You may wonder what I mean by that. Allow me to give examples:
- You’re a kind and easy-going person and bullies see those good qualities as a sign of weakness. You can use those traits to uplift and give support to other targets of bullies. In doing this, you will make great friends and allies and the more friends you have, the more chances are that bullies will think twice before bullying you. Remember that bullies always attack in groups because they’re weak and afraid when they’re alone. When you establish a group of your own, bullies will back down because you now have friends to back you up.
- You’re painfully shy and quiet and bullies mistake those characteristics for fear. You can use your silence to be a good listener when someone needs to talk. This too will gain you close friends because the other person will feel that they’re being listened to and that you care. Moreover, they will feel that you’re interested in them and who doesn’t love that!
- You have a small mole that bullies make fun of. Remember that Marilyn Monroe also had a mole just above her upper lip. But her mole was referred to as a beauty mark and it ended up being her trademark.
These are only a few examples. Find a way to re-frame what people see as weaknesses and you’ll be surprised at how quickly you take back your power.
With knowledge comes freedom!
Beautiful reframing. 🖤🙏
Thank you so much, Amber. ❤
I love this. I was bullied for being an expat, but over time, I did realize it was my superpower and now, I am what they call a Third Culture Kid
I’m so proud of you. There’s no doubt that you’ve grown from your experiences with bullying. You have the right mindset. 🙂
Thank you. As an expat kid, I kind of had to by virtue of necessity
I completely understand.
In my early 30s, I dated someone who was really into sci-fi and cosplay and geeky stuff like that. Our mutual friends, who were quite a bit younger, kept inviting us to their parties, knowing that we would be the oldest and soberest people there and would probably spend a lot of time talking to each other, because I was into geeky stuff too. (I remember at one of those parties, before she and I were an official couple, we went into a bedroom to just talk somewhere where it was quieter, and when we came back into the living room as the party died down, a guy who had arrived during the time we were in the bedroom saw me coming out of the bedroom, looked at me, and said, “Greg, I feel like I should high-five you.” NOTHING HAPPENED in there, but I didn’t tell him that… haha.)
Anyway, I got sidetracked… back to the topic of bullying. She told me many times about how she was kind of a social outcast in high school, and the social outcasts found each other and supported each other, kind of like what you’re describing here.
But I’ve noticed that sometimes those people who join together to get away from the bullies often become bullies themselves. That was part of the reason we didn’t work out, and the reason I never fully devoted my life to geeky stuff like she did. People I knew when I was younger who were into that kind of stuff would be overly critical toward people who didn’t have the right obscure knowledge about these fictional universes, or the right opinions on certain movies, shows, characters, etc. And she was like that toward me sometimes. To me, that takes all the fun out of it, not to mention you’re doing exactly the same thing that the more traditional bullies did to you.
I see your point and that can happen. But remember, it’s not about forming your group of outcasts to exclude anyone. It’s about building a group of friends to establish social connections and an alliance for protection. Most people who’ve been social outcasts are least likely to engage in bullying behavior because they know how it feels to be bullied and wouldn’t want to inflict that kind of pain on someone else.
I know, it shouldn’t be about excluding anyone, but sometimes it becomes that, as you suggested in your other post today.
Yes it does. And it’s sad.