‘Want to know how your bullies will react when you begin speaking out against bullying? Here are the reactions you need to know about so that you can learn how to re-frame them and see them for what they are. Also, here’s why you should feel good about it when your bullies react out of panic.
Remember that your bullies thrive on your silence. Why? Because, as long as you stay quiet about the abuse they inflict on you, they can continue to avoid accountability. Even worse, they get to continue bullying you freely and with impunity.
Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that you begin speaking out if you want to take your power and your life back.
Therefore, in this post, you will learn how your bullies will react when you begin speaking out against bullying. Also, you will learn how much it will positively change your life.
Once you learn what to expect from bullies, you will be prepared to double down and stand your ground no matter what. In that, you will successfully take back your personal power and, with it, control over your life.
This post is all about what happens when you start speaking out against bullying and the positive life-changes that come with it.
Speaking out against bullying
Speaking out against bully starts with reporting your bullies and their bullying when it happens to you. Bullies made coerce you to stay silent. In fact, they may intimidate and induce fear into you. They may threaten physical violence or social consequences.
However, you have a right to safety and dignity. Therefore, reporting your bullies is the first step if you want to overcome bullying.
Yes, speaking out is scary and yes, it involves taking a huge risk of being retaliated against.
But understand that anytime your bullies retaliate and seek to punish you for reporting them, it speaks volumes. It shows that they’re desperate. Moreover, it shows that they’re guilty!
Why? Because if your bullies weren’t guilty, they wouldn’t need to retaliate and they wouldn’t make such an effort to silence you.
In other words, behind a bully’s retaliation for your refusal to stay silent is the knowledge of their own guilt and fear of exposure and resulting consequences. Sadly, most people still haven’t caught onto this yet.
But what if I report it and people in authority refuse to listen?
Understand this right now. Although members of authority and bystanders may not want to listen to your pleas for help, the truth is that they can never un-hear what you’ve told them.
Moreover, though they all may cover for the bully and deny they saw any bullying take place, they can still never unsee it. As long as it reaches their eyes and ears, you still have a voice.
Speaking out against bullying:
When Bullies Retaliate because you spoke out, it screams panic and desperation.
Think about this. Warplanes always get bombarded with the most flack any time they’re flying over their target. This is when the battle is at it’s absolute worst!
You see, the closer the plane gets to the target, the more the enemy will escalate their defensive attacks.
It’s the same with bullies. Any time you peg them on their BS, you’re over the target. And they will hurl all kinds of vicious attacks on you.
Therefore, accept it, expect it, and most importantly prepare for it.
Moreover, if you ever find yourself in this kind of situation, don’t let them shake you. Always remember the warplane analogy and you’ll better withstand the onslaught. Even better, you’ll be able to call it out when it happens.
You’d be surprised how much easier it is to fight against something once you can name it. A problem that you can put a name on and explain clearly is a problem you can more easily solve.
5 Things Bullies and Abusers Do When You Call out Their Abuse
Here’s how your bullies will react when you put their bullying on blast.
1. Speaking out Against Bullying:
Lash out at you.
This is the most revealing. Many bullies and abusers will go into a tirade. In other words, they’ll scream and yell at you. They’ll curse you out and call you the ugliest names. In fact, they’ll call everything but a child of God.
I won’t kid you. It will be difficult to face but don’t panic and don’t be afraid.
Instead, see it for what it is. By breaking your silence, you forced your bullies to reveal their true colors. Why?
Because when your bullies fly off the handle and viciously attack you, that’s when you know you’ve busted them. In fact, you force them to bust themselves just by their very reactions!
Also, you force them to explain themselves.
In forcing the bully to explain their past or present behavior, you instantly remove their “authority”- their power because neither power nor authority ever explains itself. It doesn’t have to.
In other words, you instantly snatch them out of their position of power and move them into a vulnerable position. You automatically turn the tables and leave the bullies in a subordinate place.
In short, you strip them of power. Ouch!
