
Why is Self Acceptance Important? 21 Must-Know Reasons

Sadly, many people go through life without self-acceptance. But why is self-acceptance important?

why is self-acceptance important

You may have heard the term “self-acceptance” many times before and may be asking yourself, “Why is self-acceptance important?” Moreover, you may not even know what it is.

Here you will learn the definition of if, why it’s important, and how you can achieve it in order to better your life.

Once you learn all these important details and put them to use, your confidence will soar and you’ll finally be able to take more control of your life and it’s trajectory.

This post will give you the answers to the question, “Why is self-acceptance important?” so that you can reap the benefits of it and reclaim your personal power.

Why is self-acceptance important?

Again, there are many reasons. However, first, lets discuss exactly what self-acceptance is and how it relates to bullying and it’s victims.

Anyone who has ever been bullied will tell you that it sometimes takes years to overcome the after-affects, get completely comfortable with yourself and find happiness.

Because of the torment they suffer, victims often withdraw and become shy. Moreover, the shyness can last a lifetime if they aren’t careful.

This reserved condition often comes from not only fear, but a lack of self-acceptance. Shyness is painful. Therefore, self-acceptance is the most important gift you can ever give yourself.

Here are the reasons that self-acceptance is so important.

1. you can see your own beauty.

A lack of self-acceptance blinds you to your own individual beauty. Therefore, once you accept yourself for all that you are, you will easily see your beauty and every good quality you have. You will then relax and just be.

2. you give yourself permission to make mistakes.

You realize that everyone screws up, including yourself. Therefore, you’re okay with making errors. You may not necessarily like goofing on a project, or singing off key. However, you’re still okay with the blunders you make throughout your life simply because everyone else does it too.

Moreover, you won’t try so hard to be perfect because you realize that perfection is impossible for anyone to reach. So, you’re able to just relax and go with the flow.

3. Why is self-acceptance important? You feel free to express yourself.

The reason many victims of bullying don’t practice self-expression is because they’re afraid that others won’t approve. In other words, they spend too much time worrying about what other people think or what they’ll say.

Therefore, they live in an invisible prison they don’t know how to escape from. The prison of whether they get other people’s approval. What they don’t realize is that they don’t need approval from anyone else.

However, when you express yourself, you don’t feel restricted. Therefore, you feel free to express yourself and aren’t the least bit concerned with what the people around you might think about it.

Why? Because you know that you don’t need the approval of others to live your truth and be who you are.

4. You feel free to be yourself.

In other words, you know you don’t need to try and be someone you aren’t. You don’t have to put on a big front to impress others. You’re completely comfortable in your own skin and as discussed in number three, you express yourself more freely.

Moreover, when you can be yourself, you’re relaxed, calm, and content with who God made you to be.

5. You accept all your flaws.

Why? Because you realize that everyone has imperfections. Therefore, you understand that you’re no different and you’re fine with it.

In other words, you accept all parts of yourself, the good and the not so good.

6. Why is self-acceptance important? You’re not afraid to display all your talents, gifts, and natural abilities.

Though others may criticize you for it, mostly out of jealousy, you keep showing what you can do best. Moreover, you’re not concerned with the way people may feel about it.

Sure. You like to display your natural gifts before others, but you do it because you enjoy it and not to impress anyone.

7. You feel free to have your own opinions, feelings, and beliefs.

In other words, you’re not afraid to voice those opinions. In today’s world, being an individual and having your own opinions is of the utmost importance.

Why? Because now more than ever, society frowns on differences of opinions and beliefs.  Agreeing to disagree is, sadly, becoming more and more out of date with the majority of people attacking those with differences in thought, taste, and opinion.

Understand that no two people are going to agree on everything. That’s why you must have the courage to have your own beliefs and convictions even if it causes others discomfort.

8. you work on getting to know yourself better.

You can begin keeping a journal and writing in it everyday. Also, you can take a few courses and try new things. These are a few ways to get to know yourself better.

