sadistic personality type

Sadistic Personality: Bullies who Bully for Pleasure

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‘Have you ever wondered if bullies have a sadistic personality. Do you want to learn about bullies who bully for pleasure? Here is all the information about sadistic bullies that you need to be aware of.

sadistic personality

Though we hate to say it, many bullies are, in fact, sadistic and enjoy inflicting pain on their victims. Sadly, it is the ultimate power rush for them.

Therefore, you will learn all about bullies, particularly those with a sadistic personality so that you know how to recognize them when you meet them.

Once you learn all about this important, even life-saving information, you will be better able to defend yourself against such people.

This post is all about the sadistic personality so that you can be prepared to protect yourself against evil bullies who are cursed with this type of personality and ensure your safety.

Sadistic Personality

Sadly, most bullies bully because they enjoy it. None of us want to admit that there are such people out in the world- people who get sick pleasure from another’s suffering.

If you’re an empath, you’d like to think that every human being has a modicum of feeling when a another person is hurting.

I too would like to think that everyone on Earth has, at least, some feelings, some empathy, and some compassion- even if it’s a teeny tiny speck of it. However, this is not reality.

If it was, there wouldn’t be so many serial killers in the world.

Bullies and Schadenfreude

In this world, there are a lot of people who get sick pleasure from the suffering of their fellow man. Moreover, this goes especially for  those they despise and don’t see as human.

Otherwise, we would never have had unspeakable atrocities like the Holocaust, the Jonestown Massacre, or Waco.

Again, the cold hard truth is that most bullies bully because they get pleasure from it. They get their kicks from it. In fact, they relish it! Think about it, if they didn’t enjoy it, they would never bully.

Sadistic Personality:

If anyone does anything of their own free will, it’s something that pleases them to do.

And let’s face it, nobody does anything of their own free will that they don’t enjoy. Ask yourself this question:

Unless someone held a gun to your head, would you do something- anything at all, that you did not enjoy? You wouldn’t because it goes against human nature.

No one does anything unless there is a payoff of some kind in store for them. Most bullies bully because they love to inflict pain on another person. It gives them a sense of power, control, superiority, and domination.

Moreover, they get a thrill from it. Understand that these four things: power, control, superiority, domination, and sadistic jollies, are the payoffs bullies get. Hurting people they perceive as weaker- people they know will not (or can’t) fight back is what they do best.

Through their torment, the bullies send their targets these unspoken messages:

I can do anything I want with you and there is nothing you can do about it.

You are powerless against me.

I am more powerful than you.

I’m superior to you.

I dominate you.

I have control over your life.

I’m over you.

You’re beneath me.

You can’t do anything without my approval.

You are nothing without my approval.

Sadistic Personality:

Understand that when bullies bully, they feel almighty! And they enjoy the rush of power they get from it.

Realize that to people of a sadistic nature, bullying others is like pulling the legs off an ant or the wings off a ladybug then watching it squirm.

In order words, physical bullies will beat the target just to hear them writhe, groan, or scream in pain. And the bullies will kick him again and again just to get him to scream louder and more frequently.

It’s the same with psychological bullies. They will taunt and verbally abuse their targets just to get a reaction from them.

And they do this because they cannot get satisfaction, happiness, control, superiority or… power any other way. Therefore, the only other option for these bullies is to inflict harm on others. It’s the only way they can feel good about themselves.

However, typical people do not have to hurt others to achieve power. Most people feel powerful through making accomplishments and achievements. This is called personal power.

With personal power, they get power from being able to control their own lives, not someone else’s.

Most get their sense of power through having success in their jobs. Others achieve it through their family life, their talents, their finances, or their physical health.

Therefore, this is why people start their own businesses or do strenuous workouts every day. It’s also why they display their talents and gifts.

Sadistic Personality:

Personal Power vs Power Over

Understand that getting power this way doesn’t require hurting others.

Bullies, on the other hand couldn’t achieve these things without hurting others. That’s what makes them, well, bullies.

They can’t survive in this world without inflicting pain. Even worse, the pain of others is what they thrive on and they can never get enough of it. This is called power over.

