Why Bullies Bully in Large Groups

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As the old proverb goes, “Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.” This has been true since the dawn of time. There’s strength in numbers. And bullies are notorious for running in packs and using their numbers to intimidate targets.

However, there’s a reason that goes much deeper than strength or power.

Social science has proved that comradeship is born when two or more people can find something (or someone)they dislike- a common enemy they can all share a passionate dislike for. And if members of the group do not feel they can get solidarity any other way, they will find and/or create an enemy against who they can all unite.

Simply put, they single out and harass a certain person for group cohesion purposes- to facilitate camaraderie among the other bullies in the group.

Put another way, they use their victim as a vehicle for interaction, ingratiation, and bonding. Uniting against an enemy ensures group solidarity. Each member takes turns bullying the victim because they know it’s expected of them by the rest of the pack. Therefore they commit the harassment to ‘fit in’ and get rewards of group unity at the victim’s expense.

Today, we call this “pack mentality” or “herd mentality.” And sadly, most people will do anything, right or wrong, to follow the rest of the herd.

35 thoughts on “Why Bullies Bully in Large Groups

  1. 80smetalman says:

    Another advantage is it is easier to claim innocence in a group. Bystanders can say they weren’t really involved while the ringleader can say “It wasn’t just me “

  2. Ethendra T says:

    These are excellent points. Very true. People would compare this behaviour to animals like wolves or lions, but what they wont understand is that these animals have a purpose to stay strong in groups. Humans though, really dont need to pick on people in groups. It’s just wrong. Great post once again 😁

  3. 5thgenerationgirl says:

    Great informative post & an unfortunate truth. Also the reason why I desperately try to encourage youth to stand on their own, dare to be different by doing the right thing. The overall reward is better that what you think you may be getting running w/ the wrong crowd.

  4. Aparna says:

    Truly appreciate your work
    Bullies come in Group because they are afraid that in case they encounter a person who is not scared of them they need other people to scare them. 😅🤩
    Moving in packs somehow show weak mentality of individual in some cases.
    Their is saying in India that ” Lion never hunts in group, Only Asses hunt in group, Lion hunts alone That’s why lion is King “

  5. mosckerr says:

    The philosophical/theological doctrine known as I-Thou, conceived by Martin Buber and other philosophers during the 20th-century. Succinctly understood as the relationship between G-d and Man. This modern cultural Zionist approach, has no grasp of classic Mussar. It views social human relationship as an Ego centered I-it, relationship. Such Ego centered social relations treat people as “objects” that either bring benefits or profits to the self centered Ego I, or not. Buber’s book Ich und Du, considered as the classic work of cultural Zionist philosophy. Buber, like many Yidden, which includes this author, struggled with developing a Jewish identity crisis. Buber’s pre-WW1 Zionism sought to address assimilated secular Jewry’s Jewish identity crisis. He worked to answer secular Jewry’s need to know why Jews should prioritize their Jewish social connections. טוב

    Later Buber would reject as impractical Jewish identification with any belief based theologies about G-d. As a secular assimilated Jew, the notion supported by Goyim theologies, Buber developed a viewpoint concerning the existence of G-d, as something “OUTSIDE” of Man. This foreign assimilationist notion, it shaped the conclusions which matured into his I-Thou philosophy. Clearly Buber but superficial knowledge, he never explored the Torah oath brit faith. To his assimilated mind, the term brit meant covenant. Specifically he never weighed the oath which Avram swore to HaShem at the brit cut between the pieces.

    Buber, like most rabbis, traditional, masorti, reform etc, had no awareness of the פרדס logic system whereby Rabbi Akiva defined the Oral Torah revelation at Horev. In like and equal measure, Buber, like most rabbis, etc, had no awareness of the role of tohor as the יסוד of the chosen Cohen seed of Avraham! As such, his secular cultural Zionist philosophy had but only a slight impact influence upon traditional observant Jewry’s perception of how Yidden view themselves and our relationship with HaShem. Defined as: the Spirit of the Name of HaShem, consequent to the sworn oath brit, the Spirit of the Name lives within the hearts of the chosen Cohen nation. The only people who accepted the revelation of the Torah at Sinai; this Spirit Name judges the contest and struggle within the hearts of the chosen brit Cohanim people, which Rabbi Yechuda HaNassi referred to as Yatzir HaTov vs. Yatzir HaRah in a Mishna of ברכות.

