4 Reasons Bullies Are Celebrated and Non-Bullies Hated

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Everywhere you go, be it the workplace, the school, the community, anywhere, it seems that the worst, most vile and nastiest people are celebrated and those who just want to live their lives in peace and go about their business are despised.

In a world that thrives mostly on smooth talk and appearances, authentic and good people are demonized by others because people see them as threats and feel they must contain threats. But allow me to break it down a little more.

1. The biggest reason bullies are celebrated, and mentally healthy people are hated is because people place their priorities on the wrong things- power, fame, sex, money, success, and good looks- things they feel would make them feel and seem more important.

Also, too many people think that strength is all about the ability to buffalo others and look tough. Granted, this may have been true back during the caveman days, but not today. Today, strength comes from social intelligence and the ability to keep quiet and listen. Strength comes from mental toughness, not physical.

Genuine strength comes from staying true to yourself and committing to the right thing in an environment of wrong. It’s staying kind and good when you’re surrounded by evil. True strength is standing up to power bullies when you feel at your weakest. It’s having the endurance to take life’s gut punches and having the resolve to get back up.

2. Another reason bullies are celebrated, and good people hated is because bullies are notorious for sucking-up to power in power to win favor and special treatment. Good don’t or won’t kiss booty to get ahead. They prefer to advance on their own merit. Good people are true to themselves and feel they don’t have to lick someone else’s boots to survive and thrive. They mind their own business and don’t get involved in cliques and social politics.

3. Bullies are well-known for making the good people with healthy minds look evil and mentally ill and they do it by provoking them into an argument. Bullies know better than to tell blatant lies, so they take a tiny grain of truth and embellish on it, adding their own personal spin to it and making things and people look worse than what they are. Make no mistake, bullies are good at distortions.

They are like magicians in that they create illusions that are believable. You’ve heard the term, “sleight of hand,” but bullies have a talent for, “sleight of word” – they’re the best wordsmiths in the business of bullying. For example, a good person can make an honest mistake and a bully will take it and make it look like the person didn’t do the thing by accident but deliberately. Bullies are experts and making simple mistakes look like evil sins punishable by death.

4. Again, good people are considered threatening in an environment of evil because they have a flare for exposing truths that bullies would move heaven and earth to keep hidden. Sometimes, these people, just by their authentic and down-to-earth personalities, can expose bullies and the bullies know it, so, they decide that it’s better to mob them (the authentic people) out before they bust them (the bullies) out.

Therefore, anytime you are faced with a bully, and you know you never did anything to provoke the person, it’s because of the four reasons above.

With knowledge comes empowerment!

72 thoughts on “4 Reasons Bullies Are Celebrated and Non-Bullies Hated

  1. Jim Wingrove says:

    You are totally right, as always, and sending good messages. I worry that, in the future, at least half the people we meet are going to be bullies. When I was a kid I bet it was only around 30 per cent. It’s the way society is going. But keep up the good work, because I’m probably wrong, as always…Hugs for you and this poor stupid world 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️

  2. geekwingchun says:

    “2. Another reason bullies are celebrated, and good people hated is because bullies are notorious for sucking-up to power in power to win favor and special treatment.”

    I always wondered why this happens in the workplace, where if some tattletale makes up a story (“Steve was on his email when he wasn’t on break!”), the supervisor believes them, but then won’t listen to the story of the accused. Now I know why, and it relates to the other article you wrote: people are lazy. By tattling on someone, that person is doing the supervisor’s job FOR them. However, if the accused tries to tell their side, and their side contradicts what was already heard…well, that is too much work for them to sort out. Easier to just tell the accused to shut up.

    “3. Bullies know better than to tell blatant lies, so they take a tiny grain of truth and embellish on it, adding their own personal spin to it and making things and people look worse than what they are.”

    I am going through this right now. Fortunately, the lies are being told to people who are smart enough to see right through them. (I don’t want to say too much “out loud” about that, for various reasons.)

  3. Riya says:

    hey cherie, your blogs focus on bullying is inspiring. Its really great to read you voicing against all the terrible things bullies put people through. I hope you keep writing and hope you realize how much your blog actually helps the readers!!

  4. Kym Gordon Moore says:

    Honey chile, I have to agree with you that bullies are like magicians in that they create illusions that are believable. Their dysfunction and deception never ceases to amaze me. SMH 🙄😱😣 Very good post girlfriend! 👏🏼🥳😁

  5. Sara Flower Kjeldsen says:

    #3 really resonates with me especially. I noticed once I really started focusing on reaching my goals, suddenly I was weird or crazy. Nobody has any issues with me when I was younger and cared more about pleasing people. It really is so true that the genuine people are often targeted by the insecure trying to look more important.

  6. euroktoo says:

    “Good people are considered threatening in an environment of evil because they have a flare for exposing truths that bullies would move heaven and earth to keep hidden…” Well ain’t that the truth!

    I tell the truth and that is why I was slandered so I would appear hostile when I spoke against your abuse and the unjustices of it all. My nickname is more valid than: I am the Keeper of Secrets- your dirty, despictable little secrets because you, BullyBoss- you pathetic little Ring Leader, shoved me outside the Circus Tent! I will find a platform, and I will be heard!

    Wow, the things you stir in me Cherie!

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