9. You’re not afraid to grow, learn, and try new things.

Learning and trying new things brings growth. Moreover, it’s also exciting! Therefore, never stop learning, no matter how old you get. Because, when you stop learning, you become stagnant.

10. Why is self-acceptance important? Because You’re more likely to face your fears head-on.

Self-acceptance takes courage. Moreover, when you accept yourself, flaws and all, you’re more likely to take risks.

Risk taking is important because it brings you out of your comfort zone. And when you step out of your comfort zone and put yourself out there, amazing things happen!

11. you discover talents and abilities you never thought you had.

When you accept yourself, you’re more willing to try new things. And when you try new things, you’ll find those hidden natural gifts and abilities. Also, you’ll have the patience to practice them and the courage to show them to others.

12. You believe in yourself.

In other words, you believe that you can succeed at what you set out to do. You have confidence in yourself and are much less afraid to take on projects and tasks.

Moreover, you’ll be more confident in tackling anything life throws your way. Why? Because you know that you’re strong and that you’ll triumph over it.

13. Why is Self-Acceptance Important? Because You’re not afraid to set goals, work on those goals, and pursue your dreams.

People who accept themselves have goals to work toward and dreams to fulfill. They’re usually so busy that they don’t have time to worry about what others think and seek approval.

Therefore, accept yourself and be too busy doing you! This will only bring you success and happiness down the road if you don’t give up.

14. You practice self-care.

When you accept yourself, you love yourself. And when you love yourself, you’re more likely to take care of your body. In other words, you’ll make sure you eat right and exercise everyday.

Also, you’ll get plenty of rest at night and see the doctor if you get sick.

You will take care of your mental health as well. Moreover, you’ll do this by protecting your peace from bullies, abusers, and other toxic people.

15. You’re not afraid to set boundaries nor to enforce them if you need to.

In other words, you don’t put up with bad behavior from anyone. Again, you’ll protect your mental health by keeping toxic people out of your life and protecting your peace.

Moreover, you’re not afraid to set boundaries and call out anyone who verbally abuses you. And you aren’t afraid to walk away from people who take advantage of your goodness or get abusive with you.

16. Why is self-acceptance important? When you accept yourself, new opportunities and better situations open up for you.

You’ll think that the floodgates of heaven have suddenly opened and you are being washed away in a river of blessings.

In other words, your relationships will improve and you’ll suddenly begin attracting better people into your life. You’ll make new friends and associates.

Moreover, other opportunities will come through these new people, such as great jobs, careers, and travel.

17. You’re not afraid to show your silly side and have fun.

In fact, you’ll enjoy having fun and goofing off a little. Also, the people around you will enjoy it too because you’ll be a fun person to be around!

18. You’re better able to have compassion and empathy for others.

The prerequisite to loving others is to love yourself and that takes self-acceptance.

If you can’t accept yourself, you won’t be able to accept others either. This is why a lot of people become bullies and most bullies haven’t achieved self-acceptance.

Being a bully doesn’t score any points. Moreover, it doesn’t make bullies feel any better in the long run. Sure, they may feel better about themselves the instant they put someone else down.

However, that feeling won’t last long. In fact, it fades rather quickly. They’ll then need to attack someone else to get that fix and it will only make them look like insecure little cowards.

But when you accept yourself, you don’t worry about the opinions of others and are better able to give love and compassion to the people around you. Even better, you won’t feel the need to bully anyone.

Therefore, work on changing the way you see yourself and begin loving yourself more.

 Only then will you be able to properly love others.

19. Why is self-acceptance important? Your personal relationships improve.

Because you accept yourself, you accept others. You love yourself and give the same to others. This can only improve your personal relationships.

People love those who love them and they accept those who accept them. Therefore, your relationships can only get better, not worse.

20. You’re social life improves.

You become much more attractive to people and they are drawn to you like a magnet. And the individuals who are waiting for you to mess up actually get bored, give up and stop watching you. I know this from experience. Acceptance of self (all aspects) is such sweet freedom!