    Buber, like most rabbis etc, had no knowledge of the k’vanna of sanctifying the awareness of the finger of HaShem within our lives, as expressed through the mitzva known as kre’a shma, and within every page of the Talmud. He, like most rabbis etc, did not realize that the theology, known as monotheism, that it fundamentally negates both the 2nd Commandment of the revelation of the Torah at Sinai, and the oath brit sworn at Gilgal in the days of the prophet Yehoshua. Which the order of parchments within the Rashi tefillen eternally validates as essential to the lives of Torah observant Jewry.

    Buber, like most rabbis etc, had no conscious awareness of דרך ארץ, the dedication of Torah defined tohor middot unto HaShem, as the יסוד upon which defines the basic k’vanna of tefilla. Just how can an I-Thou relationship exist if man, the lessor life force in the I-Thou relationship, has no knowledge how to da’aven to HaShem; within the brit boundaries defined by the prophets, known as tefillah? Buber, like most rabbis etc, had no consciousness that this question even exists. Yeshivot across Israel, they have no ability, much less research, other than translating the Siddur into other languages – as if reading words from a prayer-book defines k’vanna – how to study, and even less so, how to interpret the k’vanna required to do any and all positive time oriented commandments.

    Cultural Zionism fails in all generations, consequent to the basic issue: Jewish abandonment of our responsibility as the Cohen nation, to accept the opening first two commandments of Sinai as the יסוד of Torah faith. The Talmud teaches the k’vanna of the 1st Sinai commandment as: doing mitzvot לשמה. In the defense of Buber, like most rabbis etc, the opening Gemara of גיטין teaches that g’lut Jewry forsook (herein explains the curse of g’lut) to prioritize the most essential understanding of our faith, how to do mitzvot לשמה.

    The Ramban commentary to the Chumash teaches that Jews living in g’lut have no mitzvot observance obligation, comparable to women placing tefillen; g’lut Jewry do mitzvot, in the opinion expressed by the Ramban, not from obedience to Torah commandments, but rather so they do not forget what it actually like to keep and do mitzvot! Visit any Yeshiva across Israel, and ask any “rabbi” to distinguish אל from רחום from חנון etc, and not any of those “rabbis” asked, in any Yeshiva across the country, possess the wisdom to make basic distinctions of fundamental primary terms. The Talmud of Baba Kama calls this disgrace: hanging a mountain by a hair. Something to a “great mathematician” who does not know how to add simple numbers. Have met many Orthodox Jews who adamantly declare, as if such declarations have authority, that the Jewish people in Israel today live in g’lut! Am ha’aretz personages compare to autistic children. They live in their own little world, oblivious to strangers outside of that little world.

    That little world, perhaps defined as: “don’t confuse me with the facts … I have my religion”. Comparable to settlers traveling in Conestoga wagons across the prairies. Whenever those amateurs encountered heathen Injuns, those Pius pioneers would circle their wagons, to forge a wall of common defense. The metaphor of circling the wagons against modern secular society: heard it from a Frum New York born, Toldos Aharon, beketche, and shtrelmel wearing Yid. He himself compared Hasidic educational goals to raise their children in the shadow of a vast majority secular society, to the 19th century wagon analogy; their struggles to survive, during the dangerous, barbaric, scalp hunting days, of the extinct old West.

