Bullies Always Go After The Best of The Best

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motivational inspirational dare to dream

Being the best- working hard, striving toward goals, and excelling at high levels all come at a high cost- a lot of resentment from others and having them try to sabotage. There’s a social penalty for high scores in work, creativity, ethics, good-heartedness- anything positive.

It’s why their peers don’t nominate the ones who are deserving of awards and accolades, nor do they recognize them for their success. They work too hard or too fast, they’re too passionate, too perfect, or excessively detailed.

Jealousy, envy, and resentment are often disguised as cold silence and ignorance, which are intentional slights from classmates, coworkers, and superiors designed to hold someone back. Peers who are secretly angered by the successes of a winner will only undermine by stealthy silence because to openly do it would be too obvious.

It would look to much like sour grapes, like the feeling of inferiority to the victor, and everyone is careful not to give off even the slightest stink that they might feel a little inferior.

Blue-collar workers often penalize those for working too fast. Classmates hate other classmates who get top scores. Peers covertly hate those who are record-breakers.

But why?

It’s because any person who breaks records unwittingly raises the bar, therefore raising teacher or management expectations for the rest, creating a new goal that’s much harder to attain.

The best of the best only threaten the rest.

It never pays to be a little too perfect in an imperfect world. You don’t score points by being a ray of light in an environment of dark souls.

The feeling that someone else is better than them are is uncomfortable and only nags at bullies until they find a way- any way possible, to level the playing field.

Many times, people perceive the best to be the worst.

23 thoughts on “Bullies Always Go After The Best of The Best

  1. Kym Gordon Moore says:

    Now girl, you said it here:
    It’s because any person who breaks records unwittingly raises the bar, therefore raising teacher or management expectations for the rest, creating a new goal that’s much harder to attain. 🥇🏆💐

    It’s a doggone shame that those who excel seem to be penalized for their hard efforts. I think your above sentence makes a ton of sense Cherie, and now as I think back on some of the things I experienced from your examples, it now makes sense. 🤔 It makes me strive harder, not for them or to prove anything to them, but for my benefit and how far I can go with what I have! I no longer waste my God-given gifts 🎁 on people who do not deserve, nor appreciate them. Thanks for this eye-opening message my dear!!! 👏🏽🙏🏽🙌🏽

  2. Priyanka Garai says:

    Tool making was an integral part of our becoming human!
    Sharper stone edges, strangely a representative of sharper hominin brains, might have been a driving factor in the evolution of our genus!
    Tool sharpening and meat eating were typical part of the hominin adaptation! Evolutionarily speaking, we’re a butcher genus!
    Sharp-edged tools helped our genus eat meat and marrow – foods higher in protein, fat and calories in the savage savanna!
    Chimpanzees (tribe Hominini sharing with humans) crack nuts with stones and hunt small animals with tree branches!
    Though tool making didn’t emerge only with our genus, only humans could use tools to make other tools like stone knives!

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