No one likes to be around a self conscious and insecure person with a victim-mentality who doesn’t like themselves.

Again, when you accept yourself, others will too.

21. You find peace and happiness.

Self-acceptance is one of the main stepping stones to happiness. When you accept yourself as you are, quirks and all, you release yourself from the enslavement of others’ approval. Moreover, you stop concerning yourself with how others see you.

In that, you lift a huge weight off your shoulders. This brings peace and happiness into your life.

This post is all about the importance of self-acceptance and the amazing life-changes it brings.

Related posts you’ll enjoy:

1. Benefits of Positive Thinking: 6 Positive Changes You’ll See

2. The Advantages of Having Enemies: 7 Powerful Positives

3. Secrets Bullies Hope You Never Find Out: 11 Must-Know Facts about Bullies

4. Knowing Yourself: Why it’s the First Step in Building Confidence

5. Setting Boundaries: 3 Powerful Practices to Hold Your Ground

crybully definition

What is a Crybully and How Do You Spot One?

Do you want to know all about the crybully and all the signs of one? Here is the definition of it and the characteristics of this pathetic type of bully.


Crybullies are pathetic human beings. They act tough but the minute you give them a dose of their own medicine, they run crying to a teacher, supervisor, manager… anyone who will listen. Moreover, they have ways of making you look like the bad guy when, in fact, you were only defending yourself against their vitriol.

Therefore, in this post, you will learn all about the crybully, the signs you’re dealing with one, and the tactics they use to play the victim.

Once you learn this important information, you will be able to call them what they are and nail them on their tactics. As a result, you will be a wonderful advocate not only for yourself but for anyone else these people bully.

This post is all about the crybully so that you can confidently call them out and protect yourself from blame.

A new term has emerged in the last few years to describe the pathetic type of person who doesn’t mind dishing out the crap but can’t handle it when it gets kicked back their way.  We call this person, a crybully.

So, what is a crybully?

A crybully is a bully who’s also a crybaby, who runs to authority and “cries like a little bitch” whenever their targets stand up to them.

Here’s how they operate.

These people repeatedly provoke their victims for an extended period of time. Moreover, the target first tries to ignore them to avoid conflict and keep down the drama.

However, this only serves to encourage the crybully to continue and escalate the behavior. Why? Because they come to believe that the victim is a wimp who won’t do anything about it.

Therefore, they think that they can continue to bully the target and get away with it.

But when the target finally gets fed up with their crap and responds in kind, the crybully suddenly gets their little feelings hurt and feels indignant.

So, to get back at the target for daring to stand up to them, the crybully runs to a teacher, principal, supervisor, or manager.

This person tattles on the victim, like the schoolyard sissy they are. They play the victim while painting the target as the bully. Therefore, bystanders and authority become outraged at the victim.

They accuse the innocent person of being the bully while giving the real bully sympathy.

How the crybully benefits from playing the victim

The instigator then basks in the attention as others give her a pat on the head and lavish her with sympathy. All the while, they also get satisfaction with the blame others place on the real victim.

This gives the crybully a huge sense of power.

Moreover, these types of bullies will also disparage their targets to peers in efforts to smear them and trash their reputation. Understand that these types of manipulators are everywhere and they’re vindictive!

However, understand that this kind of behavior only speaks volumes of these types of bullies. It says that they’re not only cowards but entitled little brats.

They think they should be allowed to treat others any way they want without repercussions. These people are the pathetic ones here.

Therefore, you should be proud of yourself and feel good in knowing that you don’t have to resort to these shenanigans. And in situations such as these, these types of bullies should be the subject of your ridicule.

Because ridicule and shame will be the only way to make these bullies leave you alone.

How do you spot these types of people?

1. Characteristics of the Crybully:


Again, this person doesn’t mind provoking you over and over, but when you finally get fed up and show your ugly side, they aren’t only surprised but offended.