    Assimilated and secular, Buber’s cultural Zionism perceived most human relationships from an I -it perspective. Buber, like most rabbis etc, did not understand that the key term brit (בראשית\ברית אש) the Torah defines as an oath sworn alliance which binds not just the individual, but all family members born to that brit individual unto all eternity of time. When Adam ate the forbidden fruit, he did not die alone. The floods in the days of Noach obliterated the soul of Adam, every descendant of Adam died – except for the chosen Cohen seed of Noach. As Yitzak caused Yaacov to inherit the chosen Cohen brit faith, so too Noach caused Shem to inherit the brit faith. As Esau sold his Cohen birthright to Yaacov, Shem, through Melchizedek lost the Cohen inheritance and it passed unto Avraham, when he failed to discern a fundamental priority of faith, to do mitzvot requires doing commandment לשמה. Melchizedek blessed Avraham, and only thereafter did he bless HaShem. Reuven, the firstborn of Yaacov, in his turn would forfeited the big kohuna Cohen status, when he likewise failed to prioritize primary from secondary values. Yosef, he too forfeited the big kohuna Cohen status, when he failed, unlike Moshe our Teacher, to cause Israel to inherit the sworn oath made by Yaacov to Yitzak, to bless as the most essential definition which categorizes the mitzva of tefilla. Therefore, why should Buber, like most of the rabbis etc, not also crash into this same identical error of faith?

    Buber, like most rabbis etc, did not comprehend the wisdom, as taught in ברכות, that a blessing requires knowledge to do mitzvot לשמה, and מלכות: the understanding to employ pronoun tohor middot which jump forth from Spirit Name HaShem; this defined korban like dedication of our lives as the brit Cohen peoples’ – our acceptance of the opening first two commandments at Sinai. The dedication of Torah defined tohor middot, known as Torah Sh’Baal Peh, wherein the Cohen nation dedicates our personal walk before HaShem in and through our daily lives, as our eternal atonement for the avoda zara of the Golden Calf, wherein Aaron translated the Spirit of the Name unto a word. This violation, comparable to the strange fire which his two sons would later offer during the Moshiach anointing, not to compare HaShem to anything existent in the Heavens, Earth, or Seas. The latter three categories cannot define tohor Spirits. Words require skill and great precision, and profound mental dexterity, to describe different shades of color which an artist employs. This basic, fundamental complexity compares to asking a small child to describe the feelings felt, which cause him to cry. An experienced bard poet struggles to describe complex emotional shades of grief, fear, anger, shame, worry, or their emotional opposite positive feelings!

    Buber, like most rabbis etc, failed to grasp the basic need for Man to emotionally mature – to grow up, and stop behaving as a 60 year old child, whose organ of generation dominates his assimilated thoughts, desires, and passions to live and practice a hedonist lifestyle. But the most damning failure of Bubers’ cultural Zionism, the absolute empty awareness of the need to rule our people, when we struggle and fight against one another, that only justice has the power to assuage feelings of hatred without cause.

    Buber, like most rabbis etc, had no awareness of the Talmudic model which prioritized the establishment of lateral Common Law Courts. Which prioritized the need and importance of lateral Courts as the chief means to righteously resolves disputes which threaten to drive the ship of the Zionist state upon the shoals of Civil War destruction. The ultimate definition of all Torah curses, which Israel accepted at Sinai through the 2nd Commandment.

    Justice breathes tohor spirits when our leaders accept the yoke responsibility as the fundamental priority of a Jewish State: the obligation to ensure that Jews do not fight Civil War among ourselves. Justice requires a commitment to achieve and prevail intra-bnai brit diplomacy. The issue of Peace, does not involve Arab refugee populations, nor Arab or Muslim countries in the Middle East and North Africa. The issue of Peace, revolves around a sole and single axis. Peace breaths tohor spirits when lateral Courts command the police to impose justice, which extinguishes the fires of hatred Jews feel towards one another.

    Police have no power nor authority to issue fines. Only the justices of a lateral court bear the yoke of this responsibility, this aspect of justice. Lateral justices never receive any salary from the State. Such salaries constitute as State sanctioned bribes. The police serve as public servants. They receive their salary from the State, on the precondition that the police obey and carry out the commands of the lateral courts. President Jackson, with contempt declared: “Chief Justice Marshal has made his ruling. Now let’s see how he enforces it!”

