Bullying is Patterned and Predictable

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This is great news for targets and here’s why. Once you figure out the pattern, you become harder for bullies to bully. You are also able to better predict, with amazing accuracy, what your bullies will do next and after almost every given scenario.

For example, you instinctively know that once you report bullying, the bullying will escalate. You’ll also be able to recognize when the bullying becomes a pattern and you’ll begin saving any incendiary emails, messages, texts. You’ll begin taking screenshots of bullies’ comments on social media and you’ll begin documenting incidences in detail.

You will quietly gather your evidence, being sure to save everything, making multiple copies on multiple flash drives and keeping each of them in different locations.

Depending on the laws in your area, you will begin wearing discrete body cameras or keeping a digital audio recorder to get the bullying incidents recorded and making copies of those recordings as well.

You’ll also be able to stay one step ahead of your bullies by taking pictures of all completed work and making copies of important papers and receipts to keep in your CYA file at work or at school. You can make copies of your homework in case your bullies steal it to sabotage you and get you in trouble with school staff.

Again, bullying behavior and tactics are patterned and predictable. And the reason they are so is because they are both universal and timeless.

The behavior and tactics they use is nothing new. It’s the same worn-out crap that has been used since the beginning of time and the reason we haven’t wised up to it is because we’ve ignored it.

And when you ignore or overlook something, you don’t pay attention to it, and you aren’t observant of it. To see the pattern of bullying, you must be observant of it without paying attention to the bullies themselves.

Also, we haven’t considered bullying an important enough issue, and the reason we haven’t taken it seriously is because, for centuries, we considered a normal part of human behavior and were under the assumption that it happened to everybody, or it built character.

Yes, bullying is a dark part of human behavior, but so is murder, yet we don’t overlook it.

The best way to battle bullying is to teach targets confidence and how to recognize when normal teasing is beginning to morph into bullying. We must also teach them how to protect themselves from bullying and how to quietly expose bullying when it happens to them.

With knowledge comes empowerment!

22 thoughts on “Bullying is Patterned and Predictable

  1. Kym Gordon Moore says:

    Bullies are truly a piece of work aren’t they? It seems like there’s no stopping them, but oh there is always a way to fight back without lifting a finger or a boxing glove! 🥊 Expect the unexpected! 🤨 Another informative post Cherie. Thanks for today’s share! 😍😘😎

  2. Sara Flower Kjeldsen says:

    This is a great post! You’re right that for the most part, bullying hasn’t been considered the true evil that it is. Thankfully the mental health movement is drawing light to this toxic action. I’ve noticed especially in politics (A field I’m currently in), bullying runs rampant. Not that all people in politics are bullies, but many are and it’s a tactic they use to bring down the opponents who are running for office. I’ve noticed this can trickle down in their own life as well – they don’t just bully someone running for leadership, but anyone who doesn’t line up with their ideals. It’s been gnawing at me that it’s time to back off and find a different path again.

  3. WritingfromtheheartwithBrian says:

    What a sad, but true statement! “We haven’t considered bullying an important enough issue, and the reason we haven’t taken it seriously is because, for centuries, we considered a normal part of human behavior.” I’ve always hated the boys will be boys mentality. It cheapens the values that we all say we believe in and aspire. Thanks for highlighting this issue!

  4. Devang Upadhyaya says:

    I wish I knew something like this before. It would have been useful….
    It’s amazing if victim can fight back. Bullies generally get confidence by observing what triggers the victim and what they can use against the victims.

  5. euroktoo says:

    “It’s the same worn-out crap that has been used since the beginning of time and the reason we haven’t wised up to it is because we’ve ignored it.”

    I am reaching 30 years in the education field and I can tell you that many grow tire being consistent in trying to irradicate bullying. But that is the secret- we cannot just give up and turn a blinds eye to the school ground bully. We need to stand firm! If not, that kid will grow up and think that is the norm to getting his or her or their way later in life. I have worked with bully bosses who were nothing but bully babies terrorizing the playground.

    • cheriewhite says:

      You’re absolutely right, sweetie! Adult bullies are only former playground bullies who were never held accountable for their evil ways! Perfectly described, sweetie! 💯💯💯

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