2. Deny their abuse.
Bullies and abusers may confront you either calmly or aggressively, claiming they never bullied or mistreated you. And, you can be sure that they’ll tell anyone who’ll listen to them the same thing.
Again, don’t let it deter you. Calmly tell them, “Don’t try to deny it because you did.” The trick is to not only call out what they did, but also to call out their denial of it.
3. Speaking out Against Bullying:
Gaslight you.
Oftentimes, when you defend yourself against a bully, others may gaslight you by either trivializing the bullying or dismissing it.
They may claim that you must’ve misinterpreted them somehow. Moreover, they may question your memory of the events. They may even accuse you of imagining things.
You may hear remarks such as, “it’s only in your mind” or “you’re just being overly sensitive”.
Also, they may make statements such as:
- “Well, we were just kids then.”
- “But that’s all water under the bridge.”
- “Just let bygones be bygones.”
- ”Just let sleeping dogs lie.”
They may tell you to “get over it” or accuse you of bringing up old stuff. Understand that any time people make these statements, their main goal is to shut you up.
Here are other objectives for their gaslighting:
- To minimize their past brutality and the impact it all had on you
- To make you look like a whiner who just can’t “let the past go.”
- To cover their backsides and minimize any dents to their reputations or any backlash they might receive.
You must realize that this is gaslighting and it speaks volumes about their character. You know bullying when it happens to you, so, don’t be afraid to counter their gaslighting.
4. Speaking out Against Bullying:
Defame you.
The second you notice their bullying and call it out is when bullies and abusers lose control over you. Therefore, if they can no longer control you, they will control how others see you.
And they will tell everyone who will listen what a lowdown piece of garbage you are.
However, as difficult as it may be, don’t let it phase you. Realize that they’re panicking and in a mad rush to do some damage control. Why? Because they’re afraid that word about their true nature just might get around and cause them to lose face.
So, expect them to tell everyone that you’re “mentally imbalanced” and that you’re having some sort of mental episode.
Again, they’re only revealing their true colors. Why? Because if you weren’t telling the truth, they wouldn’t care and wouldn’t react so desperately. So, always see this as an admission of guilt.
5. Avoid you.
These types won’t bother you. Instead, they’ll avoid you like the plague because they’re scared. Understand that this is the best outcome because if they’re avoiding you, you don’t have to worry about them trying to gaslight you.
Why? Because they know they’ve been found out and that word of their abuse is already very quickly circulating.
However, be advised that not all people who avoid you will stay away from you for long. They may avoid you long enough to defame you to others. Moreover, they just might secretly plot revenge against you for daring to open your mouth.
Different bullies react different ways and may use any or all four of the above defensive measures.
Speaking out Against Bullying:
In conclusion:
I can’t stress this enough. Bullies and abusers count on your silence. Moreover, they detest, or more appropriately, fear the possibility of you exposing them.
Exposure is the worst thing that could happen to them. Why? Because it puts them at risk of losing respect in the community.
Therefore, the last thing they want is for other people to see them for the monsters they are.
Understand that bullies make everything about appearances. And when you will back the curtain, you make liars and hypocrites out of them.
So, naturally, they’re going to either attack you, avoid you, or both.
Again, don’t be afraid. Instead, see it as they’re unwittingly revealing themselves and let them go at it. Let them launch their personal attacks.
By attacking you, they only tell off on themselves.
This post was all about the possible reactions of bullies when you begin speaking out against bullying. The purpose of this post was to help you see through their reactions so that you’ll be more encouraged to talk.
Related posts you’ll enjoy:
1. What Constitutes Bullying and What Doesn’t
2. Bullying Tactics: 9 Subtle Moves Bullies Use to Avoid Detection
3. Bullying and Banter: 9 Differences You Must Know
4. The Effects of Bullying: 17 Negative Results on Victims
5. Bullying and Narcissism: 7 Secret Powers of Narcopathic Bullies