    Lateral common law courts possess the Constitutional priority known as D’varim/Mishna Torah/Legislative Review. The lateral common law courts have the power to not only declare a law established by the Knesset as unconstitutional. But more essential to the point of law, these lateral Sanhedrin common law courts inherit the Constitutional authority to rewrite unconstitutional laws passed by the Knesset Parliament, and impose the Constitutional laws as the law of the land. Torah laws never exist without mussar. Herein defines the moral scope, the power and authority, of revelation of the Torah sh’baal peh at Horev. The tohor middot logic system, פרדס, shapes and determines the k’vanna of all halachot for ever and to all eternity.

    Other cultural Zionist thinkers of the early 20th Century. טוב

    Cultural Zionist leaders, both pre and post WW1, struggled with assimilation. Their view of Yiddishkeit, almost totally overshadowed by Xtian theological narishkeit. The latter, compares to an Indian summer, a dying religion, gasping in the throes of death, which attempted a kind of brief restoration of ‘spiritual health’, something comparable to the ‘Battle of the Bulge’. Nazi barbarism exposed the foundation of Xtian cruelty and lies, humanity now strives to cast this bloody rag upon the dunk heaps of history, together with the mythical Gods of Mt. Olympus.

    Franz Rosenzweig, author of the philosophical work: “The Star of Redemption”, himself almost converted to that detestable faith. After the Great War, despite poor health, he worked together with Martin Buber to write a German translation of the T’NaCH. Poor scholarship assumes that translations of T’NaCH into Bibles serve Jewish interests. Translations compare to information gleaned; poor folk who search for food, after workers harvest the ripe crops from the fields; they compare to undergraduate students who learn particular subjects, based solely upon translations of original works written in other languages.

    The root problem of translations, they simply cannot define any abstract “foreign” term. Translating abstruse, recondite, esoteric, and concealed terms into other languages, only further clouds understanding of these translated abstruse, recondite, esoteric and concealed terms. An example being the translation of ברית unto the alien term “covenant”. Had any translators of the Xtian Bibles understood the concealed depths of the Torah, they would have never introduced the Spirit Name of HaShem as a word. Cutting a brit most essentially requires swearing an oath through the Spirit Name of HaShem. The translation of brit into covenant fails to communicate this absolute and fundamental requirement.

    Hence Xtians throughout the Ages have viewed the T’NaCH, comparable to post Ghetto reform Jewish rabbis who declared the T’NaCH and Talmud as archaic, they called the T’NaCH, their ‘Old Testament’. But neither T’NaCH nor Talmud teach history, both reveal the Cohen spirituality of faith. And neither Xtian theologians nor assimilated cultural Zionist philosophers, possessed an education, not in T”NaCH, nor in Talmud, nor in Midrash, nor in Siddur. Neither Xtian priest or assimilated Jew possessed the basic education required to enable them to distinguish and discern tefilla from prayer.

    Worlds separate talking [about] a subject, as opposed to talking [through] that same subject. Both this and that – theological declarations of Creed and faith and assimilated Jewry – compare to a poor man, standing outside a Jewish window on shabbot, begging for food – as discussed in the opening Mishna of Shabbat. Words talk about Human shapes & forms of Man; but spirits breath the life force substance through Man. A basic yet fundamental distinction which forever separates reactionary newspapers knowledge rhetoric, from depth analysis research which learns based upon a disciplined employment, a comparison\contrast logic format.

    Both Rosenzweig and Buber serve as prime examples of the secular Haskalah movement of the late 19th Century. Haskalah favored and promoted an environment of civic responsibility, it promoted the cultivation of literature and arts, worshiped by the dominant German culture of Bismarck’s empire. Torah observance of commandments, mitzvot, and halachot ceased to stir the soul of these assimilated Jews. Rosenzweig, like Marx before him, pursued the study of Hegel’s philosophical and political ideas. As his thoughts matured, Rosenzweig rejected German Idealism, Hegel’s notions of the supremacy of the nation state history, over the destiny of individuals who lived within a larger national society.

