then get the message that you will have to stop playing games with your identity.

  3. Pajama Party 39 says:

    I have several thoughts on this. I like this post. Part of truly being educated is the ability to think for yourself. This has become a society of sheep/clones. Take politics. I don’t care what side of the fence someone is on because it is subjective and my beliefs may not be yours. But most people don’t know why they vote the way they do. They either became a Democrat or Republican because their parents, spouse or friends were and often times they don’t consider the other sides point of view. You need to hear and see both sides of the coin.

    • cheriewhite says:

      “But most people don’t know why they vote the way they do. They either became a Democrat or Republican because their parents, spouse or friends were and often times they don’t consider the other sides point of view.”

      You nailed it. And I have a mixture conservative views and liberal views. And I do consider both sides, however, anything that goes against common sense, I reject with fervor.

  4. ourlittleredhouseblog says:

    They are dumbing down our future generations sadly. It is frightening and terrifying to witness how easy it all has become. Just give them all a tiny screen to be their mentor. A tiny screen that creates a false life of theirs with filters and apps. Then reward them all the time with flattery and prizes for everything and anything. Then when they head out into the real world they become bitter and angry that they have been lied to their whole lives. Now we have a generation of broken people that do not know how to create (take art and music out of schools) do not know how to relate and have empathy ( losing to others creates empathy and humbles us) and they don’t know how to be themselves. They turn their bitterness into hate for the ones that do know how to be themselves. You are 100% right, there are so many Bullies in our government. So sad that kids growing up now days are turned in every direction, twisted into so many circles…well no wonder they are always confused and dizzy. They need real human mentors.

    • cheriewhite says:

      “Then when they head out into the real world they become bitter and angry that they have been lied to their whole lives. Now we have a generation of broken people that do not know how to create (take art and music out of schools) do not know how to relate and have empathy ( losing to others creates empathy and humbles us) and they don’t know how to be themselves. They turn their bitterness into hate for the ones that do know how to be themselves.”

      You worded that so perfectly! The schools have taken creativity out of the schools and we wonder why? It’s because the Socialist Progressive Left has overtaken the public schools and any form of arts and creativity goes against their Socialist values.

      Thank you so much for your awesome comment. You just give me an idea for a future post!

  5. Pajama Party 39 says:

    And as far as dumbing down frankly that is why the United States is below so many less blessed countries in education. Many of us can’t think. We even dumb ourselves down to fit in. In school, many of us didn’t want others to know we were smart. Even dating, how many times do women dumb down because of fear of stepping on a male’s ego or intentionally losing at an athletic competition vs a boy because of their ego and being afraid of the fact maybe in some cases the girl is smarter, stronger, a harder worker or more capable and that doesn’t mean the guy isn’t great too. We refuse to ask questions when things don’t make sense or take a stand.

    • cheriewhite says:

      Right again! We should never dumb ourselves down to make someone else feel better about themselves. Instead, perhaps, they too should find something they’re good at and that they enjoy doing. I love your comment!

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