Do you know what it means to know your worth as a woman? Here are rules you should live by to increase your value.
When you know your worth as a woman, you’re least likely to settle for anything less than what you want and what you know you deserve.
Therefore, in this post, you will learn what it is to know your worth as a woman. Moreover, you’ll live by your beliefs and convictions so that you can increase your value and live the life you deserve.
Once you know this life-changing information, you will successfully increase your feminine value. Moreover, you’ll be more capable of creating the good life you deserve because you won’t settle for crap.
This post is all about what it is to know your worth as a woman so that you can know your true value and live up to it.
Know Your Worth as a Woman
A high-value woman is worth more than gold. However, with the moral decline of today’s females, she’s a rare commodity. Even so, potential partners still hope to find her.
First, here’s a scenario. A fourteen-year-old girl comes home from school to find both her grandmother’s sitting at the kitchen table.
Having both grown up during the Great Depression and been daughters of farmers, the grandmothers only have fifth-grade and seventh-grade educations, yet they are geniuses in common sense and street smarts!
As they sit together, sipping coffee and having just finished a card game, the girl’s maternal grandmother tells her the story of how her grandfather cheated on her many times but only dropped the other woman in the end.
She also tells her how she ended up divorcing him. After she tells her the story. Her sweet grandmas then give her 5 Rules all women should live by.
Rule Number 1
“Never, ever have an affair with a married man because you only settle for second place when you do, sweetheart. You decrease your value as a woman when you go with another woman’s husband”
“In other words, you cheapen yourself. Wouldn’t you rather find your own husband and be his one and only?”
Naturally, the young girl’s answer is an emphatic “YES!”
Know Your Worth as a Woman:
Her maternal grandmother continued:
“When a woman dates a married man, she decreases her worth as a woman- and she does it immensely. She reduces herself to the lowest common denominator.”
“Moreover, she lives on the fantasy and false promise that the man will leave his wife for her. In most cases, he doesn’t. She only waits, with bated breath, wasting her valuable time on someone who doesn’t deserve her love let alone his wife’s.”
“Philanderers don’t change. And if he does leave his wife and marries the mistress, he’ll only eventually cheat on her too. When you have an affair with a married man, you sell yourself short. You set yourself up for a huge letdown later. Therefore, you must choose someone who isn’t already committed and who you can call your own.”
“That’s right.” the girl’s paternal grandmother agreed. Then she began to speak.
Rule Number 2
“And never ever throw herself at a man, or worse- crawl up behind someone who doesn’t want you. I see a lot of young girls in your age group doing this and the only thing it does is make them look desperate.”
“Moreover, the guys they chase only get an ego rush from it, them sit back with the buddies and laugh at the girl behind her back. Now, I know you haven’t begun dating yet, but I want to let you know now, so that you’ll avoid these pitfalls when you do begin to date.”
As the girl’s paternal grandmother, a widow, spoke her words, she listened attentively and the maternal grandmother nodded in agreement as she looked at the young girl with those beautiful, wide, but serious eyes.
Now before I go on, I realize that times have changed since I was a young girl and that I may offend a few people out there who may accuse me of using stereotypical gender roles and such. However, the girl in the story was I and this is the conversation we had.
Therefore, for those of you who are thinking about sending me a flamer about how “politically incorrect” this post sounds and that I should be more “gender neutral,” do not!
Know Your Worth as a Woman:
Don’t listen to the in things of today, listen to your heart.
Don’t waste both your time and mine by trying to “school” me on the unwritten rules of identity politics because I’m not interested! This post isn’t about identity politics.
What it is about is knowing your worth as a woman and a person. Also, it’s about the importance of self-value, which, sadly, is in short supply in people these days.
Getting back to the subject, my grandmothers sure knew what they were talking about. They were two of the smartest and socially savviest women I knew. God rest their souls, I considered them life-geniuses! They were both masters at human nature and the hidden motivations and intentions of people!
Our little talk really made an impression on me that day. I never forgot that conversation and continued to live by it.
Know Your worth as a Woman:
Rule Number 3
You must value yourself. Therefore, my point to the above story is that no matter what relationship you choose, heterosexual, homosexual, or otherwise, you should always know your worth. You should value yourself enough not to even begin a relationship with someone who’s already taken. Know that there are always better options.
I say this not to judge anyone, but to convince you to see that you’re worth so much more than you think. In other words, you’re worth so much more than being a side-partner to some creepy toad who doesn’t value women.
The same goes for men who have affairs with married women or settle for fem-toads who either don’t value them or who cheat on them. You must start treating yourselves better!
When you date someone who’s already in a marriage or committed relationship, you set yourself up to play second fiddle. To be okay with lapping up someone else’s sloppy seconds? Yuck! Why would anyone settle for that pathetic crap?
Here’s something else I’ll bet you haven’t thought of. If you have an affair with someone else’s romantic partner, you might as well be wearing their underwear! Egads!
Rule Number 4
Don’t settle. In other words, don’t be okay with someone who wants to only shack up with you!