    These group-think, belief system theologies vs. artistic creative mentalities, they have divided theological Creeds from mussar revelation of awareness, throughout the Ages. This gulf of separation between 2 fundamentally opposing ideas, most probably prevented Rosenzweig from embracing and converting to Xtianity. Nonetheless, recreating the wheel – what a waste of time. The genius of Rosenzweig could not independently duplicate the T’NaCH/Talmud wisdom, passed down through the Ages from Rabbis to talmidim who study together the sealed masoret. Rosenzweig’s philosophy turned and leaned toward the lines of the existentialist philosophers of Kierkegaard, Dostoevsky, Sartre, and Nietzsche, while still striving to maintain a Jewish identity.

    As his philosophy matured he examined the Neo-Kantian school in philosophy, as promoted by the German-Jewish thinker Hermann Cohen, which emphasized “pure” thought and ethics rather than metaphysics. Cohen in his latter years would reduce the level of importance which the secular philosophical ethic of Kant emphasized. His last work, published after his death: Die Religion der Vernunft aus den Quellen des Judentums (1919; Religion of Reason: Out of the Sources of Judaism), Cohen shifted emphasis from a man-centered to God-centered concept of priority.

    Both men as they aged struggled with a profound Jewish identity crisis. This Jewish identity crisis, perhaps it defines the mental hoops which all three of these Jewish philosophers attempted to jump through. Assimilated Jewry living today too struggles with our own identity crisis. We too strive to jump through hoops which define our relationships and society with and among our own people.

      • mosckerr says:

        Born in Midland Texas. That town has a population about the size of Beer Sheva, where I live – over 100,000 population. That city, perhaps 5 Jewish families and the closest bet knesset about 800 km distant.

        Jewish minority populations in foreign countries compare to a drop of water that falls into a huge vat of water. Maintaining a Jewish identity struggles with assimilation to the dominant culture and customs of dominant culture. This struggle not to assimilate pretty much defines the Yiddishkeit of Jewish refugee communities in foreign countries.

        • cheriewhite says:

          I’m so sorry to hear that. I’m totally against antisemitism and I believe that people have a right to practice their culture and religion in the USA no matter where they come from.

          • mosckerr says:

            🙂 The Jewish state has changed the status of stateless Jewish refugee exiles! After over 2000 years as a refugee people without a country, we have reconquered our ancient homelands.

            Reminds me of the prophet Isaiah who said the wolf shall lay day with the lamb and the lion shall eat grass like a goat.

            The interpretation of this mussar. Many great and powerful empires have become extinct. Yet Yidden twice totally uprooted from our homelands have reestablished the Jewish state! Just as its utterly amazing that a wolf would lay day with a lamb and a lion eat grass like a goat … so too and how much more so the Jewish people returning and once more ruling our ancient homelands.

          • cheriewhite says:

            I’m so sorry to hear that. I’m totally against antisemitism and I believe that people have a right to practice their culture and religion in the USA no matter where they come from.

          • mosckerr says:

            Honestly, making aliyah to Israel has transformed my life. I met my wife here, Whooooooooooooooooop that alone an amazing accomplishment. Am struggling trying to arouse people hear to re establish the Torah as the Constitution of the Jewish Republic. A Republic by definition has multiple state governments. Oppose European imperialism which seeks to shove down my throat the absurd notion which they style land for peace or 2 state solution.

          • cheriewhite says:

            Im happy for you that you met your wife and are in a hapoy marriage. But I’m so sorry to hear that your country is suffering so. Know that I’m behind you and I back Isreal. You are a friend of our country and I think it’s appalling that our leaders don’t reach out to you and help you more.

          • mosckerr says:

            Stateless refugees in Gaza do not present much of a threat. 1/5th of missiles fired by Hamas landed inside Gaza. I suspect that their own bombs killed or maimed most of the casualties which they suffered during those 11 days.