Remember that, to these types of people, the rush they get from causing pain is like a drug. And this “drug” produces a high that wears off very quickly.

Therefore, to get another hit, bullies must come back to hurt you again, again, and again. In other words, this isn’t something they can stop cold turkey. Moreover, they can’t stop it without some kind of intervention.

 In other words, they go after who they think is the weakest in the herd. They’re like sharks that smell blood in the water.

Bullies in school may target those in the sped classes or those who have a physical disability. In fact, it isn’t unheard of for bullies to pick on kids who must use wheelchairs.

Many school bullies also target kids with Diabetes or those who are battling cancer. However, many seasoned bullies know better than to target those with visible disabilities because they know they’ll look like monsters if they do.

Therefore, they may target those with invisible disabilities or differences, like those with fibromyalgia, or people with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

However, these people bully, they either secretly or openly take pleasure in hurting others. And the more the target looks like they are suffering, the more the bullies harm them.

This is hard to fathom for many empaths. However, it’s better to find out now so you won’t be paralyzed with shock when it happens to you.

Shock can throw you off-balance and slow your response time. And if you aren’t reeling with shock, the better you’ll be able to take care of it and respond appropriately.

Sadistic Personality:

How to Deal with These Kinds of Bullies

Sadly, adult bullies in the workplace target those with disabilities and health issues too. Most people, I’ve found, don’t really grow up. They may only pretend to just to avoid any social consequences.

The best way to deal with these kinds of people is to find a way to expose their evil. Also, if you have a disability, it’s much better if you don’t try to hide it. Why?

Because if others know you have a disability or health issue, the more likely they are to come to your aid if bullies come for you.

Therefore, instead of hiding any disability or medical issue you might have, use it to your advantage. In other words, use it to gain sympathy and to make your bullies look like the monsters they truly are.

Expose them with it. Because, human nature dictates that if you look a little bit helpless, the right people may stand up for you.

Remember that bullies don’t get the glory they once got in the olden days. In other words, people don’t celebrate bullies like they did during the sixties, seventies, and eighties. They look down on them now.

Therefore, again, take advantage of that!

For example, when I was a freshman in high school, a much bigger girl tried to attack me in the hallway as we were leaving school for the day. I was a tiny 5’4″ 110 lb girl with a 5’8″, 180 lb female bully on my tail.

Bullies are also opportunistic, especially those who bully for pleasure.

The other kids in the hallway took up for me because I was a tiny girl. I’ll tell you how I did it. I just kept walking and let the bully expose herself in the crowded hallway. Moreover, I made myself look as helpless as I possibly could.

Therefore, I was able to garner a little bit of sympathy from the upperclassman and they come to my aid. There were many times I used being tiny (and being a female) to my advantage.

When you’re in danger, you do what you have to do to survive. And this was one of the tricks I used to survive bullying. Being a female had it’s advantages back then and I milked it, not sorry to say.

Therefore, sadistic bullies should read the quote below.

“If your happiness is based on someone else’s misery, it isn’t happiness is a fleeting pleasure that will bite you in the ass…hard.”

This post was all about bullies with a sadistic personality so that you’ll know how to deal with them.

Related posts you’ll enjoy:

1. Why People Bully: 11 Benefits Bullies Reap at Your Expense

2. Why do Bullies Bully? 7 Reasons They Won’t Leave You Alone

3. Baiting: 5 Ways Bullies Bait You Into a Reaction

4. Bullying and Power: 2 Categories of Power

4 thoughts on “Sadistic Personality: Bullies who Bully for Pleasure

  1. 80smetalman says:

    Kudos to you for using your feminine charms to avoid getting bullied, although some women use them to bully or exploit men. I had a bit of this in my early adulthood. It’s great advice to highlight any disabilities as it does make the bully out to look like a monster. On another note, while it’s not a He Was Weird 2 post, I would love to hear your thoughts on my latest post.

  2. B.Plunk says:

    I think one of the hard realities, we don’t talk about nearly enough is some people are just mean. So many times we will talk about how they were bullied themselves at some point or have tough home lives, etc. Yes those things definitely happen but many people simply are heartless and give off treating others like crap. Not everything is a mental health issue.

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