Know Your Worth as a Woman:
The Value of a Wedding Band
Too many women these days don’t value themselves like they should, especially women who have suffered past bullying and abuse. And many predatory men will take advantage.
Take it from someone who made that mistake when she was young and naive. Shacking up isn’t what it’s cracked up to be.
A woman who prefers marriage over living together knows her value and isn’t afraid of making it clear what she wants out of life. She is confident and a man who is worth her time will respect her and be willing to commit his life to her and make her his wife.
In no way am I telling people how to live. If you’d rather live together than to be married, then that’s your business and I won’t judge you for it. And there are couples who live together and eventually marry but that’s a rare occurrence these days.
Know that you’re worthy of so much more.
If a man wants you to live with him but doesn’t want to marry, how much does he actually think of you? Really think about it.
He expects you to cook, clean, and go to bed with him every night, and yet, he doesn’t think enough of you to make it official? Remember that you teach people how to treat you by what you accept. Seriously, don’t you think you deserve better?
Rule Number 5
Don’t be afraid to go after the relationship you want.
Don’t be like the woman in the video!
Know Your Worth as a Woman:
Don’t settle for anything less than what you deserve.
There are reasons why marriage is so much better than shacking up
1. There’s much more security.
Marriage is more legally binding than living together ever will be. Understand that people who marry make much more of a commitment to their partners than those who only live together.
2. There are higher levels of trust between partners.
The average couple who is married trusts each other more than the average couple who lives together outside marriage. I know that many will counter me with statistics of a high divorce rate. However, this should not deter you from getting married if that’s what you want.
When my husband and I were dating and the subject came up, I made it absolutely clear that the only man I would even consider living with would be the man I married. I knew what I wanted, and I didn’t fear speaking up about it.
Moreover, Mike loved and respected me for it. He thought a lot more of me, and eventually, he asked me to marry him. And the real kicker is that the first few times he asked, I said no because I wasn’t ready yet.
But he never gave up and eventually, I said yes.
3. Know Your Worth as a Woman:
Know your value. You are not free neither are you cheap.
There’s an old saying that was popular when I was growing up and it pertained to the attitudes of those who didn’t want the responsibility of marriage but wanted the perks of it:
“Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?”
Nothing is free. There’s always a price in some way, shape, or form.
If I perform the duties of a wife, then I’m damn sure going to have the title. If I’m going to wash some guy’s dirty underwear, clip his toenails, or wash his funky feet when he’s sick and cannot do it himself, you can believe I’m going to do it with a marriage certificate and a wedding band.
When two people are truly in love, the chances are high that they will marry.
Realize that you have value. If you want marriage and your boyfriend doesn’t want to step up to the plate after you’re together for a few years, then let him go.
It won’t be easy, but don’t be afraid to walk away if your guy isn’t emotionally mature enough for marriage. Then you can make room for a man who deserves you. Understand that you deserve to be a wife, not a forever girlfriend.
Know Your Worth as a Woman:
Don’t be afraid to walk away from emotionally immature partners.
Therefore, love yourself enough to walk away from a man of low quality. Value yourself enough to wait for a high-quality man who deserves you and who wants your hand in marriage. You’re worth it, don’t you think?
If you don’t learn to value and be true to yourself, how do you expect a potential partner to value and be true to you?
You value yourself by getting absolutely clear on what you will not settle for and what you won’t tolerate. Also, you value yourself by avoiding such partners who are known for cheating on their significant others.
You also value yourself by avoiding any toxic person, commanding respect, and being selective of friends and even choosier of dating and romantic partners.
Know that you deserve so much more. You deserve to be one and only in someone’s life and that should be non-negotiable. Anything less than that is unacceptable!
This post was all about what it means to know your worth as a woman so that you can start treating yourself better and going after what you know you deserve.
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5. Knowing Yourself: Why it’s the First Step in Building Confidence
I couldn’t agree more, great post!
A very fair share of advice by your grandmothers 👏👏👏
Thank you so much. 🙂
I had a lady from my congregation who when she was talking about a young lady and the man she chose, she said this “she married below herself”. In other words the young lady could have done better. I am not sure if I agreed with her or not. I probably just gave a nod without saying anything.
You did the right thing, Dwain. Whether what she said was true or not, sometimes it’s better to be silent and let them have their opinion.
Awesome post 🙂
Thank you so much! 😊 This means a lot! ❤
This is a truly great post Cherie and even as a man, I can take some things away from it;. Because of the bullying I suffered, I didn’t know my worth as a man. One of the reasons I joined the marines was because I wanted to make a ‘real man’ out of myself. On an amusing note, after the end of my first marriage, I said I didn’t want to get married again. However, after a long distance relationship with Mrs. 80smetalman, about the six month point, she proposed to me! Fortunately, I had the sense to say ‘yes.’
On another note, I should get my 20 year old step granddaughter to read this post. I think it might help her.
Thank you so much, Michael! And I can understand why you wouldn’t want to get married again after the first marriage ended. But I’m glad you found Mrs. 80’s metal man and that you’re still together after all these years. I hope you both had a wonderful Valentine’s Day!