          • mosckerr says:

            I never voted while in America. None the less have a tremendous debt of gratitude to the golden medina and only wish that it over come the tremendous national debt crisis that its currently experiencing. A huge national debt – the primary first cause behind the French revolution of 1789.

          • cheriewhite says:

            Unfortunately we have such crappy leadership in our government now. But know that the American people- everyday people like me, support you.

          • mosckerr says:

            Shabbot Shalom from Israel: חי ובריות. רמז וברית

            Israel, the Cohen nation. A רמז: words within words. A key סוד of the language of Hebrew. שרשים\verb roots. Learn through the discipline of דיוקים\inferences. The sh’itta of Oral Torah logic. קדש, for example: the 3 letter root verb derive opposing opposites קדוש/holy – חברה קדיש vs. דברים פרק כג פסוק יח – קדישה\prostitute. The wisdom of סוד rather than words within words as the sh’itta of רמז learns, words too possess the power to produce polar opposite meanings, while sharing the exact same שרש\root. This בראשית of the Hebrew language ראש בית … ב’ ראשית, communicates through this unique style and logical format. פרדס kabbala, taught by Rabbi Akiva and all the rabbis within the pages of the Talmud — no dispute. That’s the polar opposite of the Talmud as a whole which stands upon the יסוד of disputes over the closeness of a brought precedent whereby a person can make a depth analysis of the specific case of the Mishna.

            Every sugia of Gemara attaches to a specific Case language of the Mishna which that Gemara comments upon. Chakma of learning, by the sh’itta of the Baali Tosafot – the grand children of Rashi – just as the rabbis of the Gemara, known or referred to by the title Amoraim – learn with a Big Picture overview of bringing a precedent from some other Primary source, found within the purview of the Mishna and Sifre Sifra Mechilta, and tosephta Primary Sources which function and most essentially serve as precedents of law. Herein defines the sh’itta of the Tosafot of understanding how the Gemara learns the Mishna.

            The Rashi sh’itta of פשט\p’shat stands diametrically opposite and different compared to the Rashi sh’itta of פשט\p’shat on the Talmud. Why? And equally important, How?, does Rashi employ 2 sh’ittot in the shadow of the sh’itta which all the Tannaim (rabbis included in the Mishna) and all the Amoraim (rabbis included in the Gemara) learn the Torah with only one sh’itta and never two sh’ittot as does Rashi! The elephant in the china closet. The first and most immediate question which requires an answer.

            Answer: Rashi refused to reveal to the church enemies of the Jewish people, specifically the priests of Rome, how to employ Torah wisdom to learn the Talmud. The Rashi פשט learned on the Chumash teaches the פרדס kabbala of Rabbi Akiva, and therefore that commentary passes down the masoret of the intent of the Framers of the Mishna and Gemarah – how those rabbis understood the Torah Sh’Baal Peh logic system. The commentary of the Talmud, by contrast, limits its instruction to teach how to correctly read a very complex text. But the jurisprudence of Judean Common law most emphatically does not learn by reading law books! The sh’itta of every line on every page of the Talmud – the discipline of understanding the required דיוק\inference.

            Consequently, the Rashi commentary on the Chumash, that sh’itta of learning goes hand in hand with the Baali Tosafot sh’itta of introducing Primary source outside sources, just as does the Gemara’s sh’itta of difficulty\answer which defines the methodology of Amoraic learning on the Mishna. Awareness of the finger of HaShem in our lives defines all Prophetic mussar commandments. The discipline wisdom of weaving prophetic mussar understood and defined ie פשט\p’shat, which the ritual halachic practices developed as the eternal cultural masoret of the Cohen nation passed down as a living inheritance to all generations of the brit family created through the mitzva of קידושין\marriage unto the stars in the heavens.