Understand that these types of bullies feel entitled to do whatever they want to do and that you have no right to stop her. Moreover, they believe you don’t have a right to even say anything against it.

These types think that they are beyond reproach and that you should never question their behavior.

Understand that they feel that the world owes them and that they have the right to mistreat you. Even more astonishing is that they think that you’re just supposed to bow down to them and take the abuse.

In other words, they expect you to let them harm you, then take it with a smile and a yes sir/ma’am. Why? Because:

“I’m always right, and you’re always wrong.”

“I’m better than you.”

“You’re inferior to me, I’m superior to you, and how dare you stand up to me? You have no rights as far as I’m concerned.” 

Note the quotations above and understand that, though they may never come out and say it, this is how these chumps think.

2. A crybully will gripe, whine, and complain when something they don’t like happens.

For instance, you call the bully out on his BS. Moreover, you report or speak out about his bullying. In other words, you say or do anything to prompt authority figures to hold him accountable for his despicable behavior.

Therefore, the manipulator will then bitch, moan, and regress into a toddler if they have to face responsibility for anything. He’ll  throw a temper tantrum, railing against the injustice and unfairness of it all.

He may also do something to get back at you for daring to stand up for yourself.

Understand that crybullies must always get their way. Also, they think they can do no wrong. Many times, they will get furious with and throw a fit with you.

If the crybully is female, she may dissolve into a puddle of tears and tell not only authority but anyone who’ll listen that you’re the bully.

3. These manipulators will shout you down if you don’t agree with them or you call them out on their bad behavior.

They think their words, actions, and beliefs are golden. If you happen to speak against their deplorable behavior or hold a different view, crybullies will instantly turn into petulant children.

They’ll call you all kinds of ugly names and launch personal attacks against you. Moreover, they may even hit you first. But, if you hit them back, they will cry like a wimp and claim that you started it.

4. A crybully wants everything handed to them and doesn’t like to put in the effort to earn it.

Crybullies are entitled to have whatever they want when and how they want it. They don’t like to work for anything. Also, they don’t like to wait for it either.

In other words, these types of people are impatient. When they want something, they want it right now, not five minutes from now, not even one minute from now.

They’re like spoiled children. If they don’t get what they want, they will never stop bothering you until you cave in and give it to them.

You must understand that crybullies do this to wear you down. However, you must only double down and resist, no matter what. So, stand firm if for nothing more than to teach them a lesson.

5. Crybullies hate the thought of anyone else having a life better than they do.

When these kinds of people see someone else doing better than them at anything, it makes them feel indignant. In other words, they feel that life hasn’t given them a fair shake.

They will often sulk and play on others’ sympathy. Also, they will also try to get back at the person for being just a little luckier than they are.

Understand that these types of individuals see the success of anyone else other then themselves as injustice.

6. They Have a victim mentality.

This point takes me back to how the crybully tries to make the victim look like the bully. In some cases, this person deludes herself into believing that she is, in fact, the victim.

And sadly, they’re very successful in making others believe that horse manure.

Therefore, when you think of a crybully, think Nellie Olson in the TV series, “Little House on the Prairie.”

Don’t pander to the crybully and don’t be too nice and try to calm them down. If you do, they only keep manipulating you.

There you have it, folks. If you see any of the above characteristics, you might have a crybully on your hands. The best way to battle this type of bullying is to name it and shame it. Putting a name on these things makes them so much easier to deal with and overcome.

This post is all about the crybully and their traits so that you can confidently and successfully call them out on their bullshit and protect yourself from their incessant gaslighting.

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1. Gaslighting Examples: 11 Notable Tactics Gaslighters Use 

2. Phrases to Shut Down a Gaslighter: 9 Powerful Statements to Use

3. Removing Toxic People: 5 Successful Ways to Give Them the Boot

4. Secrets Bullies Hope You Never Find Out: 11 Must-Know Facts about Bullies

5. How to Spot a Bully: 13 Must-Know Body-Language Examples