            A fundamental challenge which assimilated Jews, who accept and embrace Goyim customs, they favor Civil marriages that have no קידושין oath alliance. Assimilation defines the 2nd Commandment of the revelation of the Torah at Sinai. The Cohen nation: billions of Goyim live and thrive across the world. The Cohen nation but very few. The Yatzir of tuma, within the hearts of every Cohen person within the chosen nation, directly breaths the Angel of Esau which Yaacov too wrestles. Torah teaches spirituality NOT history. Live and breath tohor middot – this defines the chosen Cohen nation blessing for all human beings living on the Planet Earth for ever. Who Vs. Who accepts this blessing with an אמן אל מלך נאמן אמן אמן אמן, the prophet rebuked the king who only jumped upon the arrows three times. Rashi tefillen testify: the oath brit we swear learned from the oath brit of Gilgal in the days of the prophet Yehoshua, the head talmid of Moshe our Teacher: IF: we breath tohor middot pronouns which measure the meaning and k’vanna of the Name HaShem ….. THEN the Spirit Name of HaShem judges the Gods whom our Goyim enemies worship\Israel prevails and wins all the wars we fight with Goyim for ever and unto all eternity for all generations. IF: we breath tuma middot pronouns which curse the k’vanna of Name of HaShem … THEN the wars we fight with Goyim based upon the specific measurement known as g’lut\exile, the Goyim stand upon our heads victorious.

            Herein defines the meaning of accepting the revelation of the Torah at Sinai. But this black fire stands opposed by the דיוק white fire. All T’NaCH prophets and their talmidim for eternity, they all command mussar; the wisdom of acquiring an awareness of the finger of HaShem within our lives and the lives of our children – brit. The ritual observances which the Talmud recognizes as the definitive cultures and customs practiced by the Judean society prior to the g’lut\exile by the Romans ie. masoret/tradition.

            This inheritance of masoret all generations of the Cohen people can choses to accept and embrace the status of the chosen first born son. The obligation to sanctify doing avodat HaShem. This obligation learns from the oath sworn by the prophet Yehoshua at Sh’Cem – the place where the brothers of Josef sold not just their brother but themselves and their children upon the shoals of the Torah curse – g’lut. Josef, contrasts with the prophet Moshe, he did not bless the family of Israel as did Yaacov and Moshe. Herein explains why the Talmud teaches that Yosef did not give מחילה\pardon to his brothers.

            Yaacov swore an oath unto Yitzak: “cause me to inherit the oath brit which HaShem and Avraham swore to one another; teach me the oath you swore to the Spirit Name HaShem (Yitzak remembered the command Sarah commanded Avraham to expel Hagar and Ishmael, that only her son Yitzak would inherit the oath brit chosen Cohen first born faith), whereby you obligated upon yourself and your chosen Cohen seed to do and keep commandments. And I swear (tetea, sh’varim, tru’ah) to command by chosen first born Cohen seed to Bless the nation of Israel for ever and to all generations.

            The return oath, which Avram swore in the Spirit Name of HaShem (tetea, sh’varim, tru’ah) that this Spirit Name would live within the chosen Cohen seed for all generations unto eternity…the basic k’vanna required to da’aven the Shemone Esri, to accept the Cohen blessing, and to bear the yoke of the oath brit sworn by the Avot, One with yourself; as expressed in the word ONE, in the p’suk\verse of kre’a shma. Breath remembrance of the oaths sworn by the Avot … the blessing of the קדש Spirit of life fills your heart and soul.

  6. SLM1975 says:

    The Finney Four were comprised of Rachel & Louis Burgio, John Gagliano and Holly Ball.

    Rachel would interrogate me intensely about personal stuff and force me with threat of violence or expulsion if I didn’t answer her. She would then gossip and tell the whole school I was weird because of what she made me tell her.

    Holly would blame me for what the other Finney Four were doing. And make me accept the blame.

    Louis sexually harassed, beat and tried to rape me.

    John threatened to kill me and even slapped me across the face once, calling me a cunt.

  7. myplace3187 says:

    The herd mentality is alive and well in many places. I know you have always looked out for those being bullied Cherie. This blog is no different but better idea of what to watch out for.

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